Obamacare is failing, everything else is just static

Randy4Candy's Avatar
You gotta love this. Dial 1-800-F U C K Y O U (382 5968), and you'll call an OBAMACARE hotline where a Navigator will be happy to help you try to sign up for Obamacare by directing you to the HEALTHCARE.GOV web site. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Too bad, dipshit, I've already bought mine - off of the site. Not my problem you Teawipe Geniuses are computer illiterate.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-22-2013, 05:52 PM
You're an IDIOT! Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

thus spake the dolt that yammers this

You are a lying piece of shit! Bush did not hire this company to build the Obamacare website. The Obama administration awarded this Canadian company the contract even though there were signs that this company was not up to the job. You still have your head up your ass. Must be where you get your deep thoughts from!

too stupid to fathom the post eh Einstein?

have a nice life Goober
RedLeg505's Avatar
Not my problem you Teawipe Geniuses are computer illiterate. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
SO.. does that make Obama a.."Teawipe Genius" who is "computer illiterate" when he ADMITTED there were problems with the HEALTHCARE.GOV web site and it not working? Won't they take away your Liberal Decoder ring for holding an opinion (Web site works) different from President Obama?
NiceGuy53's Avatar
thus spake the dolt that yammers this

You are a lying piece of shit! Bush did not hire this company to build the Obamacare website. The Obama administration awarded this Canadian company the contract even though there were signs that this company was not up to the job. You still have your head up your ass. Must be where you get your deep thoughts from!

too stupid to fathom the post eh Einstein?

have a nice life Goober Originally Posted by CJ7

You really must have reading comprehension issues. I was responding to Assup's post where he said "Bush hired the company". If he misspoke that is not my problem.
JCM800's Avatar
SO.. does that make Obama a.."Teawipe Genius" who is "computer illiterate" when he ADMITTED there were problems with the HEALTHCARE.GOV web site and it not working? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
just get the 35 floppy disk upgrade ...it fixes all problems.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So let me get this straight. Obama needed a website designer. So he looks around and thinks, "I wonder if GW had any companies he liked? Oh, GW liked CGI! Well, that's good enough for me! Sign them up!"
So let me get this straight. Obama needed a website designer. So he looks around and thinks, "I wonder if GW had any companies he liked? Oh, GW liked CGI! Well, that's good enough for me! Sign them up!" Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There is hope! CGI did so good with the Canadian gun registry, they canceled it...LOL