Hillary takes a bullet!

So what are the consequenses? She admitts that she thouroughly fucked up. On the anniversary of 9-11, they chose to treat it "just like any other day", totally niave to the fact that murdering thugs were planning an attack on our American Citizens.

Hillary can "take the bullet" because first and formost, she is Mrs Bill Clinton. Because of this there will be no admonishment, no consequenses, and certainly nothing that could bring down the wrath of the true super star of the Democrat Party, former President Bill Clinton.

In short, any taking of responsibility for a disastrous event with no punishment involved is not, in reality, taking any responsibility at all.

Hillary knows this.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think the ambassador was a closet republican who offed himself before the election to give Romney a bump... Originally Posted by ekim008
Of all the classless and stupid things you post, this takes the cake. I'm sure the ambassador's family would enjoy your attempt at humor.

I'll do Assup's job for him. You are now a contender for Dipshit of the Year.
glad you liked it compared to some of the other posts it was brilliant..
I cant remember Reagan catching 1/10th as much shit for letting 220 marines get killed in an embassy attack as I have witnessed in this deal ... Originally Posted by CJ7
A, Marines died there not civilians. Granted these are State Department civilians, but they are non-combatants. And B, It wasn't the anniversary of worst attack on America since Pear Harbor.

Libya is in a state of civil war. There is no excuse for not having marines at the embassy.

I do think it is part the State Department's fault as well as the Defense Department's fault. They were State Department employees, but the Defense Department is responsible for - wait for it - defense especially in countries embroiled in a civil war. I don't know why Hillary fell on her sword like that - well I do; it's the debate last night - but she's lost my vote. For the safety of our embassies, on 9/11, in countries at war with themselves, that are Arabic or Muslim countries and during the "Arab Spring" to go unattended by the highest levels of government - i.e., presidential cabinet meetings - is unimaginable.

Yes, people do care that these people died especially because they died, more than likely, unnecessarily. It's not a cause if it's your family; if it's your family it's a tragedy. It's politicized because the people died because of politics. Usually in wars that's the case. Unfortunately no one told the ignorant fucking president that the Muslim and Arab world are at war with us. He's too busy kissing ass to his brethren in religion and the limited American electorate that either agrees with him or is to fucking stupid to know better and will vote for him.

Bottom line, the people are dead because the Administration is too stupid, vain or both to realize their pie-in-the-sky peace and love and a cell phone for all idealism is bullshit, and these people hate us to the point of all out war in as much as a single ant is capable of waging a war with an elephant herd. But it you have to admit, it is effective.

We've now seen the chance to get a truly experienced president in the White House for the foreseeable future flushed down the toilet by Obama's ambition and party politics. Because you know the whole party pressured Hillary. I said it when she accepted the cabinet post that her bid for the presidency was over. There is no way she could make it through the Obama Administration unscathed. At first he marginalized her. Now he / they have given her a sword.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2012, 10:18 AM
youre right ... Runnin Ronnie excused Iran for committing a blatant act of war ..

mea cu;pa
[QUOTE=OliviaHoward;1051755880]A, Marines died there not civilians. Granted these are State Department civilians, but they are non-combatants. And B, It wasn't the anniversary of worst attack on America since Pear Harbor.

Libya is in a state of civil war. There is no excuse for not having marines at the embassy.

I do think it is part the State Department's fault as well as the Defense Department's fault. They were State Department employees, but the Defense Department is responsible for - wait for it - defense especially in countries embroiled in a civil war. I don't know why Hillary fell on her sword like that - well I do; it's the debate last night - but she's lost my vote. For the safety of our embassies, on 9/11, in countries at war with themselves, that are Arabic or Muslim countries and during the "Arab Spring" to go unattended by the highest levels of government - i.e., presidential cabinet meetings - is unimaginable.

Yes, people do care that these people died especially because they died, more than likely, unnecessarily. It's not a cause if it's your family; if it's your family it's a tragedy. It's politicized because the people died because of politics. Usually in wars that's the case. Unfortunately no one told the ignorant fucking president that the Muslim and Arab world are at war with us. He's too busy kissing ass to his brethren in religion and the limited American electorate that either agrees with him or is to fucking stupid to know better and will vote for him.

Bottom line, the people are dead because the Administration is too stupid, vain or both to realize their pie-in-the-sky peace and love and a cell phone for all idealism is bullshit, and these people hate us to the point of all out war in as much as a single ant is capable of waging a war with an elephant herd. But it you have to admit, it is effective.

We've now seen the chance to get a truly experienced president in the White House

Wondered who you would get besides Obama Romney hasn't been president and has no experience...
youre right ... Runnin Ronnie excused Iran for committing a blatant act of war ..

mea cu;pa Originally Posted by CJ7
Are you talking to me? It's hard to tell, mea cupa. Are we going to again play another three rounds of me trying to read what's going on in side your head? You're like a disgruntled housewife. No, I can't read your mind.

Wondered who you would get besides Obama Romney hasn't been president and has no experience...
Originally Posted by ekim008
Maybe you are the trust-fund baby you claim to be so let me 'splain you. No one has experience being the President of the United States and leader of the world when they are elected to their first term. OK? It's not a hard concept to grasp. Romeny has experience as a leader: leader of a big-budget, Eastern state and a multi-billion dollar corporation. Even as POTUS, Obama has no experience leading. He's the classic example of the tail wagging the dog. He's fundamentally lazy and has no grasp of what it means to lead or even think interdependently about anything except PERHAPS campaigning. It's all been handed to him as if he's some gracious beneficiary of a lavish trust and plot against the people of the United States.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2012, 12:26 PM
yes and no
Are you talking to me? It's hard to tell, mea cupa. Are we going to again play another three rounds of me trying to read what's going on in side your head? You're like a disgruntled housewife. No, I can't read your mind.

Maybe you are the trust-fund baby you claim to be so let me 'splain you. No one has experience being the President of the United States and leader of the world when they are elected to their first term. OK? It's not a hard concept to grasp. Romeny has experience as a leader: leader of a big-budget, Eastern state and a multi-billion dollar corporation. Even as POTUS, Obama has no experience leading. He's the classic example of the tail wagging the dog. He's fundamentally lazy and has no grasp of what it means to lead or even think interdependently about anything except PERHAPS campaigning. It's all been handed to him as if he's some gracious beneficiary of a lavish trust and plot against the people of the United States. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Must have me confused with someone else,but that would be easy seeing you are just a girl.Try again with your experienced statement.If you have never been president you have no experience got it??.