which I could do a strikethrough. doesn't work here tho.What is a strikethrough?
[strike]WTF[/strike] Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

This thread is about Obama's arrogance and hypocrisy. Perhaps you should read it again, since you missed that point the first time. The cartoon is not so much about the President's use of Air Force One, so much as it's a criticism of his arrogance in demanding CEOs not use their corporate jets while he is jetting about on Air Force One. Plus, name one other president that preached Americans should not to go to Las Vegas, but rather should practice austerity and visit less "exotic" locales, e.g., Obama warned families against gambling away college tuition: "You don't blow a bunch of cash in Vegas when you're trying to save for college." Meanwhile, he flies to Hawaii multiple times at enormous cost to the American taxpayers. For these reasons, and the reasons previously enumerated in this thread, Obama remains a lying, hypocritical sack of shit!I understand the cartoon just fine. Unfortunately they picked the one person (President of the United States) who can say that. Like I said, how would you have him travel? CEOs can fly commercial. I can also say that if the President can't be arrogant, who can? Newt? Herman?Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I understand the cartoon just fine. Unfortunately they picked the one person (President of the United States) who can say that. Like I said, how would you have him travel? CEOs can fly commercial. I can also say that if the President can't be arrogant, who can? Newt? Herman?The Anointed One's comments were derisive in nature. Perhaps you were taking siestas, because he repeated his derisive remarks scores of times over the course of several weeks. http://www.generalaviationnews.com/2011/10/06/obamas-attacks-on-fat-cats-hurt-workers/ Did he demand that the CEOs shouldn't fly in corporate jets? Not in so many words, but he more than insinuated they were parasitic leeches if they did; meanwhile, it's off to Hawaii at public expense in Air Force One. What's wrong with Chicago? Why can't the Anointed One practice some of that austerity his preaching to others? You know, lead by example. After all, he lived in Chicago longer than he did anywhere else? BTW, you jumped right over the initial post and the main subject of this thread.
Have you got a link to him demanding they not use their jets? All I've found is increased costs and taxes.
So are you ever going to spread the love around and talk about any conservative, lying, hypocritical pieces of shit? Arrogance can be optional. Laz pointed out that to be credible, both parties and political philosophies should be represented.
Without balance, this seems like a rant.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman