Where is Greggo?

Silvio Dante's Avatar
Greggo needs to quit being a pussy and suck it up. The guy is a radio personality in one of the largest markets in the US and people who have never even met him actually give a shit about his well being.

As for his "medical issues," suck it up and be a big boy. People get cancer and bad shit every day. Last year my uncle who was one of my best friends died of a massive heart attack 5 days before we were supposed to go on vacation together. Instead 5 days later I was at a fucking funeral home with my cousins loading him into the ground. Poof....gone.

If it's a physiological or true psychological issue, take your fucking medicine (Prozac, Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, whatever), stay on it, and spare us all. I've got a 50 year old brother who can't drive and can barely walk after a head injury sustained 7 years ago....if he can somehow manage to take his Prozac among 100 other medications, I think someone hosting a radio show can do the same.
Double down on your thoughts, SD . . . had my dose of GW and paid my personal dues with his "behavior" issues. Time for the boy to grow up . . .