Fellas: She's your type! Why wouldn't you see her?

  • GNG
  • 03-22-2012, 08:07 AM
1. Drama (real)
2. Drama (perceived)
3. Hints of management/evidence of management
4. Price (be realistic; I'll pay what the market will bear, but I will not buckle to your GPS)
5. Restrictive menu (CBJ, non-GFE, etc)
6. Overall attitude (if a number of guys tell me that a provider has wild mood swings, I'll pass)
Traveler63's Avatar
In a different sort of vein, if you asked me why I pick one lady over another based on an "ad" (webpage, P411, Showcase, etc.) assuming all the basic criteria is met ($'s, activities, reviews, location), there are a couple of things that I look at.

- Pictures - While I like to look at the professional pictures that are posted they often do really measure up to what the lady looks like when you meet her at the door. So my advice would be to slide in a couple of good quality amateur photes. Ones that more closely match what you look like when we meet.

- Content - Don't give me the "I am amazing and will do anything you want" stuff. Believe it or not some of us actually read the text of what you put in those "ads". Make it personal and something that differentiates you from the other ladies. It gives me a glimpse into the personality.

- For me anyway, it is all about the fantasy. For the time we are together, I don't think of this as purely physical and mechanical activity. The sessions I like the best are the ones that best mimic a real date. They are personal and I want to believe that you are totally in to me and would pick me out of a bar full of people. Like I said, it is all about the fantasy. Your "ad's" should reflect this fantasy.
Tex Bear's Avatar
I stepped away from this hobby a couple of years ago and I am just now reinvestigating the options. My reason was due to all of the craziness that goes on in writings/reviews/vents that get posted here. I don't have time for that so if you want to attract me, solve your problems personally, not here publicly!!

You want to "hook" me? Be honest,intelligent, literate, confident and make me want you!!
txhunter56's Avatar
Lots of reasons:

Work and business travel
Prior date commitments
Repeating with other providers (see prior date commitment above)
Bucket list
Other hobbies ( yes I have other hobbies)
Management (known or perceived)
Lack of TCB skills

Guess that is enough for now. Lol
well ill just comment for eccie women

1. Price
2. Performance
3. Reviews
I need same day (or less) scheduling in most cases. I understand that just won't work for many of the ladies. As a result I have a very long to-do list that I rarely get to.
Chevalier's Avatar
Fellas: She's your type! Why wouldn't you see her? Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Whether a lady was my "type" encompassed not only physical appearance but also personality, intelligence, professionalism, general compatibility, sexual style, attitude toward opinionated curmudgeons, maturity, etc. It often took a long time to even determine whether a lady probably was my type. (And even then I got it wrong sometimes.)

Further delay was usually a matter of convenience: outcall only, too far away, schedule incompatible with mine, requiring more than P411 and references for screening, etc. Price was rarely a significant factor. And sometimes P4P was just not a high priority; it's a luxury, not a necessity, after all. (In one case, there was a longer-than-usual delay to make sure I'd given the lady plenty of time to get over being mad at me. )


This question seems geared toward the "kid in a candystore/let's maximize the number of notches on the bedpost" mentality, where the client would normally try to see most ladies who are his type unless there's some specific reason not to. (Nothing wrong with that mentality; that probably described me several years ago.) Those who tended to just see a few regulars/favorites might require some reason to prefer seeing the new lady over seeing a regular/favorite, rather than just the absence of any negative factors. For clients like that, it's not so much a question of "why wouldn't you see her?"; it's more likely "why would you?" But that would be hijacking this thread.
1) Price. There is a provider in Dallas that I've seen twice and probably one of the best experiences I've ever had (looks + skills) but just too costly. I'm very much able to afford it but for an hour of time it's just worth it.
2) Drama
3) Management.
4) And here's where I"ll break from most of the others. A too non-restrictive menu. If she's cool with BB and tons of other risky behavior I'm out. I don't want to die doing this and chances are if she's doing that stuff it's just a matter of time. Even if I am careful (which I always am) but accidents can happen and I choose to mitigate my risk.
5) Mood. Sometime I want thick, sometime I want thin, sometime I want whatever but not the next day.
If she's really "my type", lack of incall will stop me. A lot of the other stuff (bad reviews, idiotic posts, drama of any kind, age) make her NOT my type anyway so why pursue it or waste time waiting for it to get better.

This is about a lot more than "I'd hit that", at least as far as I'm concerned anyway.
LucadeJure's Avatar
I like that this question originates from a Provider, its market research of the general target demographic. Here are my reasons for deletions from my favorites list.
· Creates drama of any sort; real or perceived. When I want that crap back in my life I’ll find a GF or get married again.
· ECCIE presence but no P411 account.
· Rudeness in personal communications with me.
· Incall is notel/hotel/motel and doesn’t outcall.
· Flagrant “Golden Pussy Syndrome”.
· Doesn’t play well with others in ECCIE Chat nor in forum posts and responses.
· Blatant indications of management, male or female.
· List of activities enjoyed (for which no money is exchanged) doesn’t match my list.
But, the number one reason I haven’t pulled the trigger on any lady that is exactly my type is that I’m so damn shy.
TinMan's Avatar
Location and short-notice availability. Since I'm not in the hooker haven of N Dallas, that is a difficult combination to find.

There is a recently retired cute little blond that moved near my office not long after I met her. I found myself at her place quite frequently over a six month period, since she was often alone with nothing on her calendar. Damn, I miss her....
Wow, thank you for the responses, fellas. Some of you guys continue to amaze me with your answers. This is the stuff that ladies need to see. Some would be surprised to know that some of you put just this much thought into meeting them, so hopefully they put just as much thought into meeting you.

1CG, you offer a very unique perspective on the feeling behind meeting ladies. Traveler 63, you seem so ideal, and I really appreciate your response. And Chevalier, darling I've missed you!!

@ Mr. Luca, you have GOT to explain 'FLAGRANT GPS' to me... and now they're making it harder to get P411 for new ladies. If you don't have reviews or haven't met a gent who has more than 5 Okays, a lady can be sans P411 until that happens.

For the gents who can't pre-book, what about pre-screening? You might get lucky...

Again, thank you very much for your responses.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Excellent thread.

Most of the good reasons have been hit already. I'll see if I can add something of substance here.

Price: I hate to keep harping on it, but it IS an overwhelming factor. Everything costs more these days, and guys have a small hobby overhead (I know ladies have their overhead as well).

List/quality of services: This ties into price a bit. I think in some semblance most guys will agree when I say if a lady's rates are in the 2's, particularly the mid to high end of the 2's, then she needs to outgrow her CBJ'ism. When you start charging 'grown woman' rates, then your services should reciprocate.

Location: I say this based on life before moving into the boonies. I've driven from one end of the metro to the other to see someone, so traveling is no real issue in that respect. Now that I live a few states away from Dallas, it's really the FIRST reason why I don't see who I want to see nowadays.

Personality: This doesn't hinder me as much as others. Unless you're just waaaaaay out there, we should be fine in this area. We're only hanging out for an hour, not agreeing to be roommates. Passable small talk should get most of us through a session. If not, then not enough action is going on, I say...which leads into my next reason.

MSOG: The older I get, the least likely it is to happen. But you know what, maybe TODAY that one in a million time could happen. Oh, but you're not msog, that's a buzzkill. Just think of it as insurance. May never use it, but it's good to have it. If you don't offer it, it really sends a bad message to guys that you want them out the door AQAP [quickly] and the encounter is more about money than making sure he's satisfied.

Screening: I understand the necessity of good screening, but if I have to go through a gauntlet to see you, interest will be faint.

Availability...or lack thereof: If you're only available 2-3 random hours a week then it may be too difficult to find the right time window to see you.

Outdated pics: I see no reason why anyone can't update their pics at least once yearly. If I'm still seeing main page pics used from 2008, that's just bullshit. I also like at least a couple of standing up full body pics. If every single pic of you is laying or sitting, even if you're hot, I start to lose interest because I may get the impression that you're hiding something.
Shep3.0's Avatar
1. cool factor...well hotness factor too
2. updated showcase...eccie or p4
3. attitude or perceived attitude
4. most importantly, I see ladies my hobby buds recommend
TinMan's Avatar
Tiffani, regarding your pre-screening question: if I do spot a lady that interests me who moves into my neighborhood, I will oftentimes introduce myself in hopes that if an opportunity presents itself I have fewer hoops through which to jump.

I find, however, that very few have the ability to accept short-notice appointments due to family or needing time to arrange an incall. That serendipitous situation I mentioned earlier was found with a woman who had no family obligations and was willing to see me in her home...not something many women (understandably) will do.