tea party a movement or nuts

wellendowed1911's Avatar
"I guess you took the eday off when there were several reports of TEA party protesters calling several AA politicans the "N" word and even some getting spit on."

This has been debunked. Here is video of the congressmen making their walk. No spitting. No N word:


One radio personality has offered $100,000 to charity, if anyone actually comes up with audio or video of the spitting or n word. Nothin yet.

So, what happened? These congressmen deliberately chose to walk through the crowd rather than the usual tunnel connection...to stir up the crowd. They then shouted 'racist', knowing that millions of shallow minded people would believe them without question....but they lied. Get it? They are race hucksters...and you have been conned.

We started out having a fairly decent discussion about the Tea Party...and then, here we go again, racism was brought into the argument. Sad. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
hmmm did they debunk the audio tapes and the calls to reprsentatives too that threathened their lives??? Was the brick through the window staged? You don't want to mention racism because you just want naive people to believe that Obama was the first and only President that was a big spender and that just a mere 8 years ago we didn't have any major spending or past problems. Yes, a lot of people are making the racial connection based on the tone and signs out many of these rallies and nased on the fact that the last President was a big spender and govt grew under Bush two of the critical points the TEa party are fighting against.
If you want me or anyone else to stop using racism- then you might want to tell the TEA party to carefully choose their "signs" and rhetoric and to act and protest in a civilize manner and most of all come up with some SOLUTIONS.
Its hard to get anything 'official' from the Tea Party, because it is unorganized...but here is the best 'platform' that I could find:


Its kind of like 'Republican sans Evangelicals' or 'Republican meets Libertarian'. Most of the platform deals with fiscal issues.

Here is a link to candidates that someone considers to be 'Tea Party Approved':


It goes down to county sheriff election level.

I like the concept that people are now getting a choice, and not forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, etc. There is no party 'machine'...so the people are truly in control. A candidate has to be accepted by the Tea Party members, and not the other way around.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Crew you are wrong about the spitting.


Debunked? hmmmmmm....
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Crew you are wrong about the spitting.


Debunked? hmmmmmm.... Originally Posted by Bartman1963
Bartman thanks so much for that link- I'll patiently wait crew's response- the video is clear cut evidence and there's been reports of "n" word and other nasty remarks being spewn at the TEA rallies and they really expect someone to take them seriously??
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I don't think that video showed any smoking gun. I couldn't hear the "n" word either. If it was there, someone please state what time it occurred in the video. To me it looks like a guy yelling at Rep. Cleaver, but it does not look like he spit on him. If there was any spit from yelling, I don't think it was intentional. Don't get me started on Cleaver. That guy is as crooked as they come. This doesn't excuse being spit on though, if it did happen.
Bartman, you must have screwed up and posted the wrong link. The one you posted was just like mine - no lugis and no n words...corroborating the fact that this was a made up story.

Now that we've established that the Tea Party is not just a bunch of rabid racists, can we now discuss wheir platform?
kcbigpapa's Avatar
...no lugis and no n words...corroborating the fact that this was a made up story. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
I don't think the video shows one way or the other LA, it is possible the man did spit on Cleaver, but it is hard to tell with that video. Seems more like a guy that spits when he yells, but really only that guy and Cleaver know the truth on that.
It looks like 'say it don't spray it'.

The initial news account repeated claims by members of the Congressional Black Caucus that they were spit on and called the n word. This conjures up images of people deliberately spitting on them, like in vietnam war protests, and shouting the n word at them.

None of that happened.

CBC Claim: Multiple people, multiple slurs, racist remarks, we were spit on....did any of that happen?

Personally, I find false charges of racism to be very divisive, and just as abhorent as actual racism.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
It looks like 'say it don't spray it'.

The initial news account repeated claims by members of the Congressional Black Caucus that they were spit on and called the n word. This conjures up images of people deliberately spitting on them, like in vietnam war protests, and shouting the n word at them.

None of that happened.

CBC Claim: Multiple people, multiple slurs, racist remarks, we were spit on....did any of that happen?

Personally, I find false charges of racism to be very divisive, and just as abhorent as actual racism. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
laCrew we do agree on one thing- if anyone falsely states that a charge of racism occured when it didn't is very wrong. I could have sworn that James Clyburn stated that he heard members call him and others the "n" word. I would hope that Clyburn would not falsify and make bogus claims but who knows. LaCrew i want to point out as well- Minister Farrakhan has on many occassions referred to the White man as the devil and they can't be trusted- I distant myself from that type of rhetoric it's but wrong whether it's a white person making racial comments against a Black person or a Black person making racial slurs and comments about a White person.
I think the TEA party if they were better organized and if they didn't really come to rallies with so many racial signs where the liberal media would easily expose them then people will have a better understanding of their issues. There's been various polls done where people overwhelmingly view the TEA party as a far white republican faction of the GOP. Again for the millionth time it does not help their agenda when the previous President had many policies in which the TEA party despises. The govt expanded under Bush more than it expanded under any other prior President. Doesn't the TEA party want smaller government? You stated or someone else stated that the TEA party form in 2007- where were the massive rallies against Bush by the TEA party??
dirty dog's Avatar
Because for 6 years of the Bush presidency the economy was running strong, once it collapsed then people took notice and the fire of disapproval was lit. Then the new president expanded government further began talking about additional taxes and instituting a health care program that 80% of the American people did not like, so it was viewed as government take over, as was the take over of Chrysler and GM. So what should they do now, not say anything because Obama did not start the problem, its not like they can accomplish anything by protesting Bush. Like it or not he is going to take the heat because he is the man in the chair right now and is the one empowered to make a change. So they voice their oppisition, do some of them use ignorent and unproductive tactics, yes. Do I believe it possible that Cleaver would lie, yes knowing what I know about him as my Representative, the others, I don't know.

By the way and this is a little off topic but I feel it deserves to be said. When you talk about McCain, whether or not you agree with his policies or political positions he does deserve respect for the sacrafices he has made in service to this country as a soldier and a prisoner of war.
nsafun05's Avatar
I cannot personally say where the Tea Party was at during the Bush years, and I am not involved with the Tea Party, but I do however agree with much of what they are protesting.

While any movement takes time to grow, the sentiment of the Tea Party probably long before Bush got into office as I and many of my friends have not been happy with the growth of government since at least the first President Bush. It just appears to me that the bailouts were the catalyst for more people to get behind the idea of smaller government and united into a movement like the Tea Party.
Its a combination of the bailouts, ARRA, Healthcare, Raising of Debt Ceiling, Increase of government spending as a percentage of the economy, and increase in federal government wages relative to the private sector.

Yes most people in the Tea Party are conservative...and for that reason, they are putting the most pressure on Republicans:

McCain is in trouble in AZ
Bennet is in trouble in Utah
Crist changed parties today because he's in so much trouble.

Remember NY 23...Republicans ended up losing that seat, because a pseudo tea party candidate emerged at the last minute..and the democrat came out on top.

Odds are the people at the Tea Party rallies today are the ones who 'stayed home' and refused to vote in the 2006 election...to 'show the republicans a lesson'. And, quite frankly, a whole lot of people stayed home rather than vote for McCain.

I think they will have an enormous impact on the mid-term elections, and alot of seats will flip (as noted above, they are already influencing republican primaries). Their influence in 2012 is more unknown. They will definitely have a favored candidate in the primaries...but since the convoluted primary system gives more importance to blue blood republican strongholds like NewHampshire, Massachussets, than to Texas for example, their man (or woman) probably won't get nominated...and the question will be, will they fall in line behind a nominee like Romney? If not, Obama gets re-elected hands down.

But defintely not a bunch of flakes
Bartman1963's Avatar
As far as what can be seen and heard in the video...

I'll say that Cleaver flinched and then got in the face of the man yelling with cupped hands very quickly. Can someone fake it that well? Maybe but it looked real to me. And I'm not gonna buy a new computer and software with the capability of the enhancement needed to find out if it was a solid "loogie" or spray. It doesn't really matter to me because frankly if anyone did that to me like that idiot was doing to Cleaver, there would be a fight. An eye gouging ear and nose biting fight that lasted until somebody couldn't fight anymore.

Did I hear the N-word? Nope. Doesn't mean it wasn't said. Lot of yelling going on. Lot of really loud people. And the audio on both tapes sucks. Easily could be there. Might not be. But it wouldn't surprise me if it was.

Polls show, and I can find links if I have to, but honestly this isn't a high school debate, I don't think people here lie about this stuff, that most tea partiers are Republicans anyway. A few are independent, but mostly Republicans some polls show as high as 80 % with the rest libertarians. Very few converts from the Democrat or really independent side.

IF you accept those polls, then what difference does it make what tea party policy wants are? If they vote differently than most Republicans do then you have the Perot effect and Democrats win even bigger. If they vote the same way Republicans in general do, then the tea partiers better do their damnedest to get the vote out because they got creamed last time. The catalyst is the economy. If it improves, then the tea partiers are indeed minority voters again in all but the most conservative areas. If it tanks again, all bets are off.
April 10 Gallup poll shows 49% Republican, 43% Independent, and 8% Democrat. Since most political strategists assume that whoever wins the independents, wins the election, the democrats are crapping in their pants...and we see all the negative press (and unscientific push polls) of the Tea Party....but the whole thing could go Ross Perot on the republicans, and split their vote, so the movement is a threat to both parties.

The same poll showed that 28% of the population identified itself as part of the Tea Party.
Bartman1963's Avatar
guess you can get a poll to say about anything......