Roll Call Pennsylvania!

just sayin hello lurked on aspd alittle before it went down probably do the same here still a newbie who is trying to learn before jumpin in
I made it! Used to go by smilindave on aspd. Glad to be here and see a lot of familiar people.
Hello PA.. Temp Resident here lol
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-24-2010, 03:47 PM
I was keeping a low pro while the staff ap was in, and, it was nice to have a break from mod duties for a bit.

It is nice to have some help with the PA forums that's for sure.

And, yes to the whether this will be like ASPD questions, my personal agenda is going to make sure that the reviews here are the best they can be, and more importantly, ones that are good for both parties, good reviews help the providers, bad reviews most of the time help the men, the truth, and more information is good, and thats the most important thing that we can have here.
Eli's Avatar
  • Eli
  • 01-24-2010, 07:22 PM

Glad to see you here! Hope your little vacay was eventful but relaxing.

cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 01-25-2010, 03:40 PM

I think your attitude is spot-on, and I think there's a real benefit to your approach to the reviews.

I hope that the willingness to post a bad review transfers from ASPD to Eccie. That really was incredibly useful.

One thing I hope does NOT transfer is the attitude towards reviews from new members. I think that dissuaded many new reviewers over time, which is the lifeblood of a hobbyist-oriented site. Since we're all new here, hopefully that won't be an issue at all.

Good to see the folks here.


BTW, had to post this b/c this stickie is cool...

BTW, how do we add a smilie/stickie thing? I just saw the guillotine one and it made me laugh.
Hello Everyone

Good to see a place for Pennsylvanians and all the familiar names. I have lurked around ASPD for quite a while and have missed all the good discussion and information.


Classicv's Avatar
Classicv also from western Pa and Aspd and TOS
chico613's Avatar
Just making it over here from ASPD
Boogieman227's Avatar
Hello all. Longtime lurker and infrequent poster on ASPD. Glad to have found this site - and to see familiar names.
Never posted much, but got some good connections from ASPD. Hope this place works out, as it seems quite user friendly, with a better variety of info.
Finally made it over! The site looks good. Glad to see a lot of familiar names, too!
We're getting quite a nice crowd in here!

Lots of familiar names.......