Actually, I jumped on the Hillary bandwagon when it became apparent that she was doing a marvelous job as the Secretary of State. Let's bring the Clinton's back to the White House, where they belong!
Originally Posted by bigtex
Monica surely agrees with you ... but I am not sure about ....
... Ambassador Stevens .. a few of his
real friends.
I am reluctant to include "screw" and "pooch" in the same post with Hillary, but she sure did this time and it will be added to her list of "screw" ups since she stepped into the White House the first time ...
first off .... a little known fact you don't know .. the folks tasked with watching over the living quarters in the early 90's have now retired and looking for a book deal .... the deal looks even sweeter if Hillary-the-sniper-bullet-dodger even peeps about running again ...
.. she's doing a bang up job ... isn't she?
It's all about "the movie"!
This will be a nice campaign poster in 2016:
"If the shoe fits, kiss it!"
But we got plenty of time for that crap, don't we, BT?