You really are reaching to make a non point.
In your link, Santorum is just saying what many others also affirm; that is historically our rights in the Constituion come from God, not Government. You are truly a fantic to then query "so all other religions on the planet are what? Santorium was talking about our historical orgins. Santorum isn't against the other world religions. Can you provide a link to statements otherwise? No. You are just jumping to baseless conclusions - again.
If you think that religious institutions and values are not under attack from the left (Gay Groups included) you are out of touch.
Believe it or not, but Santorum is right. Life should be protected. No exception.
Do you not agree that life should be protected?
- Not just any God, but the God of Abraham and Jacob. So all the other religions on the planet are just what? Ineffective? Their God(s) aren’t worth following? Well they are to about two-thirds of the world.
- Gay marriage will undermine the family and attack the religious liberty in this country. That’s a direct quote
- The exception for rape should not be in the law. Really?
- We’re bankrupt morally if we allow rapists to walk free and innocent children to be murdered.
- Really, seriously, you don’t think this guy is a religious zealot! Well if he isn’t, I don’t know who is. What do you think that people have to have snakes draped around their neck while they preach to be a rabid religious lunatics? Whew God help us. That is MY God, NOT Rick Santorims’ Gods. I don’t need help from any God or Gods he would worship.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward