Someone Spreading Stories

Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 06-22-2013, 05:53 PM
Malwoody.....I have plenty of popcorn and beer if you want to join me an watch the fun......
CaptainKaos's Avatar
I think a lot of folks around here forgot how to have fun.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 06-22-2013, 06:29 PM
I whole heartedly agree Captain!
ElumEno's Avatar
Malwoody.....I have plenty of popcorn and beer if you want to join me an watch the fun...... Originally Posted by Bubba
Hey Bubba, if I meet you at the state line, do you think you could throw a couple bags across... we are getting a little low on the Missouri side.
Johnny4455's Avatar
... however I take some of the things they say or do (ie wow your cock is huge.... Originally Posted by johnsoncountyguy29

Which one of these ladies tried that whopper lie on YOU?
malwoody's Avatar
Malwoody.....I have plenty of popcorn and beer if you want to join me an watch the fun...... Originally Posted by Bubba
That's right Amigo...I just gotta remember what channel "As the Hobbyworld turns" is on...
Well, I'm waiting for bigryan222 to weigh in, before I come to any final conclusion, lol
There is a bunch of lieing fucks on here.

Why beat your head giving good solid advice that does not have a chance in hell to be followed?? One of the first to agree that car repair barter did not work so well let was one of the first to endorse barter as payment.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 06-23-2013, 05:21 PM
No problem ElamEno! When I'm of this earth (not in my own world) I live in MO so I would be happy to share. Don't want to go to KS where all the cops are......LOL!!!

Malwoody......Since the show seems to be on fairly often I think I will get a keg!!

Enjoy life folks!

I am confused by what you were hoping to get out of starting this thread, and I hoping you can provide clarity.

When you started this thread, what sort of response were you seeking? As the original poster, if you had power to control the replies, can you tell me two different responses you were hoping you would get?


I have a question... because you guys love pulling my string.
Who has been going around talking shit about me to Providers.
Or telling them most guys think I might be their Pimp. (Reviews)
Yes; I have heard this from a lot of Providers lately...
While; I am seeing them by the way ...

Just like you guys tell them what's in their Reviews.
None of the Reviews were posted by me...

Really guys... you guys don't know me or ever met me...
So Why....
Start some Fucking Drama... Don't get enough at home...

Let the Fun and Bull Shit Begin....

No shit Bubba....
let the Troll's out.....

You say Blame Others,, They are the ones causing the problem... I didn't say anything to these guys, that have been speaking about me... Yes Originally Posted by Helicopter206

I am confused by what you were hoping to get out of starting this thread, and I hoping you can provide clarity.

When you started this thread, what sort of response were you seeking? As the original poster, if you had power to control the replies, can you tell me two different responses you were hoping you would get?

Thanks Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
I guess the story of Rip Van Wrinkle is true, not a fable as I was led to believe.
Back of every mistaken venture and defeat is the laughter of wisdom, if you listen. -Carl Sandburg
dirty dog's Avatar
There's corn in my poop.
Better than poop in the corn.
Johnny4455's Avatar
There's corn in my poop. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Thanks for sharing dd.