My son is 20 yrs old. My age is accurate.
BLT, you absolutely disgust me. You are the epitome of evil. Your lies are so immense and the way you have absolutely no conscience or concept of right and wrong absolutely turn my stomach. You are lying through your teeth. That's fine.
I have not had horrible luck. I have been the target of vultures who prey on people when they are desperately in need. Thankfully I am no longer in a position of vulnerability and intend to further stabilize my safety by purchasing a Doberman Pinscher.
Obviously, I do not need to prove myself since I managed to rent an apt and pay for it through Oct in the space of 2 days. In fact, Bosslady... tell the truth, who's phone kept ringing with appointment requests? Mine or yours? Lol.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Kitty for God's sake
please stop- I don't have a bone to pick with you or BLT- but this what you posted a week ago and again- what I highlight in
RED pretty much negates everything you just posted above and My comments in
Hello, I am badly in need of a little human compassion. You all know that I've had a lot of problems... well it's true and i have not had time to recover from them and now I'm totally out.
Absolutely nobody has come through for me(
Your remark about your phone constantly ringing for appointments- but no one was coming through for you just 7 days ago). I've been stood up more times than I can count.
I am out on the street and don't have a place to stay at all. (now you are bragging about rent being paid up until October???- 7 days ago no home and 7 days later rent paid up until Oct)It is absolutely terrifying. I was not raised like this.
Desperation makes me bold...
I am starving.
I haven't eaten in several days, I can't even get anything to drink. ILast night I was so scared I made a choice to leave with a guy who offered to come get me... I just wanted off the street.
He beat me and choked me and put me out on the side of the road here on Forest Ln thres my things out and ran over what little I had with his car. I've been here all day. I am weak and exhausted beyond exhaustion. (
so in last 7 days you have been assaulted twice-can you post a pic because in 7 days you been beaten by a man and a woman who outweighs you- surely you should have bruises?)
ince being outted my family hates me and no one will speak to me.(
yet 7 days later your phone is ringing off the hook with appointments) I am sunburned badly,
I know who I am and what I can do. Given half a chance I could get back on my feet real quick. Please I haven't given up ojn me yet and I don't want to go to a shelter.
I am not asking for handjouts.
I need a ride to a pawn shoop so I can sell my stereo system. (is this the same stereo that BLT allegedly stole from you?)T
hen I can get somethjing to eat and a room.
wow 7 days ago you didn't have a place to stay a pot to piss in- but you claim you are no stranger or once wasn't a stranger to high end fashion)?
Would someone please help me??? A ride???(
so once again 7 days ago- you are pleading for help and now 7 days later you are throwing this back in people's face- about your high end fashion and your rent being paid up until Oct?)
I am not lying or exaggerating(people usually are when they make that statement). this is my real situation. I can't carry every[thing I own. P
lease help! Call me I won't be online. Please please call.
Plese a ride is all I need.(
A week ago no ride- no place to stay- no food to eat- did you hit the lottery)
This very post that YOU posted just 7 days ago KL destroys your credibility!!!!! And to make it worse- you plead for help 7 days ago- now you are posting about how you wore or familiar with designer brands and having your rent paid and how people are kicking you when you are done and you are the VICTIM- so many people have already said it- but you need HELP- Medical and Psychological!!!!!