LexusLover's Avatar
Should JMac contact you to ask permission if he changes his mind? Originally Posted by bigtex
No, tell him that its not necessary, but he already knows he ain't runnin'. Didn't you?

I figured by now you would have broken the news to him that you are a ...

... Hillary fan come Wednesday.

BT = Always hedging for the winning side even if the wrong one.
I figured by now you would have broken the news to him that you are a ...

... Hillary fan come Wednesday. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Actually, I jumped on the Hillary bandwagon when it became apparent that she was doing a marvelous job as the Secretary of State. Let's bring the Clinton's back to the White House, where they belong!

LexusLover's Avatar
Actually, I jumped on the Hillary bandwagon when it became apparent that she was doing a marvelous job as the Secretary of State. Let's bring the Clinton's back to the White House, where they belong! Originally Posted by bigtex
Monica surely agrees with you ... but I am not sure about ....

... Ambassador Stevens .. a few of his real friends.

I am reluctant to include "screw" and "pooch" in the same post with Hillary, but she sure did this time and it will be added to her list of "screw" ups since she stepped into the White House the first time ...

first off .... a little known fact you don't know .. the folks tasked with watching over the living quarters in the early 90's have now retired and looking for a book deal .... the deal looks even sweeter if Hillary-the-sniper-bullet-dodger even peeps about running again ...

.. she's doing a bang up job ... isn't she?

It's all about "the movie"!

This will be a nice campaign poster in 2016:

"If the shoe fits, kiss it!"

But we got plenty of time for that crap, don't we, BT?
.. she's doing a bang up job ... isn't she? Originally Posted by LexusLover
After all of these years, we finally agree.


Welcome to the Hillary 2016 Bandwagon. All Aboard!!!!

LexusLover's Avatar
After all of these years, we finally agree. Originally Posted by bigtex
Like your celebrations, and John Kerry's, they are still premature.
Like your celebrations, and John Kerry's, they are still premature. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What "celebrations" are you referring to? The only thing I am celebrating now is you and I have already jumped on the

All Aboard!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Middle of the road??? Well theres your problem (as mechanics like to say), you're missing a few brain cells. Obama compromised on what exactly? Remember, I won, you lost, or elections have consequences, I won.

You can go other places Tex and sound half way intelligent with your half baked memes but that don't fly in this room. We know better than that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Cheaped out on the stimulus.
Single payer health care not even tried.
Kept disastrous Bush Tax Cuts.
Still bogged down in Afghanistan.
Bush administration war criminals not prosecuted.
A civil liberties record not much better than Bush's.
No civilian trials for terrorists.
Guantanamo still open.

What did the weasel not compromise on, for Christ's sake?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Can I quote you next week? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Better, lets bet.
Better, lets bet. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Don't hold your breath!
bojulay's Avatar
What "celebrations" are you referring to? The only thing I am celebrating now is you and I have already jumped on the

All Aboard!
Originally Posted by bigtex

Jesus Lord above, I had rather have Obama for eight more
years and then Biden after that.

Can someone go dig up Mao Tse Tung.

All aboard the Hillary Express!
Cheaped out on the stimulus.
Single payer health care not even tried.
Kept disastrous Bush Tax Cuts.
Still bogged down in Afghanistan.
Bush administration war criminals not prosecuted.
A civil liberties record not much better than Bush's.
No civilian trials for terrorists.
Guantanamo still open.

What did the weasel not compromise on, for Christ's sake? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Going down the list:
He knows that insurance is a business, powered by profit. The single payer plan would implode on it's own weight.
All of that talk about taxing the rich is nothing but pablum for his base. He knows who, and what, makes the Country work.
He is comic relief for Putin. The Russians are bound to be laughing their asses off about this.
Sort of hard to call Bush a war criminal when you have nerds with joysticks lobbing cruise missilsd guiding drones an into random targets, killing anybody who happens to be there.
Becoming President seems to bring out the paranoid in men.
He's not stupid.
Once again, he's not stupid.
joe bloe's Avatar
Jesus Lord above, I had rather have Obama for eight more
years and then Biden after that.

Can someone go dig up Mao Tse Tung.

All aboard the Hillary Express! Originally Posted by bojulay
Hillary is evil. She's a hardcore leftist radical and a bigger fan of Saul Alinsky than Odumbo, and that's saying something. Hillary almost took a job, working full time, for Alinsky before deciding to go law school. She wrote a ninety two page senior thesis on Saul Alinsky at Wellesley College.

Hillary interned for a law firm in Oakland partly owned by Robert Treuhaft a member of Communist Party USA. She interned with the firm partly because they did pro bono work for the Black Panthers.

I doubt she'll run in 2016. She was never attractive and the years have not been kind to her. In another four years, she's going to be fairly grotesque. Besides, her involvement in the Benghazi fiasco will probably destroy any viable political future she might have had.
LexusLover's Avatar
Hillary is evil. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You might want to fully explain that concept to BT.

He has difficulty with the concept of ....

.. sarcasm .. as it relates to sarcastic questions and statements.

Hillary has a full appreciation of what it is like to be "in combat" as were the poor souls who were abandoned in Libya by our current CIC and SOS (no pun intended), because she was with her daughter on the tarmac in Europe dodging sniper fire. Remember BT?

What an insult to a marksman.
Cheaped out on the stimulus.
Single payer health care not even tried.
Kept disastrous Bush Tax Cuts.
Still bogged down in Afghanistan.
Bush administration war criminals not prosecuted.
A civil liberties record not much better than Bush's.
No civilian trials for terrorists.
Guantanamo still open.

What did the weasel not compromise on, for Christ's sake? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Most of the items listed weren't compromises. They were empty campaign promises no thinking person believed would have been fulfilled in the first place. Even his backers said closing Gitmo was a losing proposition. Same thing about bringing the terrorists trial to the mainland - a tremendously bad idea. Everyone but the most liberal wing of the DNP said no - even voted no! The Patriot Act extended. Death Sentence by drone for American citizens without trial approved! Waterboarding prohibited unless he says so!

He's Bush III. I'm glad TTH gets it - the rest of you Dims don't.

Obama came in ya'll's mouths and you swallowed. Wipe your faces, you missed a spot. What's that Assup, its not all Obama's spunk? Some of its that TS Pelosi's?

You require so little from "Dear Leader."
LexusLover's Avatar
You require so little from "Dear Leader." Originally Posted by gnadfly
And expect nothing. It avoids disappointment.