Your post always interest me, I am starting to believe you cannot be like this in person.....I mean, I bet even though you write some depressing stuff, I really believe you are sitting behind your computer laughing at what you write.
So, how much would you expect to pay for giving a girl orgasm, I mean like, what would you do if you didn't give her four orgasm, like Mr.Hobby did.....
As far the question, you know I think some men do not read that "discount fee box", its small, and I think most people look right over it.
Unfortunately, only on the boards. In person, I'm a quiet old man, easily pleased.
Sometimes, I wish the fee was based on any of the following units: by the pop, by the inch, by the condom. Maybe the fee could be reduced by the number of Os the lady has.
Time seems to be such a random choice. If it's by the pop, I could be done in 15 minutes: 5 for chit chat, 5 to get undressed and pop, and 5 to clean up and get dressed.
Maybe that's a fee that could go in the bio.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005