And as Big C used to say - If you don't, someone will be taking a vacation.
Originally Posted by Stick1969
He also used to say "give me free/discounted pussy and I will help you on the boards". No offense Stick but you could find a better person to quote is all I am saying.. maybe John Mclane? "enjoy the rest of your life here.. all 2 seconds of it"
I believe the original topic was Annie believed someone wrote two reviews just so someone would call it a duck. She was upset about certain members here jumping to that conclusion instead of the likely chance that the reviews were just someone being an ass. Fact is the guy who wrote said reviews in fact lied saying he saw Annie's girls just so he could say he was a reviewer and use it to gain the trust of other providers here, making him a very dangerous person, so this original thread is important to all persons here. Make note that claiming a 2010 date means outside statute of limitations and by not entering ros, there is no real evidence of wrongdoing, so either someone is a lawyer, or im sure you can guess what.
...and I am back in with the win! Yessssss!