Dating a provider or hobbiest

Gosh, what made you think that was directed at you? I am sure the messages are still in circulation in their original form if anyone is interested, but I doubt it. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I know what's directed at me, as do other people here that are constantly the victims of your immaturity. You're not exactly cryptic.

Bring the messages out. I remember everything that was said. I said the special was over. He wanted to argue about it. I didn't. The end.
London Rayne's Avatar
Staff edit, forbidden topic, CC? You really want to go there hon...bring it! Lets not and just say we did, huh?

As for what specials you run, I don't give a fk. I didn't say your busted yourself on that one but I will be sure and see if I can get those copies...of YOU begging someone to see you, then getting all butt hurt when he did not want to pay YOUR full rate lol.
Gosh, what made you think that was directed at you? I am sure the messages are still in circulation in their original form if anyone is interested, but I doubt it. The person I am talking about SOLICITED the hobbyist via message and asked him, "Why have you never seen me?" Pretty fkin pathetic if you ask me. A successful hooker would never have to go through such to get business. She would also not have to offer a discount to a guy that needed a ref from her either, but I digress. I guess times are tough for some.

I will take em short fact, I insist. I am not the grand canyon like some lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Ha! The only reason I asked why he had not seen me was because he had been making comments in all my reviews indicating that he wanted to do so...and then he also referred to me as the "hottest escort in the state." It wasn't exactly a secret that he was interested.

I do just fine, Hun. I don't need to drum up business.

You may not be as big as the Grand Canyon on the inside, but I've heard your outward physique is almost as sizable. From more than one source. Is that why you don't use real pictures?
London Rayne's Avatar
That's funny because I always thought that was the young girl...Baby Dallas? You know, yet ANOTHER YOUNGER GIRL you had to bash in the AR. forums? Starting to be a trend isin't it?

Ohhh good save lol. I guess I will start sending every guy a message when he comments on my reviews and ask him to see me lol.

Here's a clue dear..if anyone was THAT interested, he would not beg you for a freaking discount when as you said, he shucked out thousands to other girls. Nuff said.

Pictures really? Can you not do better than that honey. I have over 150 reviews from outside of freaking Arkansas and only one said anything about my weight. YES, I did gain some weight in grad least I have a fkin brain and a degree to show for it. I also lost that weight in a month after I saw the 115 lb. loser who made the comments. The MOST I have ever weighed is 135...ever, and I am 120 now. You must really think a lot of women are fat on here don't ya if 120 is what you call big lol.

I really don't much care honey. I make twice what the going rate is in most places I tour and I don't have to put down all the other girls who are younger and prettier than me to get business...and you were saying? Ha, yea.

With all the loose skin and stretch marks you photoshop from your 100 lb. loss, I would not be talking about another girl's body love...really.

Staff edit, forbidden topic CC

Now, do you really want to go tit for tat here braniac? I don't much care if I get banned again but we know that would kill your azz.

Thancks and goodnight.
That's funny because I always thought that was the young girl...Baby Dallas? You know, yet ANOTHER YOUNGER GIRL you had to bash in the AR. forums? Starting to be a trend isin't it?

Ohhh good save lol. I guess I will start sending every guy a message when he comments on my reviews and ask him to see me lol.

Here's a clue dear..if anyone was THAT interested, he would not beg you for a freaking discount when as you said, he shucked out thousands to other girls. Nuff said. Thancks and goodnight. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Who can say why some guys are spendy with some, yet cheap with others. All I know is that I won't tolerate it.

As far as the BabyDallas thing...I think you've got me mixed up with someone else. I actually tried to help her...took her on tour, taught her to screen, etc. I tried to help her until I realized that she was incapable of refraining from immature, public drama and that her behavior would eventually affect other's opinions of me.

It's great that you're advocating her. You two have a lot in common.
NegroDeSangue's Avatar
Wow, this was interesting. I think I enjoyed reading every posts here. Do I want to post an opinion? Sure I do.

Everyone one is human. I'll date a provider while she continues to provide. I'm not a jealous guy, never have been. I also have a philosophy of freedom. I am however very practiced in monogamy. It took me over a decade to begin to look outside of my marriage. When I find a provider that I like, she usually is the only one that I do business with, unless I ask her to bring in a partner, then it became a threesome but that's rare.

I don't mind being with a woman who is providing as long as she is emotionally honest and loyal to me. She can screw whomever she wants, it's her body. I've done traditional monogamy and it doesn't work for me. I need to feel freedom without punishment and I expect the same to all whom I am with. Having the door open makes the relationship feel less suffocating and time spent more gratifying for me. Even the drama can be managed as long as I feel that I'm not trapped. Marriage and traditional relationships is a trap IMO. So the answer to the question is yes, I could date or be a life partner to a provider.

I guess I want something pseudo monogamous, ie: threesomes, whether she brings a guy or I bring a girl. Honesty, loyalty and love is what's most important to me and I don't need to own the girl and have her make some unreasonable commitment of eternal and complete physical forsaking of all others to have it. It's damn hard to find, but when I do find it, I'm going to hold on to it.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Tisk, tisk "ladies"

Lots of mail just went out.
Still Looking's Avatar
......and this is why I will not let ATF'S meet each other!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Talk about a thread derailment.

Damn I guess I went to bed too early and missed all the drama.