Why so desperate???

linux's Avatar
  • linux
  • 03-12-2013, 09:33 AM
I think the three most desperate things I see on this board are:

1) The late notice cancellation thread. Same few people for the most part just spamming.

2) Huge signature lines with random cities listed in ads increase search results (like having Pearland in your ad even though you're downtown, or whatever).

3) The girls that fight over posting at 9pm in the weekend thread on Sunday night so their huge ad and huge signature can be on top.

It's always the same crowd though for the most part.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I think the three most desperate things I see on this board are:

1) The late notice cancellation thread. Same few people for the most part just spamming.

2) Huge signature lines with random cities listed in ads increase search results (like having Pearland in your ad even though you're downtown, or whatever).
Damn, I learned something. Never realized this. Thanks.
3) The girls that fight over posting at 9pm in the weekend thread on Sunday night so their huge ad and huge signature can be on top.
Hey. I need some for of entertainment on Monday morning.
It's always the same crowd though for the most part. Originally Posted by linux
-"Come for the hookers. Stay for the drama."
Dorian is hilarious!!!

LOL .... The signature part being a sign or show of "desperation" is pretty damn funny to me ... I always thought it was a few lines of self expression? Some people wayyyyy over think things and can't seem to sleep at night unless then have added a little bit of negativity and drama to something innocent
and harmless. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
-"Come for the hookers. Stay for the drama." Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Brooke Wilde's Avatar

3) The girls that fight over posting at 9pm in the weekend thread on Sunday night so their huge ad and huge signature can be on top.
Originally Posted by linux

Posting the last ad on the weekend line up at 9pm is not desperate, it is a smart business move .... However, it is desperate and flat out rude if/when the same girl does it week after week. I got it this week and now I won't aim to be the last ad posted for at least a few weeks.
As Brooke stated most of what we do is business moves. This is OUR business so we have to be strategic. My degree is in marketing so I try my best to market myself correctly without looking downright desperate.....but it is what it is. We are making money doing this. But there is always a classy way you can go about it.
It is pure boredom that kept you up till 3 in the morning contemplating your response cuz u got told! Uhuh yeah, ok.

You act like a catty drama queen cuz that's what illiterate people seeking attention do. Don't play yourself, the topic of this thread IS u...desperate, smh...
You're done here. At least I am. Carry on!

Sweetie I am acting like a catty drama queen right now sucking you in out
of pure boredom. Thank you for entertaining me. If you were truly mature and educated you would have continued to have me on ignore and not have been so quick to jump on the childish ban wagon that I eventually made you push...................

Side note you continuously talk about staying on topic yet every thing you have typed on this thread had been anything but this topic. I have been your topic.! * blush* (Don't believe me go back and REREAD!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!) Originally Posted by SexyCassandra
LOL. Good one, chica!

Sofia- Remember... https://twitter.com/ValerieFoxxx/sta...441857/photo/1

(Inside joke ) Originally Posted by Valerie
SexyCassandra's Avatar
It is pure boredom that kept you up till 3 in the morning contemplating your response cuz u got told! Uhuh yeah, ok.

You act like a catty drama queen cuz that's what illiterate people seeking attention do. Don't play yourself, the topic of this thread IS u...desperate, smh...
You're done here. At least I am. Carry on! Originally Posted by Sofia Simms

Bless your heart I keep knocking you down and you keep getting back up.....
You are endlessly hilarious!!!!
Yes I am done here. You are to clever for me with all of your to maturity and education. You might think Im stupid and that's ok. You might have education and your "so called maturity" But I have something you don't. Common Fucking sense. You can have your thread back now you have made me bored with all of your wit.........
If this really was a battle of the witty I think this is KO!!!!!
Have a nice day/thread.

(If you just cant help yourself and you have anything else to say to me. There is a more appropriate place we should take this.)...................:bye1 :
*Harley*'s Avatar
Sofia- Remember... https://twitter.com/ValerieFoxxx/sta...441857/photo/1

(Inside joke ) Originally Posted by Valerie
I love it!
Mojojo's Avatar
Although I love girl on girl action stick to the topic ladies!
pyramider's Avatar
I am just here for the taint ... carry on ladies. I apologize if I sound desperate ... whatever it taints ...
friendlytxguy's Avatar
Umm I agree with Brooke 100%. And by the way Cassandra, what pretty eyes you have. Never seen ya before but I like your response girl. Very true.