Texas Warrant Roundup? What the fuck?

stikiwikit, no they can't just "take your stuff" without a court order. But if they bust you on a warrant roundup (they usually come around the end of the first and third quarter) and you say "fuck you, I'm not paying" "they" can seize enough shit to pay for your fines and interest and court costs. And the fines and court costs for your contempt of court charge. Oh, sometimes they'll also bust you (if you act like an asshole) for "evading". Which is usually a felony. My brother got nailed in one of those. You can't hit a parked car and drive off. With a security camera getting the whole thing. Nor can you ignore your court date(s). He was polite, spent a night in jail and was released on bail that was three times what he owed. (BTW, very few bondsman will pony up for anybody who's had his bail revoked)