If the Signature line area was filtered out of Provider Posts in all but AD Forums.... Do you thing they would post the same?

Ms.Francesca you are taking this to personal, the thread was aimed at a selected group of which you are not in. If your signature line doesn't advertise, and you don't use it in that fashion, then your post are contributing vs. advertising !
sixxbach's Avatar
. I am not just a female body that is on this earth for the sole purpose of satisfying the sexual needs of men.

I agree with that 100%

As long as I (or who ever) makes $ from this board, you guys will never see them as having any other value on this board than providing.

Sad, but I finally realize it is true. Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
What is wrong with that? Who you are on the boards and are outside of it are two different things IMO....

Whispers's Avatar
Whispers, this is what truly baffles me.

..... As long as I (or who ever) makes $ from this board, you guys will never see them as having any other value on this board than providing.

Sad, but I finally realize it is true. Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
Not true.

I see value in you as well as many of the ladies for their contributions and interactions with members on a variety of subjects.....

I just think Ads should stay where intended and ladies Sig Lines should be filtered out in other than ad sections and ISOs.

It's never happening so we will have a discussion here and there about it for years to come.

I stay out of most subjects started by ladies but find a few either interesting enough to offer an opinion or entertaining enough to join in.

After all... I'm a funny guy....

I'm pretty vocal about what I don't care for which you can sum up as Don't Tell the Guys HOW they have to go about spending their money or HOW they need to be willing to jump through all your hoops like trained dogs at a circus.