Oh God, please God, No!

Only the OP can request a tread be closed and eventhen, its at the descresion of the mods. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
translation: I am going to let this boy take his lumps for being that fucking stupid...

Given that is was 11:40 at night, I going to to place the "usual bet" that ExNYer was posting while intoxicated. Maybe he thought he was in the Men's Lounge.

I have no doubt he will man up and apologize for this gaffe if he smart.
I find it ironic that the OP has remained silent and gone deep. The longer he waits to offer a mea culpa the less it's going to be worth.
LazurusLong's Avatar
We should allow people to be hateful to an innocent person just because?

My dislike for what he had to say, is a lot different than his "dislike" for her. She didn't do anything to deserve any of this. He, on the other hand, obviously thought it would be cool to attack someone, who had done nothing to anyone. If you are calling our disdain for what he had to say, "prejudice", then I think you might have the definition confused with something else.

   [prej-uh-dis] Show IPA noun, verb, -diced, -dic·ing. noun 1. an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

2. any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.

3.unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group.

I think we all can understand what he meant by his post, so we have reason to feel the way we do.

I didn't even know he existed before he posted this..so my feeling about what he posted, can't be preconceived. They are based on the fact that he posted what he posted.

I think our opinions are far from unreasonable.

Originally Posted by Reese Foster
Reese, I guess it comes down to you cannot control others peoples actions, but you can control yours. You cannot stop someone from being hateful. You cannot make someone more lovable.

As for my business comment, that was directed towards DFWRaven, not providers in particular. His comment about NYers is not much different than what the OP did. Drop his post over at the NY ECCIE board and he'd most likely get a lashing too.

These situations do seem to bring the same providers to the table who like to vent as well.

Yeah, we all have opinion and lists. I've crossed off provider names on my list simply because of comments/opinions they have made here. I don't doubt I've been added to someones DNS list for the same reason. There is a difference between those two.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
you just showed a lack of tolerance by putting him on your DNS list.

I suppose the DNS list is for some other reason than safety? I'm curious about the criteria used for inclusion. Originally Posted by Tiger Woods
Im having a hard time seeing your point? I put guys on my DNS list for MANY reasons. If i prefer not to spend time with douche bags that is my right! Ladies have many reasons for putting men on their DNS lists... I use posting history as one of my screening tools and I am sure I am not the only one.

Do I care if you like bbw's? NO I dont... Do I care if you are a rude asshole who says mean and hurtful things about other women PUBLICLY? YES being that I am a woman I do. SHIT at least you could have the decency to attempt to hide it in the mens lounge or private tags!
Jason Gideon's Avatar
That's it. It's time to quit:


I don't know what has happened to this "hobby", but i just don't recognize it any more.

It's nothing like the good old early days of ASPD. Originally Posted by ExNYer
bojulay's Avatar
WOW you girls realy stick up for each other, thats way cool.

Bet she didn't get the same sisterhood consideration back in high school.

You gals rock.
Originally Posted by Jason Gideon

I'm not sure how this guy is any different from the girls who publicly post that they have a No Blacks Allowed policy.
Boltfan's Avatar
Just because we are on the anonymous interwebs doesn't excuse people from using some semblance of common courtesy. If you think you don't have to use common courtesy because it is anonymous that tells us something about you.
I find it ironic that the OP has remained silent and gone deep. The longer he waits to offer a mea culpa the less it's going to be worth. Originally Posted by txcwby6
Not everybody wastes ALL their time on here. Like I do

fancy, I hope you know I wasn't defending his post. I just think grabbing the pitchforks is a little bit of an overreaction. There's plenty of people on here that do a lot worse than saying something rude an hurtful. That being said, I can certainly understand why it has elicited such a strong emotional response.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Not everybody wastes ALL their time on here. Like I do

fancy, I hope you know I wasn't defending his post. I just think grabbing the pitchforks is a little bit of an overreaction. There's plenty of people on here that do a lot worse than saying something rude an hurtful. That being said, I can certainly understand why it has elicited such a strong emotional response. Originally Posted by TheBizz
Damn, you're right; I'll run out of pitchforks if I lob them at everyone who deserves a point made sharply on here. I need to save some, I suppose, but how to ration them?

No, Bizz, I didn't think you were defending his post. But as several people have pointed out, just because we're here under pseudonyms doesn't give us free reign to drop our humanity. We need to take a stand sometimes, even if it seems harsh. What is the quote by Edmund Burke? "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Tina Marie's Avatar
To the OP, we're all laughing at you!!!

BBW Katrina's Avatar
Big girls need love too! Don't hate.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-11-2011, 06:09 PM
We All Like Different Things.

There is an audience for EVERY show. If you are selling it, someone will buy it.

This hobby is big enough for us all to have our own little areas, groups, kinks, and cliques and not step on other people's toes.

Do you hear me sitting here calling out all the "phobes" who won't watch gay porn with me? I do get my panties in a wad when people have something shitty to say about TS and the more "taboo" aspects of this world. But, I also don't sit here and try to be malicious and hurtful in my opinions.

Everyone has the right to like or dislike something. I get angered when people do things to intentionally harm others.

ExNYr, I am appalled this comes from you. I had always looked up to you as a long time member in good standing.

PS: I am with Jules in the idea that I screen not only on "safety" reasons but attitude as well.(just as I am sure the guys do)