This is Rude on a Lot of Different Levels

@MM (the initials of my favorite candy, lol) - interesting observation. Unfortunately, maybe most unfortunately for me, I'm really in no position to change my board persona. So, I guess I'll have to concentrate on ladies who will actually contact my references.

You're right, story time! In response to one appointment request, a lady laughed at my request saying she had "just filled" her last slot, but said she would have coffee with me. I didn't like being laughed at nor did I like "auditioning" for an appointment. Mind you, we were not unfamiliar with one another. Over a fairly long time, we had posted back and forth; we had PM'd back and forth; and we had even talked on the phone (which I hate to do). I had wanted an appointment with this lady for quite some time, and had invested a lot of time in nurturing a build up to asking for an appointment. I PM'd her that not only would I NOT audition for an appointment, but that I wish she had mentioned it sooner so I wouldn't have wasted so much time.

The result is the reason for one of my sig line statements.
You're right, story time! In response to one appointment request, a lady laughed at my request saying she had "just filled" her last slot, but said she would have coffee with me. I didn't like being laughed at nor did I like "auditioning" for an appointment. Mind you, we were not unfamiliar with one another. Over a fairly long time, we had posted back and forth; we had PM'd back and forth; and we had even talked on the phone (which I hate to do). I had wanted an appointment with this lady for quite some time, and had invested a lot of time in nurturing a build up to asking for an appointment. I PM'd her that not only would I NOT audition for an appointment, but that I wish she had mentioned it sooner so I wouldn't have wasted so much time. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
After some reflection, I wanted to add: For some reason, I have been a target of prick teasers all my life. I'm just tired of those games, and will not play them any more.
Missy's website makes me feel unedumacated, too many big words that I have too do some googlin on.

However...Charles I feel your pain, if you cant Pay to Play then things get rough. My take, and I'm new round here, I think ladies are just comfortable with what they know. Meaning, they would (and should) see their regulars first. If there's no room on the dance card then they just ignore the other request. They notify the guys they know in the towns they are visiting prior to cumming (pun intended) and are usually satisfied with just seeing them. Their advertisements on here and 411 are just in case they don't get filled up (again intended) and maybe to reach the regs that they couldn't get in touch with, and that's ok by me too. Its their choice. Just keep throwing your bait out and hope you get a nibble (yep pun again) with some girl that interest you. That just my .02 but i know you were more interested in the ladies perspective on this thread.

P.S. Missy do you really play poker or is that pic just for aesthetics? I would love to play you in some Strip poker at some point.
No referrals in my world. You want a deal or you dont. No silly questions please.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I enjoy NLHE, PLO, and stud
It is very rude when a lady doesn't respond to an appointment request!

It doesn't happen very often, but it seems to be happening with more frequency. I make an appointment request (through her preferred method) or through P411 (my preferred method).

And she doesn't respond. At all. And I can tell (at least on P411) when it was she last visited the site, so I know she's seen the request. And, if it's through her website, I assume it's set up so she sees it immediately.

Now, it would be nice if the ladies actually had the gumption to reply. Several things: I'm busy then, I don't see guys your age, not just not now, but never. You know, some courtesy response that says look elsewhere. [BTW, some courtesy responses hurt, but at least the response is there. One lady laughed at my request and said "she was booked." Learned my lesson with her.]

Ladies, you have to realize, before requesting an appointment, most guys, me included, have invested a lot of time in researching the field. Getting a "no" is one thing. Hearing deafening silence is quite another. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
That sounds very frustrating.

I'm sure as a member of this board you approach ladies in a polite and satisfying way.

The kind of people I don't get back to are people who send terse phone messages like 'Are you around right now?'.

It must be frustrating for you, but maybe these ladies have a full time job or family commitments which impede their getting back to emails too fast. I know myself I can get caught up in things and it takes a few days to get back to an email - frustrating but true.

But on your side you might think - if it doesn't work out that's some kind of disaster avoided.

That's the way I think and sometimes I get the corroborating evidence.
I enjoy NLHE, PLO, and stud Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
Ahh, so you are well versed in the art of Bluffing or maybe more of a mathematical player? I say since you like PLO you may lean more towards deceptive play. The challenge for me in playing the female persuasion is that you can never be too sure if the are calling because they have something or they think your bluffing, they all usually hate to be bluffed by a man and will call you to the river out of spite with notta.