
joe bloe's Avatar
I think that socialism is a natural thing, in the same sense that death and disease are natural. Pure democracies always turn into socialistic systems because the majority will always vote to have the government provide for them. Social welfare states are inevitiable without a constitution which puts limits on government size and function. Unfortunately, we no longer abide by our constitution.

Liberal Democrats, aka socialists, have a very easy task in winning political victories; they simply give the mob what it wants.
I think that socialism is a natural thing, in the same sense that death and disease are natural. Pure democracies always turn into socialistic systems because the majority will always vote to have the government provide for them. Social welfare states are inevitiable without a constitution which puts limits on government size and function. Unfortunately, we no longer abide by our constitution.

Liberal Democrats, aka socialists, have a very easy task in winning political victories; they simply give the mob what it wants. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Are you a newbie poster in the Sandbox? If so, may I be the first to welcome you to Paradise?

I feel certain that you will find the locals to be quite friendly!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Blow has stumbled onto Marx. Marx believed that socialism was a natural progression from fuedalism, to capitalism, socialism, and finally communism. That is the fatal flaw. No where in the world has socialism not been forced into existence and the people forced to submit. It has never happened naturally Marx be damned. Pol Pot ran his people into the jungles to die to advance the time table. Stalin had to slaughter millions as did Mao to get some reasonable fascisimile of a society. On a smaller scale Tito, Sung IL, Minh, and every other little bastard that came along. If socialism is natural then it should welcome resistance because that resistance can't win...if it is natural. Marx has never been proved to be correct yet, it is still a theory.
joe bloe's Avatar
Blow has stumbled onto Marx. Marx believed that socialism was a natural progression from fuedalism, to capitalism, socialism, and finally communism. That is the fatal flaw. No where in the world has socialism not been forced into existence and the people forced to submit. It has never happened naturally Marx be damned. Pol Pot ran his people into the jungles to die to advance the time table. Stalin had to slaughter millions as did Mao to get some reasonable fascisimile of a society. On a smaller scale Tito, Sung IL, Minh, and every other little bastard that came along. If socialism is natural then it should welcome resistance because that resistance can't win...if it is natural. Marx has never been proved to be correct yet, it is still a theory. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Obama is in the process of converting our capitalist system into a socialist system and he's doing it with the support of the majority of the people. Obama has bought the vote of the majority of the people with give away programs, affirmative action and amnesty for illegal aliens.

The people may change their minds at some point, as the old capitalistic system dies and our standard of living disintegrates, but by then, it will be too late; the fundamental transformation will have been completed.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Joe, it's not good. Not good at all. Whether he's implementing a fascist system or socialist system is really irrelevant, that fact is that freedom is eroding away very quickly.

Anyway, it's nice to have you back. The Obamabots think they have taken over. And the Obamatron out of Chicago is working overtime to convince them of that. It's nice to have your intelligent voice back here among us.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Piffle and bullshit. First, the majority of the VOTERS elected him, not the people. Second, he didn't run as a socialist so they did not know what they were voting for. If you screw a hooker and get syphillis is it safe to say that you wanted to catch a disease? Third, our Constitution prohibits a politician from doing certain things that would be required to create socialism like the seizure of personal property and prohibition of freedoms.

Obama should be impeached and who the hell are you? I have seen Joe Blow before and you don't sound like him at all.
Fast Gunn's Avatar

Is that a real word or something you read?

As for this socialistic rant you're on, do you plan to forgo any social security benefits when you become due?

You would if you stand on principal, but . .

. . . I doubt that you will. It's much easier to condemn the system with one side of your mouth while you're collecting as much as you can.

Piffle and bullshit. First, the majority of the VOTERS elected him, not the people. Second, he didn't run as a socialist so they did not know what they were voting for. If you screw a hooker and get syphillis is it safe to say that you wanted to catch a disease? Third, our Constitution prohibits a politician from doing certain things that would be required to create socialism like the seizure of personal property and prohibition of freedoms.

Obama should be impeached and who the hell are you? I have seen Joe Blow before and you don't sound like him at all. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
joe bloe's Avatar
Piffle and bullshit. First, the majority of the VOTERS elected him, not the people. Second, he didn't run as a socialist so they did not know what they were voting for. If you screw a hooker and get syphillis is it safe to say that you wanted to catch a disease? Third, our Constitution prohibits a politician from doing certain things that would be required to create socialism like the seizure of personal property and prohibition of freedoms.

Obama should be impeached and who the hell are you? I have seen Joe Blow before and you don't sound like him at all. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's still me. Yes the majority of the voters elected Obama, not the people. The polling data indicates that if everyone had been forced to vote, Obama's victory would have been even larger. The majority of Americans are worthless freeloaders and congenital idiots. We have reached a tipping point in America. The majority will continue to vote to feed off the government until our economic problems are beyond repair. I don't believe America will ever elect a conservative president again.

The fact that Obama pretends not to be a socialist doesn't let the people, who voted for him, off the hook. Obama is implementing socialistic programs and the people are giving him permission. Whether Obama calls his programs socialistic or not is a moot point.

You say that our Constitution requires politicians to respect private property and restrains their behavior, so that a socialistic system can't be created; that's true, but only if the Constitution is actually abided by, which it isn't. All of our problems could be solved, if our political leaders would simply abide by their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution. I don't think it's likely that's going to happen.

Yes, Obama should be impeached, but he won't be because it isn't politically feasible.
joe bloe's Avatar
Joe, it's not good. Not good at all. Whether he's implementing a fascist system or socialist system is really irrelevant, that fact is that freedom is eroding away very quickly.

Anyway, it's nice to have you back. The Obamabots think they have taken over. And the Obamatron out of Chicago is working overtime to convince them of that. It's nice to have your intelligent voice back here among us.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I took a month off because of the disaster on election day. Truthfully, I wasn't sure whether I would ever post again. Talking politics seems pointless once you're convinced the country can't be saved. I'm convinced it can't.

I thought Romney had a chance to win. I allowed myself to be hopefull. A Romney victory might have given the country a little more time to reform our behavior and at least delay an economic collapse. We threw a hail Mary pass and it failed. Now we're out of time. The game is over.

Obama is no more a socialist than George W. Bush. He's not even particularly liberal. You nimrods have to have some reason to justify your vilification and irrational hatred of the man, and conservative talk radio has provided you with this ridiculous socialist argument. It's absurd and there's no factual support for it unless the definition of socialist changes when applied to Obama.

Now. Carry on with your bizarre paranoid fantasies.
Chica Chaser's Avatar

As for this socialistic rant you're on, do you plan to forgo any social security benefits when you become due?

You would if you stand on principal, but . .

. . . I doubt that you will. It's much easier to condemn the system with one side of your mouth while you're collecting as much as you can.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Why shouldn't I collect my social security when I meet the eligibility requirements? I paid into into it my entire working career to do exactly so.
Chica Chaser's Avatar

As for this socialistic rant you're on, do you plan to forgo any social security benefits when you become due?

You would if you stand on principal, but . .

. . . I doubt that you will. It's much easier to condemn the system with one side of your mouth while you're collecting as much as you can.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Why shouldn't I collect my social security when I meet the eligibility requirements? I paid into it from withholding's from my paycheck my entire working career to do exactly so.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're right, Timmy. Obama is definitely more of a fascist than a socialist. But the end result is the same, making the definitions a moot point. It is government control, which is also defined as tyranny.
markroxny's Avatar
I took a month off because of the disaster on election day. Truthfully, I wasn't sure whether I would ever post again. Talking politics seems pointless once you're convinced the country can't be saved. I'm convinced it can't.

I thought Romney had a chance to win. I allowed myself to be hopefull. A Romney victory might have given the country a little more time to reform our behavior and at least delay an economic collapse. We threw a hail Mary pass and it failed. Now we're out of time. The game is over. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Hail Mary pass??? LMAO. No motherfucker you swore up and down he was going to win in a fucking landslide! You were dead fucking wrong!

Still think the pols were skewed asswipe????

You're right, Timmy. Obama is definitely more of a fascist than a socialist. But the end result is the same, making the definitions a moot point. It is government control, which is also defined as tyranny. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're on Pluto. There is no tyranny here in the US, other than what you can think up in your fevered imagination.

Not to rain on your bizarre parade, but here is the definition of the word "tyranny" that you throw around:


/ˈtɪr ə ni/ Show Spelled [tir-uh-nee] Show IPA
noun, plural tyr·an·nies. 1. arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.

2. the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.

3. a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.

4. oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.

5. undue severity or harshness.

Obama can't even get a budget passed. This is an "unrestrained exercise in power?"

I repeat: you are on Pluto.