Did the GOP blink?

NiceGuy53's Avatar
Did nice guy blink? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

No. Just acknowledging the obvious. Politicians across the board, especially the ones whom are out front and center in this "shutdown", are not held in high regard by most Americans. Like IB said, all politician's poll number are falling. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
NiceGuy53's Avatar
the poll discussion was about Obama, dumbass Originally Posted by CJ7

Yeah until you shifted it back to Ted Cruz.

And WTF does Eric Holder have to do with any of this?

You really are a fucking moron!
Obamacare is so last week let's fuck the poor this week. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That's about your style.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
so? she isn't in congress either ... just another TeaTurd with declining #'s .... whirlie wanted proof so there ya go whirlarock Originally Posted by CJ7

You are the one who posted her (Sarah Palin's) poll numbers, you fucking dumbass!
He has virtually zero support in Washington. Nobody can stand him, not even his fellow republicans. Ted Cruz is about one thing: Ted Cruz. He's done nothing for the people of the State of Texas who elected him, virtually 100% of his time is spent in furtherance of his delusional belief that he is going to be elected president in 2016. Which is about as likely as monkeys flying out of his ass. Get a clue.

OH I know, THANK YOU GOD. I voted for him and I stand behind him 100%. He is the first politician I've trusted since Reagan. Deal with it bitches. He will be an annoying thorn in your side until you realize he has support like no other in washington. Then he will be a sword in your side. ONE thing has gone right for the good guys. Ted Cruz.

PS. You asshats on the left actually have no clue. I mean I understand being uninformed or missing a story but you guys literally exist somewhere out in the twilight zone. I'm kind of jealous. If I could live there, and block out all truth and reality, I'd be so much happier. So in effect I'm a little jealous of your stupidity.

But since I do pay attention, I'd be mortified to be called a democrat. Well, I'd be mortified to be called a republician too. God they are some evil people. I used to think that democrats were evil and republicians were just trying to help the common man. NOPE. They are both slimy evil mutherfuckers that I want nothing to do with. Ever. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-11-2013, 06:11 AM
Question: Does being popular make one right? If you think your position is the best one for the country, why would you abandon it because of a poll? The majority has been, and still is, frequently wrong.

Who gives a fuck what a poll says about an issue or politician? All it proves is that if you are on the wrong side of the poll, you may need to work harder. But a poll does not prove the rightness or wrongness of any policy or person. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It give a photo shot of who is winning a debate you dumb fuck. The rightness or wrongness of most political issues are subjective. As much as you would like to think you are God of all things right and wrong , you are not. Each person gets to decide right/wrong for him/herself. Get a clue old man...before LovingKayla decides to execute you
That's about your style. Originally Posted by acp5762

CJ7's Avatar
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  • 10-11-2013, 10:11 AM
You are the one who posted her (Sarah Palin's) poll numbers, you fucking dumbass! Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

Palin is a teaturd ... dumbass
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
blink fuck the gop is going to loose big time and john bonehead is going to take the hit. and ted cruz is a fucking asshole tea party that needs to be thrown in boston bay
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It give a photo shot of who is winning a debate you dumb fuck. The rightness or wrongness of most political issues are subjective. As much as you would like to think you are God of all things right and wrong , you are not. Each person gets to decide right/wrong for him/herself. Get a clue old man...before LovingKayla decides to execute you Originally Posted by WTF
What if the side that is winning the debate is wrong?

You need to get back to plagiarizing Wiki. This is one of your stupidest posts yet. At least with Wiki you have a chance of sounding intelligent, until someone asks you to explain it.

What if the side that is winning the debate is wrong?

You need to get back to plagiarizing Wiki. This is one of your stupidest posts yet. At least with Wiki you have a chance of sounding intelligent, until someone asks you to explain it.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How in the hell would Hanoi COG know what sounds intelligent and what does not?

The only sound COG actually identifies with are the "oohs" and "ahhs" Whiffy makes while COG is stroking Whiffy's "Sweet Ass."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
for a change, Whiny stands with his GOP.

what a hypocrite!
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  • 10-12-2013, 09:18 AM
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-12-2013, 09:33 AM
What if the side that is winning the debate is wrong?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Do you understand what subjective means?

In this case it means that right or wrong is left to each person. So to that point there is no universal right or wrong.

Can one side have the majority of folks agreeing with them on a subjective subject? Yes. Does that make it right or wrong? The answer is..... That depends on each persons view of right or wrong. Abortion is a great example of this.

Should you have been aborted at six weeks? See COG, that is a subjective question that has no collective right or wrong...even though a majority of people on this board may believe that you should have been.
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  • WTF
  • 10-12-2013, 09:41 AM
Did the GOP blink?

: Originally Posted by bigtex