Providers - stop texting blanket ads to everyone who has ever called you!

Guest031411-2's Avatar
yet you continue to keep at it? what a jerk.
If I knew you and had a personal opinion of respect or camaraderie I would take that personal, but they don't really mean anything to me.

Similarily, getting txt msgs unsolicited doesn't really bother me unless it becomes a repetitive pattern with no response on my end or a request to end it. Then it would become annoying so for new providers I've seen once, if you want to txt msg me with a last second deal *YIPPEE*, to my atf's txt me all you want

Originally Posted by John_TX
perhaps. but when people are too busy talking smack to other board members, the "brotherhood" is lost. nobody joined ECCIE to hear people bitch about whether or not what they are posting is the truth. nobody joined ECCIE to have other members talk shit to thim without any penalty or sanction.

Some camaraderie is built on talking shit to each other. Nobody may have joined for that purpose, but it is everyone duty, not just on this board, but in life, to question what's presented to them and not swallow anything and everything as truth. There is a great amount of latitude given to members here to speak their mind freely without fear of penalty or sanction, that is actually a good thing about this board. If everyone was in fear of being slapped down for saying something someone didn't like, we wouldn't have much to say. That is also the kind of environment that hides favoritism, cliques, and politics.

the smack i am referring to is not the same as talking smack between buddies. i am not friends with any of these people. i had no problem with anyone here until last night. there is a difference between being slapped down for speaking your mind and being slapped down for a personal attack. disagreement over facts is fine, but when people start calling other people names because they have no meaningful information to share or to counter the information given, i think that is crossing the line.

whispers has been one of those talking smack to me for no apparent reason. he has no dog in this fight, he just started talking smack. what makes it extremely hypocritical for HIM of all people is that he felt people weren't in essence respecting his efforts, much like my situation. but it is ok for him to "go on strike" but all i get is mouthful of shit from other board members when i opt not to share knowledge that i know?

I think you missed the point of his strike. He was getting people laid for a lot less amount of money with girls better looking than most on the boards for longer periods than an hour at a time. He's not striking from participating on the board, steering people from danger, or even giving out info here and there.

i have no idea and could care less exactly how many people got laid due to whispers. i know i didn't so i have nothing to thank him for. he was on strike for organizing socials (and i believe still is). i have no incentive or responsibility to disseminate information....something people don't seem to grasp. and i had no problem with him until he started to take this personally. and since he has made it personal (not me), i have a right to defend my position.

well, sorry, but as long as people like him continue to talk smack and not retract their statements, the rest of the board members will suffer the lack of info sharing on my part. that may possibly correct members in general behaving badly, when other board members step up to the mouthy ones and tell them to take it down a notch. until then, as long as people aren't man enough to tell these other board bullies to shut the f*** up, there will be many others like me who will opt not to post a damn thing.

So you want other members to get on Whispers for talking smack to you? and those who don't step up to these bullies aren't man enough.

no, what i want is for people who disagree with whisper's position to let him know that his talking smack and making this a personal attack is not acceptable behavior. i could care less how big his fan club is, what he did was wrong and hypocritical.

i care about others' safety - but it is not my responsibility to post anything about something that would help someone from stepping into a potential violent encounter or at the very least, lose their hard earned money. and so long as those who continue to talk smack maintain their position i will maintain mine.

You're right, it's not your responsibility. You have no obligation to help others. Then again, you've basically been self posting alerts that you're not going to be helpful because a few people have bad mouthed you and that your future reviews will contain bare minimum needed to get PA credit, but no more. It's good to know that you see the value in what others contribute enough to go through the effort of writing the review and checking the boxes so you can read others still sharing all the info they can.

I've appreciated some of the information you've shared, thank you for that.
if the system allows me the ability to read information that is disseminated to all members with ROS access, i am just another person who is receiving no more or less than any other contributing member. someone who contributes the bare minimum gets to see the same member who posts a review every day. so, since i have been the target of personal attacks in the last 24 hours or so, and feel that this behavior will continue because of a few people like whispers and his fan club, then i have absolutely no incentive to share any information i have with people who can see it - namely them.

sorry, when they start treating me with respect perhaps i will reconsider. but if they keep at it, i have no incentive to share anything more than i need to to get by.
Seems like a good place to close this thread.
Guest031411-2's Avatar
Can't close this thread just yet....I don't get to watch daytime soaps so this thread is one of my only opportunity to catch up on "As the Hobby Turns"
sixxbach's Avatar
Can't close this thread just yet....I don't get to watch daytime soaps so this thread is one of my only opportunity to catch up on "As the Hobby Turns" Originally Posted by kittyloveratx
Won't be closed just yet... we shall see if this thread can go back on topic....

Guest031411-2's Avatar
I tried about 5 posts up to no avail. Providers, got a great deal you just can't divulge to anyone? txt me