Michele Bachmann Goes Totally Nuts and Even Her Own Party Attacks Her

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-26-2012, 08:10 AM
hell yeah, if we would have shot that fucking muzzie bastard the day he joined our military Ft Hood would have never happened ... Originally Posted by CJ7
LMFAO....CJ, your reading tooooo many of my posts...LOL
joe bloe's Avatar
Why do we dismiss Islam as being just like other religions but listen to people complain if you say Nazism is just like democracy. We would never allow a Nazi politician but we allow Muslim politicians despite their stated goals regarding our country. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Exactly right. If a conservative Republican was Secretary of State and their assistant was even remotely connected to the Klan or Neo-Nazi's it wouldn't be tolerated. No one would care about their civil rights.

One of the peculiar aspects of liberalism is that they treat America's enemies better than our friends. The more someone hates America, the better the liberals like them.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-26-2012, 08:53 AM
Exactly right. If a conservative Republican was Secretary of State and their assistant was even remotely connected to the Klan or Neo-Nazi's it wouldn't be tolerated. No one would care about their civil rights.

One of the peculiar aspects of liberalism is that they treat America's enemies better than our friends. The more someone hates America, the better the liberals like them. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Maybe some of these libs should go over to Egypt, become citizens there, and see how fast they are imprisoned and executed.....
joe bloe's Avatar
Maybe some of these libs should go over to Egypt, become citizens there, and see how fast they are imprisoned and executed..... Originally Posted by seedman55
A female journalist got sexually assaulted by a mob of Islamist demonstraters in Egypt a few months ago. She said they were manually raping her while chanting Jew, Jew, Jew. They were also pulling on her hair so hard, she was convinced they were trying to scalp her.
Any woman who would go into a mob regardless of the people involved in harms way. Mobs are like a pack of dogs..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So it's her fault she was attacked, is that your position, Ekim?