Obama is not a Christian; he was in a racist hate cult for twenty years that had nothing to do with legitimate Christianity. The brand of lunacy peddled by Jeremiah Wright was "black liberation theology" it was a cross between liberation theology, which is Marxism, and black racism. Jeremiah Wright told Sean Hannity that his religious beliefs were largely based on the writing of James Cone. James Cone is a raving lunatic who thinks white people are devils.
Here are some quotes from James Cone. Obama listened to the this crap for twenty years.
"It is dangerous because the true prophet of the gospel of God must become both 'anti-Christian' and 'unpatriotic.' …. Because whiteness by its very nature is against blackness, the black prophet is a prophet of national doom. He proclaims the end of the 'American Way...'
White religionists are not capable of perceiving the blackness of God, because their satanic whiteness is a denial of the very essence of divinity. That is why whites are finding and will continue to find the black experience a disturbing reality."
Sin: "This means that whites, despite their self-proclaimed religiousness, are rendered incapable of making valid judgments on the character of sin.... In a word, sin is whiteness..."
Originally Posted by joe bloe
Here you go again taking as truth the garbage people claim to believe for religious reasons.
Obama grew up believing his socialist parents were wacked. READ HIS BIOGRAPHY.
Obama is an atheist and joined that wacky Church for purely opportunistic reasons. He doesn't believe anything Rev. Wright says, and NETHER DOES REV. WRIGHT!!!
Rev. Wright is a Elmer Gantry showman out for a buck and to fuck pussy...he doesn't believe a word of what he says Dude.
The only test of Obama's real beliefs is this.....HOW DOES HE GOVERN!!!!!!!!!
He hasn't governed like a communist or an anti-colonialist.
He governs like an opportunistic idiot who does whatever he thinks will benefit him with the bureaucracy and his constituents.
And if you don't believe me I have four letters for you....
Try explaining that as a liberal.