You are the woman I have been looking for all these years. Yes, she drops her panties at the sound of an Eagles' tune on the stereo.
Now if you were just a Beatles Fan', we could play Yellow Submarine, just to see what else might happen. Sound the Klaxon, it's time to dive.
Originally Posted by BugleBoy
In the town, where I was born, there lived a man who sailed the sea...
And he told of his surfboard in hopes the girls would drop their panties.
You know how I do! Always making up my own words to cover up for my chronic lyricosis. lol
HOWEVER, THE BEATLES were my childhood HEROES! (along w/ LedZep, Cream, Heart) Sure would like to know who got my album collection so I could cut their *#%&#@ piece of caca doody @#^%$ OFF!
Sorry... I got a little carried away in the heat of the moment.
SL... You been LYIN' again???? You better watch your bottom at the L&L party. Im'ma bringing my Smiley Spanky Spoon, riding crop & flogger to keep the KILL JOYS and BAD BOYS - in line!
BTW... Why are we still posting on this thread??? Didn't SL get his date drunk off her butt *and into his bed* with my bottle of Te-Kill-ya??? Rapscallion!
**I'm only allowed TWO tequila shots every other hour. Otherwise, things could get...