Exny didn't "layout" any set of facts; he just tried to spin the facts that I previously presented......... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You didn't "present" any facts. At least none that could be spun.

You posted a link with a one sentence introduction stating:

"A liberal Obama supporter of course; and here is his most recent obscene rant....".

That was your whole post.

And I gave the opinion that the linked article and audio steam was much ado about nothing. A lame excuse on the part of some right-wingers to drum up phony indignation.

Playing the victim is a left-wing trick. Victimhood is a badge of honor with them. It is beneath the dignity of a real conservative to play that game.
They have yet to disprove that lib talker Malloy is not the most vile... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Really. And what exactly would a zealot like you accept as "proof"?

Obviously nothing.

No one has to disprove anything, because you didn't prove anything in the first place.

You state your opinion of Malloy like it is fact, which it isn't.

"Vile" isn't a measureable quantity, like gallons or ounces. It is a subjective judgment about how much somebody displeases you.

But someone who displeases you may not displease someone else as much. They may find Alex Jones worse. They are every bit as entitled to their subjective judgements as you are to yours.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where would one find a ranking if the "most vile" pray tell? Where are the facts showing that he is or isn't?

Again, you're baseless.
cptjohnstone's Avatar

Again, I am in the basement. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
with my girlfriend
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a lying sack of shit, Okie. Of course, that comes with the territory, doesn't it.

How about addressing the points I raised, any of you fuckpans?
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  • 01-11-2013, 11:25 PM
You can't "prove" an opinion, and proving that an opinion is not true is even worse.

But you already know that.

And you don't care.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Very mature, asshat. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yes, Assup. You are the very model of a mature poster. Would that we could all measure up to your consistent level of maturity, and reasoned responses.

The world would be a better place. No wonder you were voted



Yssup Rider's Avatar
IBUnaliar. That's you. You got nothin, do you?
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They have yet to disprove that lib talker Malloy is not the most vile....and he is an Obama supporter.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And you've yet to provide it, DIPSHIT!
Amazing you refuse to condemn Malloy, who has a track record of hate sppech and calls for violence against conservatives.

No surprise....hes Obamas guy so you sit silently.
You admitted you were clueless who Malloy was - "have never heard of him".................yet you opine that you know he was not serious about his call for Birthers to commit mass suicide about phony outrage..............

And even when told of his long track record of hate speech; you refuse to accept the notion that he may be the most vile.......................

Of course it is an opinion; that is what this board is mostly about......we know the left mostly never offers up any facts or counter opinions with facts..........

And your standard for what constitutes reasonable opinion is pretty low; you think Andrew Sullivan is a conservative ! That's an opinion worth laughing about !

Really. And what exactly would a zealot like you accept as "proof"?

Obviously nothing.

No one has to disprove anything, because you didn't prove anything in the first place.

You state your opinion of Malloy like it is fact, which it isn't.

"Vile" isn't a measureable quantity, like gallons or ounces. It is a subjective judgment about how much somebody displeases you.

But someone who displeases you may not displease someone else as much. They may find Alex Jones worse. They are every bit as entitled to their subjective judgements as you are to yours. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Fuck whirrly if he was trashing liberals your lips would be planted firmly on his ass.If you could nudge the old fart out of the way.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Amazing you refuse to condemn Malloy, who has a track record of hate sppech and calls for violence against conservatives.

No surprise....hes Obamas guy so you sit silently. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I don't listen to Malloy. I didn't even know who he was until you jizzed all over him in this thread.

But I will say that Sarcastic, stupid, hate-mongering commentators shouldn't be allowed to spew hatred from any side, but then there's that little First Amendment thingy you boys love so much.

By comparison to Limbaugh and Hannity's daily fare, I found his rant to be I. A slightly lower level. Slightly more sarcastic.

I found your reaction to it to be TYPICALLY HYPOCRITICAL, DIPSHIT!
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  • WTF
  • 01-12-2013, 11:28 AM
Fuck whirrly if he was trashing liberals your lips would be planted firmly on his ass.If you could nudge the old fart out of the way. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

That is our Tea Pukes allright. Anybody that disagrees with them is vile!
You admitted you were clueless who Malloy was - "have never heard of him".................yet you opine that you know he was not serious about his call for Birthers to commit mass suicide about phony outrage.. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Another strawman argument. I don't need to know anything about Malloy to know that he was not serious. All I have to do is listen to the audio in the link you posted. He is making a VERY obvious - and old - joke.

Malloy suggested that birthers form a huge circular firing squad and open fire on his command. In order to get indignant about that YOU must actually believe that Malloy was serious and that birthers would actually form a giant circular firing squad.

Now, to me, that is blatant sarcasm, akin to telling birthers to take a long walk on a short pier. It is obviously figurative, not literal.

However, maybe not to you. So, let's get you on record with a straight answer to direct questions.

Do YOU, Whirly, think that Malloy was making a serious suggestion that Malloy believed would cause thousands of birthers to form a huge circular firing squad and commit mass suicide? Is that or is that not what you think?

If your answer is "No, he wasn't serious", then the next question is: "Why are you treating like it was a serious suggestion and pretending to be indignant?

If your answer is "Yes, he was serious", then the next question is: "How long was the bus that you rode to school when you were young? Was it real short?"

And even when told of his long track record of hate speech; you refuse to accept the notion that he may be the most vile.. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Stop rewording your earlier posts. You did not suggest that he "may" be the most vile. You simply asserted that he was the "most vile" (whatever that means) and demanded that others DISPROVE it. You can't disprove a "may".

Of course it is an opinion; that is what this board is mostly about......we know the left mostly never offers up any facts or counter opinions with facts... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
There is the pot calling the kettle black. Where are your "facts"? You posted a link to an audio track and declared him vile for making a sarcastic and obviously impossible suggestion to birthers.

And your standard for what constitutes reasonable opinion is pretty low; you think Andrew Sullivan is a conservative ! That's an opinion worth laughing about! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That comment makes no sense whatsoever. I suppose you are just trying to change the subject.