RR is probably cuddled up with a lady that most of the folks here can neither afford nor get the attention from. While he is getting fucked and sucked most of you really seem to be focused on him here.....
Seems to me..... You have all given him control to a point and even his in Actions and absence are soliciting responses.You're good with words, I'd give you that.......but you're viewing the thread too seriously. This thread is, whether you believe it or not, mostly for entertainment purposes.
I say probably when in actuality I know the guy has landed himself a true gem.
Too many of you focus on posting styles and draw opinions based on words here. Sorry, but as much as you'd like to trivialize it, you're probably aware of the many times that even you yourself have cherry picked words from dissenting members to drive your agenda. This is an online board......we don't get to rely on gestures, body language, facial expressions.......words do matter....
RR is a a pretty decent fellow in my book that has dug himself a hole he cannot find his way put of due to pride.
Although I do not agree with the passion he puts into his posts at times, there is no mistaking the passion displayed when he communicates. He is honest and open and gets a bit too involved in the online thing letting his emotions get the better of him.....And that's exactly how I see it, too. Only thing I'd like to add is.......the guy needs to learn to exercise some restraint on the boards. It's not unusual to have less inhibition when spouting off words behind a pc screen, but with at least a couple of his new handles, he appeared to have a frequent blatant disregard for common decency and board rules......almost as if because he's gaming the system and thinks he's immune from consequences.....
But II called him and explained to him how he could help with the fundraiser and for the 2nd year he did not hesitate to step up.
You can question his style ....and that's been the only thing I've brought awareness to. How else do you think anyone recognizes his multiple handles?but for the most part it's hard to find fault with the side of the fence he takes in regards to most opinions....can't disagree to that, for the most part
Not a lot of people maintain that integrity off the board.
The man attends Socials as well as my parties and appears to be accepted as well as enjoyed by ladies and guys alike.
Now I am curious.... Isn't there some policy regarding discussing a member and dissing them when they are not present and do not have the ability to defend themselves?Dissing? I can see how it could be interpreted that way, but my motivations aren't mean-spirited, or at least that's what I believe..... He has the ability to defend himself just fine. If I didn't think he had current handles, I wouldn't have started this thread....
Originally Posted by Whispers
I've already made it clear that my disapproval is of RR's online persona and does not translate to how I would act towards him in real life. For all you that know him in the RW and are standing up for him here, I hope you'd consider the other board members RR potentially shuts down because of his approach. Be objective.....gauge him for his online persona when he's posting on here.
It would be boring if only posters sharing the same opinions were to dominate every discussion......not that there's anything wrong with that, if indeed everyone has the same views......but if it's a result of dissenting members not speaking up because of the intimidation they receive.....it defeats the purpose of a board for exchanging information....