We're going to war......again.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama painted himself into a box. It is the job of the state department to get the other guys to paint themselves into a box. This was a failure of the state department and the executive branch. Obama should have acted sooner and the state department should have informed him with the CIA that Assad was not to be threatened by the likes of the man child in chief.

There is not real good way out for Obama. The only hope he has is for Congress to do as Parliment did in England and bail out Barry.
LexusLover's Avatar
Obama painted himself into a box.

There is not real good way out for Obama. The only hope he has is for Congress to do as Parliment did in England and bail out Barry. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He did it with "Obamacare" ...

he did it with the Clintons

he did it with Benghazi ...

with the snitch in Moscow ....and

now with Syria.

These thugs with whom he's been dealing this year .....

......................... make Chicago look like nursery school and him a rag-doll.

They have no respect for him whatsoever. Even the Brits left him hanging out to dry.

The French "have his back"! That's it. Two peas in a pod. The run for cover and hope for the best crowd.
Funny watching the wingers squirm now that congress is brought into the picture.
jane2012's Avatar
Got to love it now that August is over...

I wonder how jr happen le....

Labor day is here tommorrow ...

United? Asseory too attempted murder
Funny watching the wingers squirm now that congress is brought into the picture. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It is not the wingers, as
You say, who will block the President's move, it will be the ultra left wing of his own party. There are just as many left wing loons in the Democrat Party as there are right wing loons in the Republican Party.
LexusLover's Avatar
It is not the wingers, as
You say, who will block the President's move, it will be the ultra left wing of his own party. There are just as many left wing loons in the Democrat Party as there are right wing loons in the Republican Party. Originally Posted by Jackie S
No military action at any risk/cost + a requirement of the law = no approval......

Who is going to predict the consequences of uselessly* firing missiles into Syria.

*Iraq and Afghanistan by Clinton. No verification of target acquisition and strikes.


This current "plan" has Clinton fingerprints all over it. ... A useless aggravation.

Clinton's bullshit didn't degrade anything ... just made a lot of noise.

This current "plan" has Dubya's fingerprints all over it. ... A useless aggravation.

Dubya's bullshit didn't degrade anything ... just made a lot of noise. Originally Posted by LexusLover
No charge for the current (and much more timely) update!
LexusLover's Avatar
No charge for the current (and much more timely) update! Originally Posted by bigtex
Still drinking ... or just starting up again?

You really need to get over your obsessive hatred .... btw ....

If you thought McCain would make a better President than Bush ......

... why did you vote for Obaminable in 2008 rather than McCain?

You were wrong twice, then, .. at least twice. But that's ok. It is understandable .. in a way. Intoxication.

So you are blaming Bush for drawing a "red line" and threatening missiles into Syria .. are you?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-01-2013, 09:49 AM
It is not the wingers, as
You say, who will block the President's move, it will be the ultra left wing of his own party. There are just as many left wing loons in the Democrat Party as there are right wing loons in the Republican Party. Originally Posted by Jackie S
True if he does not get permission from congress it will be because of his own party's vote but I think biggun was talking about our right wing loons in this forum.

LexusLover's Avatar
True if he does not get permission from congress it will be because of his own party's vote but I think biggun was talking about our right wing loons in this forum. . Originally Posted by WTF
Reading minds is ONE OF your self-anointed "expertises"!

The other is posing goofy "smiley" characters.
What's this "we" shit?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Still drinking ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Nope, I was just checking in to see if you have determined who "we" are.

It is quite obvious that "we" went right over your tin foiled, pointy little (Democratic) head.

Ok, let's take it from the TOP, shall "we"?

"WE" is displayed prominently at the TOP of the US Constitution. The first word is "WE" and the first phrase is "WE THE PEOPLE." DUH!


You should try reading it sometime, you might actually learn something worthwhile!

Lexi, you seem to be having difficulty working your way through the obstacles today! "WE" probably should call a cab to help you navigate through the construction zones.
LexusLover's Avatar
"WE" is displayed prominently at the TOP of the US Constitution. The first word is "WE" and the first phrase is "WE THE PEOPLE."


You should try reading it sometime, you might actually learn something worthwhile Originally Posted by bigtex
Certainly you were not referencing "that "WE" when discussing Obaminable.

When discussing Obaminable one should FLIP that "W" and make it an "M"!!!

He's gonna flame the outrage of the Middle Easterners by risking the lives of their women and children to show "the World" he's a "MAN" ... and not the wimp who the World has been sodomizing on a regular basis as he contemplates his next move of a pawn ....

Putin .. reamed him out .. to make smooth sailing for the rest of the World.

The Brits just oiled him up for some more! You did vote for him, did you not?

Have another pop .... "pop" ... you do your "best thinking" when impaired.

Just ask yourself.

You really need to get over your obsessive hatred .... btw ....
Originally Posted by LexusLover
This current "plan" has Clinton fingerprints all over it. ... A useless aggravation.

Clinton's bullshit didn't degrade anything ... just made a lot of noise. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Certainly you were not referencing "that "WE" when discussing Obaminable.

When discussing Obaminable one should FLIP that "W" and make it an "M"!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Perhaps Lexi Liar should take a heapin' (Democratic) helpin' of his own medicine and "get over your obsessive hatred" of all things Clinton and Obama.

What say you?

How do "WE" spell hypocrite?

Lexi Liar, of course!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wish I could take this entire last page and collapse it down to a sentence or two. Seems like the Obamatons have very little to say constructive but now go to distraction mode. When you think about it the entire last page could be thrown away without changing the voices herein. Sorry it hurts so much guys.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-01-2013, 11:02 AM
I wish I could take this entire last page and collapse it down to a sentence or two. Seems like the Obamatons have very little to say constructive but now go to distraction mode. When you think about it the entire last page could be thrown away without changing the voices herein. Sorry it hurts so much guys. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What hurts?

That you lied about a 'WAR'? Like Libya is comparable to say Iraq? It is not, just ask LL.

That congress is going to have a voice?

What hurts JD?