Picture Book for Gettin Laid

Hottassamelia's Avatar
Thank you Boom.
Reading this thread has been the highlight of my day so far.
(I know.. sad,right?)
spit my coffee everywhere.
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
If you had laughs -- its never sad and laughing should be the highlight of everyones day

Now --- About these palms
Boom this is like my second favorite thread. Flippin Hilarious. What is #1? Sorry cannot beat the ABQ introduction.
Laughter is good medicine, if we can't laugh at ourselves...we can always resort to laughing at the PALMs!
I've been trying to find a review I once read that had been written about Rosie Palm. It was so damned funny, and as I recall it was written by one of the SA legends. There was even a follow up post about her left-handed sister if you were interested in some strange. I'm going to keep looking and try and post a link. Maybe someone else will beat me to it, or just beat my meat with their Rosie.
I've been trying to find a review I once read that had been written about Rosie Palm. It was so damned funny, and as I recall it was written by one of the SA legends. There was even a follow up post about her left-handed sister if you were interested in some strange. I'm going to keep looking and try and post a link. Maybe someone else will beat me to it, or just beat my meat with their Rosie. Originally Posted by Rover14
That's just freaking awesome.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
I remember that thread! too funny...
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I couldn't decide, so you get both...



BoomShakaLaka's Avatar

Bacon -- Makes everything better
So, Rosie and a piece of bacon...?
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
So, Rosie and a piece of bacon...? Originally Posted by Rover14

As long as she brings the Palms
Joe Buck's Avatar
ROFLMFAO! This shit is too dam funny!
OMG e-mail and Bacon. That is beyond hilarious....Makes me think of a line from a tv show. "She has an ass like an onion. Makes me wanna cry."
Secret Encounters's Avatar
lmfao u guys are too funny .. please post a review of palmala... [[<--- en espanol]] lol
Jet Carson's Avatar
LMAO @ SKF....again!