Level of Education of Eccie members

Fancyinheels's Avatar
I forgot to add my 44C Degree in Titonics, and placement on the Honor Roll for Oraltory.

Cum1more is right; I though about it and researched the field for compatibility and pay scale, significantly higher than what I was doing before, with hours and flexibility that suited my personality more appropriately than a 9-5 job. However, any subject I ever studied has contributed to my being successful at what I do now, and everything I continue to learn helps me be better.

Bachelors Degree: Business Management Major
Minor in Literature
Double Minor in Punk-Rockology
Goux San Diego State Aztecs!!!

No matter how smart we all are ..or not.. we all need an escape from a job ,the real world ,stress , family and the hobby gives us that relief .
There is nothing better than sharing your problems with another person and in return getting a little TLC - It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out !!
Enchante, je parle la langue de l'amour! Originally Posted by Nicolet
Nicolet - I bet you do really speak the language of love !
No matter how smart we all are ..or not.. we all need an escape from a job ,the real world ,stress , family and the hobby gives us that relief .
There is nothing better than sharing your problems with another person and in return getting a little TLC - It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out !! Originally Posted by wildwooly1
Good point!

Hey OP, did you change mines yet from "Some High School" to "Ph.D." yet?
Somehow, I'm a little skeptical of the results of this poll...... Over 90% of the respondents have a degree in higher education?? C'mon!! I've read your posts - I've seen the way you people think, act, communicate, etc.....Really?? 90%??

I know I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree - Hell, I don't even know if I'm ON the tree - But, 90% huh?!.....Hmmmmmmm...... interesting.
Wakeup's Avatar
Why is this so hard to believe...uneducated people aren't going to have the resources to shell out the fucking crazy hourly rates these whores want...you have to have a decent job first...
Why is this so hard to believe...uneducated people aren't going to have the resources to shell out the fucking crazy hourly rates these whores want...you have to have a decent job first... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
....and it could be that me and Jethro Bodine have not responded because we only gradiated the 6th grade.....
Why is this so hard to believe...uneducated people aren't going to have the resources to shell out the fucking crazy hourly rates these whores want...you have to have a decent job first... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
think again Mojombo, theirs sume unedumacated people that do pritygood
Wakeup's Avatar
And the poll makes it very clear what that percentage is...
dtymh55's Avatar
I put in High School diploma, You don't have a listing for some collage.
fun2come's Avatar
I put in High School diploma, You don't have a listing for some collage. Originally Posted by dtymh55
You are right. Good choice.
While a lot of people have some "collage", most "collage" is overrated. I am sure you see why.

I also took the freedom to decide that "some college" is NOT a degree.
The survey is ascending and if I would list "some college", I also need to list "some master", "some Ph.D./M.D." and quite frankly that freaked me out.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
I am in the process of obtaining my Master's Degree.
bikebryan's Avatar
Somehow, I'm a little skeptical of the results of this poll...... Over 90% of the respondents have a degree in higher education?? C'mon!! I've read your posts - I've seen the way you people think, act, communicate, etc.....Really?? 90%??

I know I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree - Hell, I don't even know if I'm ON the tree - But, 90% huh?!.....Hmmmmmmm...... interesting. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Unfortunately you can't judge a person's education by how they post.

I deal with people calling in about education benefits all the time. It really scares me when they say they are in their junior year and unless the money comes and soon they will have to stop going to school - yet it takes them five tries to write down the phone number they should have been calling in the first place. Do their college professors repeat everything five times? If it was me they get it the first time - if I have to repeat it more than once they should not be in the class as they don't know how to properly take notes.