Obamacare-The Rest of the Story

txscubaman's Avatar
Geez... why does word "conservative" bring out the worst in most of these folks... I am a conservative, but not in the way that you think. I believe people should work for a living, be responsible for themselves (i.e., act responsibly), and that the government should operate in a balanced budget mode (but that doesn't mean tax me more so you can spend more). Now don't think because I'm conservative, I'm cruel and heartless. There are those that can't work for a living and need a helping hand, but there are too many freeloaders. And while I'm out on a limb, put God back in education, the pledge of allegiance and everything else. If you choose not to believe, keep it to yourself. If you're offended, go home and tell somebody there about it, but don't try to make me change what I'm doing because you're one out of a hundred that's upset... And above all, stop trying to socialize America - the people don't want it. And if you have the urge to argue with these idiots, remember two little things: (1) They walk around with the attitude of 'don't confuse me with facts, cause my mind is made up' and (2) NEVER argue with an idiot, because people can't tell the difference. 'Nuff said?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Words of wisdom, scuba-dude. Good having you back in the boat.

I'm guessing you enjoy ruffling the feathers of p.c.bubble blowers by referring to your "flippers". If you haven't done that yet, I recommend it highly...call 'em flippers then set back and watch the stampede to enlighten you that they ain't flippers, they fins, dadgummit!

(They also go nuts when you sing the praises of solo diving. That's a subject almost as taboo amongst divers in bunches as BBFS is amongst mongers, in public anyway.)
JohnnyFarangly's Avatar
Someone tells it like it is. This forum could use less demagoguery too.

WASHINGTON – Too many Republican leaders are acquiescing to a poisonous "demagoguery" that threatens the party's long-term credibility, says a veteran GOP House member who was defeated in South Carolina's primary last month.
While not naming names, 12-year incumbent Rep. Bob Inglis
suggested in interviews with The Associated Press that tea party favorites such as former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and right-wing talk show hosts like Glenn Beck are the culprits.
He cited a claim made famous by Palin that the Democratic health care bill would create "death panels" to decide whether elderly or sick people should get care.
"There were no death panels in the bill ... and to encourage that kind of fear is just the lowest form of political leadership. It's not leadership. It's demagoguery," said Inglis, one of three Republican incumbents who have lost their seats in Congress to primary and state party convention challengers this year.
Inglis said voters eventually will discover that you're "preying on their fears" and turn away.
"I think we have a lot of leaders that are following those (television and talk radio) personalities and not leading," he said. "What it takes to lead is to say, 'You know, that's just not right.'"
Inglis said the rhetoric also distracts from the real problems that politicians should be trying to resolve, such as budgetand energy security.
"It's a real concern, because I think what we're doing is dividing the country into partisan camps that really look a lot like Shia and Sunni," he said, referring to the two predominant Islamic denominations that have feuded for centuries. "It's very difficult to come together to find solutions."
Inglis' refusal to join in on the Obama-bashing of the far right played a big role in his defeat on June 22. Leading up to the election, he frequently challenged voters who questioned the president's citizenship or patriotism. At one town hall meeting, he was jeered for saying that Beck, a Fox News Channel host, is a divisive fearmonger.
In his primary runoff against prosecutor Trey Gowdy, Inglis failed to break 30 percent, an improbably low result for a sitting incumbent not embroiled in scandal.
Inglis said he was shocked during the health care votes as he watched protesters jeering Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat who was beaten as a leading civil rights activist in the 1960s.
Inglis said he was too far away during the jeering incident to hear whether the protesters shouted racial epithets, as Lewis and other black lawmakers have claimed. But Inglis said the behavior was threatening and abusive.
"I caught him at the door and said, 'John, I guess you've been here before,'" Inglis said.
Inglis, 50, who calls himself a Jack Kemp disciple because he has emphasized outreach to minorities as the late Republican congressman did, thinks racism is a part of the vitriol directed at President Barack Obama.
"I love the South. I'm a Southerner. But I can feel it," he said.
Inglis was first elected in 1992 and left after six years to honor a term-limits pledge. But he won the seat again in 2004. He doesn't yet know what he'll do when he leaves Congress in January. He said it's unlikely he'll run for office again, but he didn't rule it out.
"It's hard to see how it works for me," he said. "But things change, and maybe something changes here."
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
What else would a defeated RINO say? Who cares what excuses they utter? They are discards precisely because they joined the state in warring on the nation and its citizenry.

But the bloodthirsty sheep of the mainstream media will open its loving arms to any "Republican" who opposes conservative principles. You can make book on that.
txscubaman's Avatar
Someone tells it like it is. This forum could use less demagoguery too.

While not naming names, 12-year incumbent Rep. Bob Inglis
suggested in interviews with The Associated Press that tea party favorites such as former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and right-wing talk show hosts like Glenn Beck are the culprits.
He cited a claim made famous by Palin that the Democratic health care bill would create "death panels" to decide whether elderly or sick people should get care.
"There were no death panels in the bill ... and to encourage that kind of fear is just the lowest form of political leadership. It's not leadership. It's demagoguery," said Inglis, one of three Republican incumbents who have lost their seats in Congress to primary and state party convention challengers this year.
Inglis said voters eventually will discover that you're "preying on their fears" and turn away.
"I think we have a lot of leaders that are following those (television and talk radio) personalities and not leading," he said. "What it takes to lead is to say, 'You know, that's just not right.'"
Originally Posted by JohnnyFarangly

The fact of the matter is that there is "death squads" in the bill. They don't call it that, but what the bill does say is that the government will have the right to 'limit care' based on the patient's viability (chance of survival). Might take a few minutes to read the bill (all 1200 pages of it).
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Of course there are death panels...they're just called "utilization review committees", among other committees. How fuckin' stupid would they have to be to come right out and call the things "Southeast Texas District Death Panel", etc...Use some common sense. You'll learn to like it.
txscubaman's Avatar
Words of wisdom, scuba-dude. Good having you back in the boat.

I'm guessing you enjoy ruffling the feathers of p.c.bubble blowers by referring to your "flippers". If you haven't done that yet, I recommend it highly...call 'em flippers then set back and watch the stampede to enlighten you that they ain't flippers, they fins, dadgummit!

(They also go nuts when you sing the praises of solo diving. That's a subject almost as taboo amongst divers in bunches as BBFS is amongst mongers, in public anyway.) Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
I have been known to be a 'solo diver' but mostly it's when they pair me up with a bunch of newbies that suck their tanks dry long before me. I had some suck their tanks dry in 15 minutes because of the 6 foot spotted moray I was holding, so that left me with 30 minutes of solo diving... But I am a Master Diver after all.... both at sea and clam diving!

But I will keep driving them nuts!!!! The one thing about Tea-Baggers is the one thing they don't understand - We're all just like them. We all go to work in meaningless jobs, pay our bills, feed our kids and gripe about how much money the government takes out of our paycheck. But they don't understand that we're the same... they just walk around with the attitude of "don't confuse me with facts 'cause my mind's made up..." then listen to the DNC chairman or the president or the house speaker without bothering to do a little leg work or fact checking. Fact of the matter is, I don't take anybody's word for something without checking it out for myself and reading what piece of garbage they are pushing through congress.
punisher's Avatar
I have been known to be a 'solo diver' but mostly it's when they pair me up with a bunch of newbies that suck their tanks dry long before me. I had some suck their tanks dry in 15 minutes because of the 6 foot spotted moray I was holding, so that left me with 30 minutes of solo diving... But I am a Master Diver after all.... both at sea and clam diving!

But I will keep driving them nuts!!!! The one thing about Tea-Baggers is the one thing they don't understand - We're all just like them. We all go to work in meaningless jobs, pay our bills, feed our kids and gripe about how much money the government takes out of our paycheck. But they don't understand that we're the same... they just walk around with the attitude of "don't confuse me with facts 'cause my mind's made up..." then listen to the DNC chairman or the president or the house speaker without bothering to do a little leg work or fact checking. Fact of the matter is, I don't take anybody's word for something without checking it out for myself and reading what piece of garbage they are pushing through congress.
Originally Posted by txscubaman
oh, come on man, why do you have to use derogatory word to describe them. you know it is not tea-baggers, but rather t-e-a (tax enough already) party.
JohnnyFarangly's Avatar
the bill does say is that the government will have the right to 'limit care' based on the patient's viability (chance of survival). Originally Posted by txscubaman
and if you think insurance companies dont do that now, you are living in a dream world.
At least with the government we have a voice. With insurance companies, once you get sick, you are totally stuck with any coverage you have, or, of course the insurance company can decide you are too sick and drop you.

Inglis lost because the wingnuts will not accept someone telling them the truth.
They want hysterical, misinformation like they get from Beck, Rush and articles like the OP in this thread. This thread began with a totally false article, instead of owning up, most of the bandwidth is being used to try to rationalize the misinformation and even add more.

The operating mode for 'conservatives' this year is, "If we can get enough people to believe enough lies, maybe we can win back the House."
P T Barnum would be very proud.
txscubaman's Avatar
and if you think insurance companies dont do that now, you are living in a dream world.
At least with the government we have a voice. With insurance companies, once you get sick, you are totally stuck with any coverage you have, or, of course the insurance company can decide you are too sick and drop you. Originally Posted by JohnnyFarangly
Johnny, what country did you wake up in??? "With the government we have a voice..." Dude you are hysterical. Since 60 percent of Americans now feel that the healthcare bill is a bad idea, what voice has there been to say to those knuckleheads to repeal it? The idea that this is a government of the people, by the people and for the people died a horrible death about a hundred years ago, when the democrats that we see today came to life. Remember Hillary care when Bill took office? People said then that 'we don't want it' and if the truth were really told, people probably didn't want this one either. But having sat through a statistics class in college, I am well aware that I can make polls say anything I want them to. I also have enough of an education in psychology to know that if I tell you a lie long enough, you'll eventually believe it. I am almost to the point that I am truly ready to follow the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, where it propagates the notion that we are to throw out a government that has become too oppressive. Anybody with me???
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm loyal go this country first but I'm not gonna be a pussy when I see someone lying or saying that we are actually the enemy. So excuse me, if I see this country who I would fight and die for, being maligned by two pussies who never had the balls to stand up for this country. So fuck em. Originally Posted by xxr76xx
Obama is one of them, who is the other one?
With insurance companies, once you get sick, you are totally stuck with any coverage you have, or, of course the insurance company can decide you are too sick and drop you. Originally Posted by JohnnyFarangly
The type of behavior your describing has been illegal since 1996 under Title I of HIPAA, and even prior to that statistics have consistently demonstrated that the practice was so infrequent and random as to not be significantly measurable. I place the burden of proof on you to demonstrate why a far-reaching and economically crippling healthcare bill is necessary to prevent this type of behavior, to include meaningful numbers of patients who have been abused in this manner. I place it on you because you can't. The reason you can't is because no insurance company in its right mind would knowingly drop already covered customers when they become ill because it would lead to a mass exodus of customers outraged or worried about similar treatment.

Democrats can create fantasies of abuses by insurance companies, but that's all they are. Get your facts straight before you start regurgitating Pelosi, Reid and BHO's bumper sticker bullshit.
LexusLover's Avatar

Obama to Jane Sturm regarding her 105 year old mother: Let her take a pill!

Jane Sturm asks the Obama if her 100 year old mother (now 105) would have gotten a pacemaker under his plan. Obama’s response? “Let her take a pain killer!”

That's "ObamCare"!