North Korea?????

dirty dog's Avatar
Sorry Leanna if they came across harsh I was not intending it to be.
KenMonk's Avatar
EMP's are no easy feat, and any country that has one would never let anyone know until they broke it out for use, like the U.S. did with nukes and Japan.

I like the idea of the laser, and I read that as well. I guess the laser was 3 for 3 in shooting down UAV's and slow moving missiles. It was described more as a warning piece then a real offensive weapon though. I guess its also great against smaller vessels as it fast enough to lay down continuous fire on a slow moving target with little to no effort or resource usage. They didn't discuss its power, or range, but I would guess if its shooting down UAV's the ranger would be at around a half mile or so.
Bartman1963's Avatar
The Washington Times loved Iraq in 2003 for all the wrong reasons L. I read their stuff, occasionally...but I take it with a grain of salt. It is an extremely conservative paper owned by Sun Myung Moon until he died last year. As a South Korean he and his family have had before and currently still have their own bones to pick with NK. So making them sound like a technological threat, so the US will beef up it's commitment is a good move for them. I seriously doubt NK will do a damn thing. What they really want to do is what I was talking about before, and maybe bluster their way into more talks so they can beg for free or cut rate food shipments. He just doesn't want to be seen as the beggar and joke he and his father have turned NK into. It's pathetic really.
dirty dog's Avatar
EMP's are no easy feat, and any country that has one would never let anyone know until they broke it out for use, like the U.S. did with nukes and Japan.

I like the idea of the laser, and I read that as well. I guess the laser was 3 for 3 in shooting down UAV's and slow moving missiles. It was described more as a warning piece then a real offensive weapon though. I guess its also great against smaller vessels as it fast enough to lay down continuous fire on a slow moving target with little to no effort or resource usage. They didn't discuss its power, or range, but I would guess if its shooting down UAV's the ranger would be at around a half mile or so. Originally Posted by KenMonk
I wasnt meaning it to sound like I thought it was the end all be all of weapons, rather I was just commenting on the timing of the annoucnment.
dirty dog's Avatar
The Washington Times loved Iraq in 2003 for all the wrong reasons L. I read their stuff, occasionally...but I take it with a grain of salt. It is an extremely conservative paper owned by Sun Myung Moon until he died last year. As a South Korean he and his family have had before and currently still have their own bones to pick with NK. So making them sound like a technological threat, so the US will beef up it's commitment is a good move for them. I seriously doubt NK will do a damn thing. What they really want to do is what I was talking about before, and maybe bluster their way into more talks so they can beg for free or cut rate food shipments. He just doesn't want to be seen as the beggar and joke he and his father have turned NK into. It's pathetic really. Originally Posted by Bartman1963
Bart can you blame them, all the mistreatment given to them by us, I mean seriously why do those "you have to be this tall to ride" lines have to be so tall, can you imagine how frustrating it must be to be 27 and you still cant ride the big kid rides.
I think the admiral is over-estimating the need for 'command and control'. Its not like they're operating radar to protect from an air attack. If they launch first, they will successfully launch all their rockets....andthe destruction will be done. I have no solutions....but I think the good admiral is being flippant with army lives and failing to understand how ineffective our tactics can be against a foe stuck in 1950.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar anyone ready to read about 25,000 US military deaths, thousands of military dependent deaths, and/or thousands of captured or missing Americans? We have the capability but we also have President Feckless at the helm.
DD, You didn't come across as harsh. It's all good

Bartman, I understand how alot of people don't like the Washington Times. During the Iraq war they did a hit piece on a family member of mine. I have to admit, while it wasn't nice... I can't say that it wasn't true The reporter followed him around for a couple of days. He got a little bit to comfortable with the reporter and said some things that came across as naive and cocky. The Washington Times then had a field day with it. Even though he got all butt hurt over it, he learned a very valuable lesson about the news media.
KenMonk's Avatar
Also to be fair, there is an EMP, its called a nuke. The most effective use for an EMP nuke is actually setting one off in space. During the height of American testing in the 1950s and 1960s nukes were set off in space. This sent out EMP like waves across great distances. I believe they did this a few times over the Pacific, and electronics were disabled in some parts of Hawaii and New Zealand.

The theory is that a 100 megaton nuke could be fired into space and released above Kansas/Missouri, and effectively knock out every electronic from San Fran to New York. While the blast itself wouldn't kill millions of people most likely, it would send the United States back to the dark age.

Now on a smaller scale, this could be used to send a region into chaos IE: SK, Japan, and parts of the U.S.
dirty dog's Avatar
I think the admiral is over-estimating the need for 'command and control'. Its not like they're operating radar to protect from an air attack. If they launch first, they will successfully launch all their rockets....andthe destruction will be done. I have no solutions....but I think the good admiral is being flippant with army lives and failing to understand how ineffective our tactics can be against a foe stuck in 1950. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
Yah your right what would he know about it, I am sure he is not up on all the current intel as you are. I am sure he conversation was not being flippant with ARMY lives, yeah there is no bias in anything your saying, let me guess you were in the army? Were not talking rockets were talking artilary, and yes once its launched there is nothing that we can do, but they will still have to launch a ground invasion, and they do have a standing air force that while old can still be used in support of ground troups. You have to disrupt their communication from leadership, thus the command and control.
KenMonk's Avatar
Yah your right what would he know about it, I am sure he is not up on all the current intel as you are. I am sure he conversation was not being flippant with ARMY lives, yeah there is no bias in anything your saying, let me guess you were in the army? Were not talking rockets were talking artilary, and yes once its launched there is nothing that we can do, but they will still have to launch a ground invasion, and they do have a standing air force that while old can still be used in support of ground troups. You have to disrupt their communication from leadership, thus the command and control. Originally Posted by dirty dog
It would take a lot of time to launch that much artillery though. I was never in the military, but I'm a student of history, and I believe he can only fire a limited amount within a given time frame, 500,000 rounds in 10 minutes would be a feat for any army. Sure that amount would be enough to kill thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, but it would take time. Also from what I have read and understand, NK's artillery would only be able to reach the northern outskirts maybe even northern downtown of Soule, so most of the population would be okay.

The risk vs reward simply isn't there. I also don't get it, why wouldn't he want to take a page out of China's book and ask/accept aide, and hit his "enemies" where it matters most, in the pocket book.
Misawahawk's Avatar
I was reading today that if NK attacks at all-the US is going to complete a regime change. SK does not want the US to attack first, but the problem isn't just what SK thinks. Japan is going to say if the US isn't going to fix this problem they are going to get nukes. We don't want that, as Japan freaking hates NK,SK, and China.

Yeah NK has a bunch of people in their Army, but they have old soviet equipment. The US can shoot down big artillery. Once it's launched the trajectory can be calculated and fire returned. There's 28k US troops on the dmz, 2 Air Force bases in SK, 3 in Japan, B2s in Guam, plus the Navy. It would be over quick.
Misawahawk's Avatar

That was 2002, we've had this tech long time before that
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
That would only be true if China decides to sit this one out and Obama has the stones to do it. I'm not convinced either is true, unfortunately.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 04-10-2013, 04:36 PM
thought Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor, not North Korea