The Bomb Buried In Obamacare Explodes

AINSLEY EARHARDT is another hot fox news babe

and here's some more Fox News babes. and I continue posting Fox news babes all night. Originally Posted by kingorpawn
Fox News Ladies Morph. Roger Ailes is a genius
Naw, people were just terrified of McCain dying and Palin becoming President. Originally Posted by F-Sharp
I couldn't have put it better myself.

I don't know of any Hispanic that sees African-Americans as heroes or think they're cool. I find that amusing. They are at war with each other. Originally Posted by kingorpawn

So everytime I see a latino/latina driving around with the windows open listening to rap and wearing tatts and letting their pants drag down their knees like "Little Wayne" they're doing this because they don't look up to black rappers?

I know they don't like any real-life blacks that they encounter in the real world but they still have adopted their culture because people today are unable to reconcile the fantasy world of entertainment and sports with the real world they live in.

That's because people today live in a culture [American culture] which is in a SERIOUS CRISIS of values and identity and everyone's acting totally stupid because they're confused and have no REAL MORAL LEADERS TO LOOK UP TO ANYMORE.

And it's not just latinos/latinas that dislike blacks they meet in their real lives but love the ones they see in's a lot of other people too.
Obama will go down as the worst Pres. ever. the whole purpose of the law is to eradicate private health care by putting them out of business and force the citizens to turn to the govt. programs, then they will ration the coverage as they please. this is another of Obamas step to control all aspects of our lives. i'm sure most of you are too busy dealing with like to pay attention or be informed. the purpose of the Fast and Furious gun running plan was to plant as many guns as possible in the bad guys hands to give the govt reason to ban private ownership of firearms. Obama was voted in on emotion rather than rational thinking.
So everytime I see a latino/latina driving around with the windows open listening to rap and wearing tatts and letting their pants drag down their knees like "Little Wayne" they're doing this because they don't look up to black rappers?

I know they don't like any real-life blacks that they encounter in the real world but they still have adopted their culture because people today are unable to reconcile the fantasy world of entertainment and sports with the real world they live in.

That's because people today live in a culture [American culture] which is in a SERIOUS CRISIS of values and identity and everyone's acting totally stupid because they're confused and have no REAL MORAL LEADERS TO LOOK UP TO ANYMORE.

And it's not just latinos/latinas that dislike blacks they meet in their real lives but love the ones they see in's a lot of other people too. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
I never met a Hispanic that copies African-Americans or their culture.
I met a lot of them.
Listening to rap whether in Spanish or English or wearing tatts or
not picking up their pants has nothing to do with African-Americans.
I have a friend whose Hispanic that likes watching the longhorns play, but trashes African-Americans.
Obama will go down as the worst Pres. ever. the whole purpose of the law is to eradicate private health care by putting them out of business and force the citizens to turn to the govt. programs, then they will ration the coverage as they please. this is another of Obamas step to control all aspects of our lives. i'm sure most of you are too busy dealing with like to pay attention or be informed. the purpose of the Fast and Furious gun running plan was to plant as many guns as possible in the bad guys hands to give the govt reason to ban private ownership of firearms. Obama was voted in on emotion rather than rational thinking. Originally Posted by Txfishkiller
Whatever you say, Francis.

And incidentally, Obama, who you believe will go down as the worst President ever is currently tied at #14. Two points higher than John Adams, and one point higher than James Madison...but you probably didn't like them either.
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Wikipedia now there is a reliable source.LOL
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them..
>>> Thomas Jefferson
I have a friend whose Hispanic Originally Posted by kingorpawn
does he own several Hispanics, or just one?
does he own several Hispanics, or just one? Originally Posted by Billy_Saul
I'll ask him..
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them..
>>> Thomas Jefferson Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
I couldn't put it better myself. All people have to look at is Europe.
Some of the reasons Europe is falling apart is because of Socialism, low retirement age, government healthcare, etc.

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money" Margaret Thatcher.
I couldn't put it better myself. All people have to look at is Europe.
Some of the reasons Europe is falling apart is because of Socialism, low retirement age, government healthcare, etc.

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money" Margaret Thatcher. Originally Posted by kingorpawn

You couldn't be more wrong.

The strongest economies in the world are the mixed/socialist/capitalist economies of northern Europe including Germany, Poland, Norway, Finland, etc.

These northern European economies OUTPERFORM THE UNITED STATES BY EVERY MEASURE YEAR AFTER YEAR and do so without their governments "borrowing" [meaning the Fed creates out of thin air] most of the money they spend like the US does!

Today even Poland outperforms the US economy LOL!!!!

And they manage to do all this WITHOUT ANY ORGANIC GROWTH FROM POPULATION INCREASE like the US does.

Only the economies of southern Europe like Spain, Italy and Greece have gotten into trouble....and do you know why????


In purely economic terms it doesn't matter what benefits a government grants to it's citizens as long as they pony up the revenues to pay for it. Government spending is just as stimulative [if not more so] than any other kind, and taxes DO NOT hamper economic investment as is widely and falsely claimed.

Any economy [like our's] will have trouble if they refuse to cover their expenses with taxes.

The MAJORITY of the American people want all these benefits, corporate subsidies, wars, airport security that costs 8 billion dollars a year, etc....BUT REFUSES TO PAY FOR ANY OF IT.*

*The TSA spends over 8 billion a year on almost 50,000 employees with over 300 administrators making over $100K yearly and have never caught a single terrorist. That's the American system today.

Margaret Thatcher is today one of the most reviled and discredited hags of the European scene. She was really a nasty character, and typical of the idiots the English system contains [which is a whole lot like ours because we inherited their social philosophy].

The reason why the northern Europeans outperform everyone else is because they have a SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY and CIVIC CULTURE which is the opposite of the ENGLISH/AMERICAN system.

In northern Europe people don't cheat, steal, or exploit each other. They are very united, and when they pay taxes, employ each other for work, invest in businesses, etc....IT'S IN GOOD FAITH AND FOR A COMMON GOAL OF INCREASING THE WEALTH OF EVERYONE ELSE.

In the UK/US it's a jungle of elites and robber barrons exploiting the workers, who then get fed up and strike back with all kinds of frauds and corrupt systems of their own.

Hardly makes for progress....
You couldn't be more wrong.

The strongest economies in the world are the mixed/socialist/capitalist economies of northern Europe including Germany, Poland, Norway, Finland, etc.

These northern European economies OUTPERFORM THE UNITED STATES BY EVERY MEASURE YEAR AFTER YEAR and do so without their governments "borrowing" [meaning the Fed creates out of thin air] most of the money they spend like the US does!

Today even Poland outperforms the US economy LOL!!!!

And they manage to do all this WITHOUT ANY ORGANIC GROWTH FROM POPULATION INCREASE like the US does.

Only the economies of southern Europe like Spain, Italy and Greece have gotten into trouble....and do you know why????


In purely economic terms it doesn't matter what benefits a government grants to it's citizens as long as they pony up the revenues to pay for it. Government spending is just as stimulative [if not more so] than any other kind, and taxes DO NOT hamper economic investment as is widely and falsely claimed.

Any economy [like our's] will have trouble if they refuse to cover their expenses with taxes.

The MAJORITY of the American people want all these benefits, corporate subsidies, wars, airport security that costs 8 billion dollars a year, etc....BUT REFUSES TO PAY FOR ANY OF IT.*

*The TSA spends over 8 billion a year on almost 50,000 employees with over 300 administrators making over $100K yearly and have never caught a single terrorist. That's the American system today.

Margaret Thatcher is today one of the most reviled and discredited hags of the European scene. She was really a nasty character, and typical of the idiots the English system contains [which is a whole lot like ours because we inherited their social philosophy].

The reason why the northern Europeans outperform everyone else is because they have a SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY and CIVIC CULTURE which is the opposite of the ENGLISH/AMERICAN system.

In northern Europe people don't cheat, steal, or exploit each other. They are very united, and when they pay taxes, employ each other for work, invest in businesses, etc....IT'S IN GOOD FAITH AND FOR A COMMON GOAL OF INCREASING THE WEALTH OF EVERYONE ELSE.

In the UK/US it's a jungle of elites and robber barrons exploiting the workers, who then get fed up and strike back with all kinds of frauds and corrupt systems of their own.

Hardly makes for progress.... Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
What a bunch of baloney. You are way out of line. The only thing I see in Europe that is outpacing the US is the K-12 educational system. I think teachers unions fall into some of your categories 'elites' and so do other unions. Europeans don't want to work. They protest because European govts are increasing their retirement age. That's why they are broke. I think if the US continues in this path and follows Obama's socialist agenda the US will become nothing more than another welfare state and over time probably within 50 yrs we will become another Mexico. The dollar will decline and poverty will spread throughout the country. Our military and economic strength would decline and the only thing that would keep the next great power from invading us would probably be because we still have nukes. I believe the only reason we are still strong is because of our diversity. But other countries are catching up, look at China. Russia might rise again too. Most of what you stated could come true in about 40-50 yrs.

You would probably be happy because you will get more chicks for agency since more and more women would become prostitutes to survive since there would be very few jobs. Of course, you will be a very old man; Although, is unlikely any of us will still be around by then.

My 2 pennies.
What a bunch of baloney.

You would probably be happy because you will get more chicks for agency since more and more women would become prostitutes to survive since there would be very few jobs.

Originally Posted by kingorpawn

Refering to any provider on this board in such terms reflects you're level of contempt for all providers.

Anyone who refers to any female provider here using that term should be banned.

That means you.

Of course you never did anything to refute my observation that the economies of countries like Norway, Germany and Poland are outperforming the US economy.....because they are.
Refering to any provider on this board in such terms reflects you're level of contempt for all providers.

Anyone who refers to any female provider here using that term should be banned.

That means you.

Of course you never did anything to refute my observation that the economies of countries like Norway, Germany and Poland are outperforming the US economy.....because they are. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
I think the things I've heard you've done are worst then anything I've ever said. There not. You can't compare the countries just by their economies, you have to look at population size and other things. For example, China might surpass the US economy in a few years, but they don't have the social programs we do like food stamps, welfare, etc. They don't spend money to protect their environment like we do. China starts doing those things and their economy will slow down.