The "Race Factor" from a Provider's perspective

Soonerman12's Avatar
"Let me take my time and enter this thread and show you what I know and go out my way to put you in your place and in the process put down eccie/hookerboard men and uplift client/God's blessed men"

Low level chicks get passed around and discussed about.

High level chicks get done on the low.

When it's about the pussy I'm going to give my guys intel on the $150 hoe so they can chime in and we all be boys about the shit.

When it comes to my high priced hoe, that's my money, that shit is getting kept to myself. The more money you spend on a chick the more you respect her and your time together. Thus the less need to "fuck and tell".

I've been plotting on a $600-$1400 type of chick for the longest and believe me NONE of the shit we will do will go on these messageboards.

Soonerman was discrete in his shit also. He didn't mention a name and he's weary about whether the chick will do this or that. She's probably in the intermediary range between umm.."provider" and "companion" (since we're differentiating based on class). The chick is probably at $300/hr and coule either tip one way or the other. If she has all the stuff he likes, she tips forward to 'companion' level. his secret little thrill.

Stop jumping in here judging people. Originally Posted by John Peace

You are very correct.. And you see, someone who has an understanding and experience within the business world could read through what I said quite quickly just as I could with that person.
Where's the facepalm smiley?

Elle, I'll respond to your message in few Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
My bad, Zarah. I haven't quite gotten the smiley thing down. I mean, I've NEVER seen so many emoticons in MY LIFE, and I'm a serial texter, lol.

P.S. Thanks a lot.
Naomi4u's Avatar
That's why you see so many successful girls here who are under 25. Originally Posted by Soonerman12
And I'm one of those ladies, At 22.
And please let me also add that you do not know what
I know. I know a lot. You only know what I post here and do not know me
or anyone else here to make the statements you have spewed out.

"Let me take my time and enter this thread and show you what I know and go out my way to put you in your place and in the process put down eccie/hookerboard men and uplift client/God's blessed men"

Low level chicks get passed around and discussed about.

High level chicks get done on the low.

When it's about the pussy I'm going to give my guys intel on the $150 hoe so they can chime in and we all be boys about the shit.

When it comes to my high priced hoe, that's my money, that shit is getting kept to myself. The more money you spend on a chick the more you respect her and your time together. Thus the less need to "fuck and tell".

I've been plotting on a $600-$1400 type of chick for the longest and believe me NONE of the shit we will do will go on these messageboards. Originally Posted by John Peace
Very good points made. One thing that I have learned in my short time in the hobby is that most of more affluent gentlemen tend to be quiet about the affairs that matter most to them. I've had plenty of dates with plenty of high paying clients who found my ad but were not members of discussion forums and had never even HEARD of that other big review site. I've also had the privilege of meeting an affluent client that is seemingly ADDICTED to a certain forum, but was totally against leaving his own review of me.
Naomi4u's Avatar
"Let me take my time and enter this thread and show you what I know and go out my way to put you in your place and in the process put down eccie/hookerboard men and uplift client/God's blessed men"

Low level chicks get passed around and discussed about.

High level chicks get done on the low.

When it's about the pussy I'm going to give my guys intel on the $150 hoe so they can chime in and we all be boys about the shit.

When it comes to my high priced hoe, that's my money, that shit is getting kept to myself. The more money you spend on a chick the more you respect her and your time together. Thus the less need to "fuck and tell".

I've been plotting on a $600-$1400 type of chick for the longest and believe me NONE of the shit we will do will go on these messageboards.

Soonerman was discrete in his shit also. He didn't mention a name and he's weary about whether the chick will do this or that. She's probably in the intermediary range between umm.."provider" and "companion" (since we're differentiating based on class). The chick is probably at $300/hr and coule either tip one way or the other. If she has all the stuff he likes, she tips forward to 'companion' level - his secret little thrill. If she's average, then he's going to let others know of the average expierence and let them know what they're getting into.

The term "client" relates to a 'repeated customer'.

Stop jumping in here judging people. Originally Posted by John Peace
Naomi4u's Avatar
Zarah, you haven't been in enough negotiations with people who control money to be able to tell. I'm not saying that all guys are rich here. This board resembles the population with gentlemen in income brackets.

But.. there are affluent men here. And some of them are posters. I can think of 5 of them right now who are doing very well though they've never stated how much they make or that they are affluent. Their responses to certain issues show me that they've had experience with running a business. Originally Posted by Soonerman12
This tops the list for the biggest crock of shit I have ever read.

As a provider, I do not go about fishing for clients. My clients come to me. I do not have to look for anything. I post an ad, write a blog and the emails pour in. My job is not to read minds and posts to determine who has money or not - I simply DO NOT care. You got it all wrong buddy.

I am not a stripper. I am not walking around the room half naked seducing guys to book me. My website/the marketing I have in place does that on it's own 24/7. In other words, the wonderful men here on eccie are not my client base. I come here to share my views and nothing more.

I may not have had my own business prior to being a provider but I have ran a business and I do have a degree in Marketing and Advertising. Your post is just a major fail. John is pretty much spot on. Stop spewing out what you think and post more what you know to be 100% fact. Please! Do us all that small favor.

Your views are based on conjecture and not facts. Seriously. Stop. It's annoying.

As Jenny Demillo says:
A hobbyist loves to tell hookers how to run their business as if someone who shells out cash for sex knows what its like to be on the other side of the fence. They dont, but they will tell you how to do everything from to market your business to how to suck a dick. Seriously they will.

There is a reason why I posted the link in the first place. A lot of you here (In this case, Soonerman) are simply CLUELESS!
No offense Sir but you sound ridiculous.
This tops the list for the biggest crock of shit I have ever read.

As a provider, I do not go about fishing for clients. My clients come to me. I do not have to look for anything. I post an ad, write a blog and the emails pour in. My job is not to read minds and posts to determine who has money or not - I simply DO NOT care. You got it all wrong buddy.

I am not a stripper. I am not walking around the room half naked seducing guys to book me. My website/the marketing I have in place does that on it's own 24/7. In other words, the wonderful men here on eccie are not my client base. I come here to share my views and nothing more.

I may not have had my own business prior to being a provider but I have ran a business and I do have a degree in Marketing and Advertising. Your post is just a major fail. John is pretty much spot on. Stop spewing out what you think and post more what you know to be 100% fact. Please! Do us all that small favor. Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
You just proved everything he said correct.

We all know you do not need to negotiate and it can be brought into question whether or not you have experience doing it.

That's his point exactly. You're in a hot market and you're the seller.

A lot of these business men on this forum - let's just some are real estate agents looking to land a commission check of let's say $9,000 on a property.

While you have perfected your craft and can post enough ads, do your job and get $9,000. Some of these guys have to do a lot of bargaining, negotiating, presentations, time wasting tours, phone calls, loan negotiating, working broker relationships, etc.. to get that $9,000.

The process to which they get their 9k involves a lot more business skillset than you use on a normal basis.

The american dream is to own your own business and have the business be able to sell itself.

You majored in marketing/advertising? Ok. Step away from the hobby and enter the field of marketing and advertising for a small up and coming clinic in a booming city like New York. See if it's the same as advertising those sexy lips of yours as a DFK machine. Tell me the difference.
^Zarah I read what you post religiously. I love it. :]
Randall Creed's Avatar
I wat'un gone say nuthin' an all, but since Lisa wanted to hear from me so bad and shit, and she know she want me to hit it but she ACK like she don't want me to hit it and all that, I figure what the hell.

Personally I think it's a BULLSHIT. There's no 'white' rate, 'black' rate, or even a Latina rate or Asian rate. Rates should be based on HOW MF'IN FINE she is. Level of FINE differs from girl to girl, not race to race. If I see the pics and think to myself, "DAAAAAAMN! I gotta hit that! Hell yeah!"

It is what it is. Now, I will say this. Black women in the hobby AS A WHOLE, could do a little a better to market themselves. I don't mean just putting up a nice website that says you're sophisticated and classy. Doing that is fine, but not JUST doing that. Women, and particularly BLACK WOMEN, I think need to watch their weight more in the hobby. If you want white guys with a lot of money to spend it on you, then you need to 'cater' to their ummmm, ideal woman. I'm not saying you need to be skinny. I'm just saying you probably don't need to be weighing 160lbs. Don't get me wrong. That's a fine weight for me, if I'm meeting you at the club and trying to get at you as opposed to paying an hourly rate to see you. It helps if the body is of a 'desirable' figure. Most men like the hourglassy stuff, but within a weight limit. I know everbody can't weigh 120, but a nicely packaged, TONED 140, I think a lot of guys can workw with that. Of course, this all varies from hobbyist to hobbyist. The point I'm trying to make is, guys want to spend their money on visually appealing women, and BLACK WOMEN, AS A WHOLE, DON'T WORK HARD ENOUGH AT THIS.

Get in the gyms, run around the block, get those bodies right. Nothing's more appealing to the eye than a chocolate, athletic body. Think about those African art, Queen of the Mother Earth pictures. A mouthwatering body can COMMAND higher rates, regardless of ethnicity.
Naomi4u's Avatar

You majored in marketing/advertising? Ok. Step away from the hobby and enter the field of marketing and advertising for a small up and coming clinic in a booming city like New York. See if it's the same as advertising those sexy lips of yours as a DFK machine. Tell me the difference. Originally Posted by John Peace
I'll let you slide on that one.
Do me a favor and stay out of this. lol
Naomi4u's Avatar
I wat'un gone say nuthin' an all, but since Lisa wanted to hear from me so bad and shit, and she know she want me to hit it but she ACK like she don't want me to hit it and all that, I figure what the hell.

Personally I think it's a BULLSHIT. There's no 'white' rate, 'black' rate, or even a Latina rate or Asian rate. Rates should be based on HOW MF'IN FINE she is. Level of FINE differs from girl to girl, not race to race. If I see the pics and think to myself, "DAAAAAAMN! I gotta hit that! Hell yeah!"

It is what it is. Now, I will say this. Black women in the hobby AS A WHOLE, could do a little a better to market themselves. I don't mean just putting up a nice website that says you're sophisticated and classy. Doing that is fine, but not JUST doing that. Women, and particularly BLACK WOMEN, I think need to watch their weight more in the hobby. If you want white guys with a lot of money to spend it on you, then you need to 'cater' to their ummmm, ideal woman. I'm not saying you need to be skinny. I'm just saying you probably don't need to be weighing 160lbs. Don't get me wrong. That's a fine weight for me, if I'm meeting you at the club and trying to get at you as opposed to paying an hourly rate to see you. It helps if the body is of a 'desirable' figure. Most men like the hourglassy stuff, but within a weight limit. I know everbody can't weigh 120, but a nicely packaged, TONED 140, I think a lot of guys can workw with that. Of course, this all varies from hobbyist to hobbyist. The point I'm trying to make is, guys want to spend their money on visually appealing women, and BLACK WOMEN, AS A WHOLE, DON'T WORK HARD ENOUGH AT THIS.

Get in the gyms, run around the block, get those bodies right. Nothing's more appealing to the eye than a chocolate, athletic body. Think about those African art, Queen of the Mother Earth pictures. A mouthwatering body can COMMAND higher rates, regardless of ethnicity. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
100% agree with Rambro for the first time.
One can read my T*R reviews and see that I am not just all talk.
I talk the talk but I also walk the walk and damn proud of it.

Naomi4u's Avatar
^Zarah I read what you post religiously. I love it. :] Originally Posted by Liliana
Thank you!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Coefficent? Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
Zarah I'd waste up a lot of my money paying to tongue kiss you and run low on funds to invest in a small up and coming clinic in New York.

That's how powerful sex sells. It's a mutherfucker and I encourage you Zarah to get ALL THE MONEY you can while you're young. Stack that shit up and be a power player in life. You already got something good going keep the train running.
Randall Creed's Avatar
So, you agree that Lisa wants me?