Racism and Hate alive and well. Black woman set on fire.

TexasCowboy's Avatar
It will be good for the sake of the country if President Rommey is the next Commander in Chief.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
It must burn you up that I do better than you financially. And you fail babe. You had all night to come up with better insults. Do you realize that I've been here happily for 9 perfect years. I've been called fat and ugly in so many different forms, yours arent even laughable. Make it fun. Say I have toothpaste stuck in my toes because I'm too stupid to figure out where it actually goes. SOMETHING original. You make yourself just look like some idiot from ny that only socializes with rats and roaches. Not much back and forth with rodents I guess. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Goddamn, Kayla! You ARE an agressive little minx, aren't you?

I'm guessing that it's hard to get a nut with all the guns, dogs, razor wire, C-5 and God knows what else you arm your little love lair with.

Oh yeah, us boys from HARLEM know why you have toothpaste between your toes!

markroxny's Avatar
It must burn you up that I do better than you financially. . Originally Posted by LovingKayla
According to who? You don't know ANYTHING about my finances you fat smelly fornicating whore.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Dont wast your time. .

I won't start violence, but I will damn sure end it if you fuck with me.

Got it? Originally Posted by markroxny
You are a pathetic coward and liar.

Yes we can see how you are....NOBODY on this board threatened you.

You are a thin skinned baby who dished it out but cries like a big pussy when he gets it back.

Lots of us throw the turd back and forth........YOU are the only one on this board who has threatened another poster with your "come to Harlem" cowardly bullshit.
joe bloe's Avatar
You are showing numbers of the REPORTED crimes. I grew up in a black household, most of the shit done to us by whites is NEVER reported. Why? Because we don't get justice. You can't win this one because you have NO idea of the reality.

Joe, show me where White people in this country were dragged away from their homeland and enslaved for generations by black people.

I'll wait. Originally Posted by markroxny
I knew you would want to go back hundreds of years. What about today? As far as blacks being the victims of violent crimes perpetrated by whites and not reporting it, I don't believe it and neither do you. It's nonsense.

For your information, for hundreds of years, Europeans were enslaved by Africans. The so called Barbary Pirates captured whites off the coast of northern Africa and sold them into slavery. The pirates typically killed the men and sold the women and children into slavery. The women were usually sold as sex slaves. The male children were typically castrated, because they brought a higher price as eunuchs; often they did not survive being castrated.

America's first war on foreign soil was against the Barbary Pirates in 1801. President Jefferson invaded Tripoli to deal with the piracy that had plagued America for several generations.


  • Laz
  • 10-23-2012, 12:15 PM
Ugh this thread is as ugly as it gets, can't we just say there are alot of bad people in a multitude of colors who do disgusting things. The topic of this thread is a topic no one will win, as long as there are humans on this earth we will have radical and evil people and their colors will always vary. There is no one race or party that is absolutely perfect. COG seemed to have the only decent response in this post. That lady will be in my prayers and I hope the perpetrators will doused in gasoline and napalm and burn to death. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
markroxny's Avatar
Yall made it ugly.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Where is the proof? I seem to recall a university professor who had herself attacked and she was injured. She blamed in on racist white people and it turned out to be all her.


CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-23-2012, 01:06 PM
damn yall, take a fuken break ... better yet, take a fuk break.

sheiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt ...

like Willie says "it aint supposed to be this way"
markroxny's Avatar
So i wanna be sure what you are implying here people....

Black people are more violent and left wing? Is that the argument?
bojulay's Avatar
You are showing numbers of the REPORTED crimes. I grew up in a black household, most of the shit done to us by whites is NEVER reported. Why? Because we don't get justice. You can't win this one because you have NO idea of the reality.

Joe, show me where White people in this country were dragged away from their homeland and enslaved for generations by black people.

I'll wait. Originally Posted by markroxny
Geeze you liberals love to play the victim, seems for some of you
all of your focus and energies are used up on playing the victim.
The biggest victimizer to you is yourselves, perpetuating that
roll for yourself over and over again.

If I went around calling myself an idiot all the time, then I shouldn't
be surprised if people treat me like one.

Here we are the prpetual victims, that's the role we've taken
on, that's all we'll ever be good for, so come on and victimize
us while the victimizing is good.

The democratic party loves to promote the victim mind set.
We're victims of racist, we're victims of the rich, we're
victims of what ever the next thing in line is, victims, victims
victims, victims, victims.

If people would rebel against the, I'm just a victim roll, that
they have bought into, then they might be able to get somewhere.

If they always use the, I'm just a victim excuse, then that's
all they will ever see themselves as.
  • game1
  • 10-23-2012, 01:13 PM
Ok i have a question, what does all this trash talking havr to do with a woman being burnt over 50% of her body have to do with all this bullshit you guys are talking? This women needs justice pure and simple. We can go round and round about what race is the worse, but no race, white, blavk or other can talk shit aboit the other. All races does fucked up shit whites arent worse than black people, blacks arent worse than white people.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The police need to know that she was actually attacked. There have been accounts (and I posted a link to two of them) where committed fanatics or mentally ill people injured themselves, sometimes seriously, in order to get attention or to lob charges against some people.

Remember about eight months ago where a boy called the police and said that a couple of other kids had set him on fire. It was a hoax.
markroxny's Avatar
The police need to know that she was actually attacked. There have been accounts (and I posted a link to two of them) where committed fanatics or mentally ill people injured themselves, sometimes seriously, in order to get attention or to lob charges against some people.

Remember about eight months ago where a boy called the police and said that a couple of other kids had set him on fire. It was a hoax. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

  • game1
  • 10-23-2012, 01:46 PM
The police need to know that she was actually attacked. There have been accounts (and I posted a link to two of them) where committed fanatics or mentally ill people injured themselves, sometimes seriously, in order to get attention or to lob charges against some people.

Remember about eight months ago where a boy called the police and said that a couple of other kids had set him on fire. It was a hoax. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Excuse me if im a little slow, but i dont understand what that has to do with her, yes people lie, but she has the right to seek justice, it's not like this is the first time something like this happend.