Baby Daddy

Dorian Gray's Avatar
You MIGHT wanna think about a paternity test when this happens...
Seeing that I dont have any kids.

I can pretend to have a tre-lisa.......

Miss you buddy :-)


What babe! So you don't want everyone to know about little Tre-isa? You can't be out there denying our love child! Originally Posted by trey
whitechocolate's Avatar
I dont think there is any doubt that many married women give birth to children where the husband is not the biological father and nobody ever knows the truth except possibly the mother. Providers are probably more careful not to get pregnant than "cheating wives" in general. Women in relationships can obviously pick the father of the child regardless of the fact they have a SO. There are a lot of bioethical concerns about mass paternity screenings if the real truth is uncovered particularly years later. Very interesting issues.
I dont think there is any doubt that many married women give birth to children where the husband is not the biological father and nobody ever knows the truth except possibly the mother. Providers are probably more careful not to get pregnant than "cheating wives" in general. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
Very, very good points!!! I completely agree! I think providers are far more careful about issues like pregnancy as it also effects business for that girl, whereas for a cheating wife it's just a nasty consequence she can keep a secret if the kid looks like her. Smh....

And THIS is why Maury is still a top-rated TV talk show lmao
whitechocolate's Avatar
I guess if you are married to a provider and she gets pregnant, you may want to do paternity testing. But guys who are married to hot looking wives who are out in the work force should also be concerned when she turns up pregnant since a large percentage are having affairs or casual sex with co-workers etc. I am not aware of any studies as yet but I might suspect that married women who feel they are truly in love with their lovers may be prone to select that lover to father their child over the husband so that if you are married to a hotttt looking sexy woman, you probably need to think paternity testing also.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-07-2012, 03:52 AM
Note: Only marry the fugly.
If she's married the husband is presumed to be the father. There's a lot of guys out there paying child support for kids that aren't theirs.
whitechocolate's Avatar
We are not talking presumptions here. The reality today is that many married women or single women with an SO are having kids by men who arent their husbands or bfs so that guys just need to be aware of that when your wife gets pregnant and do what you consider best for all. You can of course go with the presumption that the child is yours and do nothing.
LMAOOO! These clips are effin hilarious! Thanks for the laugh!

OAN: I always wonder the same thing Trey about who the baby belongs to. Her man, her pimp, or some crazy barebackin' john. smh. It's crazy
Most of these chicks travel state to state banging clients..could be anybody's baby

Smart ones stay on birth control...or use Plan B when things dont look right after the session..
Only dumb ones get knocked up..
Dorian Gray's Avatar
A few thoughts on contraceptive use.