Doesn't it scare you when a provider retires....

CivilBarrister's Avatar
I only get scared when they announce they are going to write a book called ... "the Worst Session Evah"...

Don't laugh... there are a lot of other guys on here that would be concerned too... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
I would only be concerned if the title was The Worst Sessions Ever. If it was only 1 session, we both know who would take that honor......but 2nd worst session.....well, that would have me troubled.
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Speaking as someone who was in the hobby and then retired for 5 years, and also someone who has known a lot of providers who've left the biz, I find the two most common reasons are:

1. New romantic interest makes them want to retire and use all their love on their new partner.

2. Burnout. Leading a double life can be really grueling. Sometimes a normal job and a normal life, even with the pay cut, is more fulfilling.

3. Having been outed.
Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
I agree with Sophia,
Some of us ladies don't even announce that we are going to retire. Because we don't want it to be a big deal. I know one lady that only is in this buisness because it pays for college and as soon as she is done with college she will be retiring.

Some ladies also only came on the scene because they wanted money for a car or money for plastic surgery, They met their goal and then checked out of the buisness. I don't see anything wrong with that.

I also know a lady who was outed and retired becasue she was so upset over the whole ordeal she didn't want it to be a part of her life anymore.

Everyone has their own reason for retiring... And Im glad that ladies do retire. You can't be in this buisness forever.... It does take its toll...

Some ladies have just moved on to bigger and better things, like a career or a family or got a real job.. or maybe they got tired of being apart of this strange world!!!
BigLouie's Avatar
I may be paranoid, but when a provider that I saw "retires" a whole bunch of not good "ideas" come to mind.
what do you think ? Originally Posted by Inhouston

Every single provider is going to retire at some point. It is one thing for a guy to "die in the saddle" but I really don't think you are going to see many ladies doing it so you might as well become permantly over the edge paranoid.
I agree with Sophia,
Some of us ladies don't even announce that we are going to retire. Because we don't want it to be a big deal. I know one lady that only is in this buisness because it pays for college and as soon as she is done with college she will be retiring.

Some ladies also only came on the scene because they wanted money for a car or money for plastic surgery, They met their goal and then checked out of the buisness. I don't see anything wrong with that.

I also know a lady who was outed and retired becasue she was so upset over the whole ordeal she didn't want it to be a part of her life anymore.

Everyone has their own reason for retiring... And Im glad that ladies do retire. You can't be in this buisness forever.... It does take its toll...

Some ladies have just moved on to bigger and better things, like a career or a family or got a real job.. or maybe they got tired of being apart of this strange world!!! Originally Posted by Kristin Keys
Seems like it is not an enjoyable business for you.
Seems like it is not an enjoyable business for you. Originally Posted by Inhouston
Quite an assumption on your part, sir.

She simply called our little hobby world "strange". Not horrible, not awful, not unenjoyable, not anything bad at all. She never said anything like that, did she.

Please don't read into an innocent statement something controversial when it clearly isn't. Are you trying to stir things up? H
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Quite an assumption on your part, sir.

She simply called our little hobby world "strange". Not horrible, not awful, not unenjoyable, not anything bad at all. She never said anything like that, did she.

Please don't read into an innocent statement something controversial when it clearly isn't. Are you trying to stir things up? H Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Exactly Heather,

I do enjoy the buisness most of the time. But every once and a while there is a jeark that comes around seems like once or twice a year that treats ladies like crap. Not everyone that we come in contact with is nice, charming and fun to be around. So yes, sometimes this buisness can be strange.

Some people just prefer to get back to reality than live in a fantasy world all the time. Sometimes you just have to let go at a certain point. Its like wanting to stay 21 for your whole life because your young and fun.... but you can't... You grow older.....Wiser .... Life changes..... you move along....Same applies to this strange world we play in.
My Medicare rate is $650 for 90 minutes but that includes a ride to my incall ... err... office, a sponge bath after the session, a lite hospital quality meal, 2 baby aspirin, a ride home and a complimentary sexually charged crossword puzzle to take home with you.

If life were only that sweet!

* There is also a $75 dollar processing/paperwork fee * Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Sweet!!! There ya go!!! Girl,, I love your wicked sense of humor!!
2. Burnout. Leading a double life can be really grueling. Sometimes a normal job and a normal life, even with the pay cut, is more fulfilling.

3. Having been outed.

Those were my reasons for slowing down... I think for most women they have to get through the judgement faze from their peers/family when they get outed. And then after that they leave the biz all together or pick a new name and start over. lol