Trump is not a democrat!! Originally Posted by DSK
And he's sure NOT Nanny Bloomberg, who has decided NOT to run as an independent. He claims that it would siphon votes away from Shrillary and hand Trump the Presidency. Wonder how much the Clinton Money Laundering operation had to pay him to stay out of it ?
Pistol Man's Avatar
Yes, LustyLad, doesn't need a teleprompter is correct. I'm going back to those pesky tax returns and leave the political commentary to others!!
Swear allegiance to the Donald or hit the road.
A Disconcerting Tripwire – What Carly Fiorina Endorsing Ted Cruz Really Means…

Posted on March 9, 2016 by sundance

Trying to explain the significance of the last few days, in relationship to the Ted Cruz candidacy, requires the intellectually honest observer to recognize and/or accept the increasingly likely probability: we have been facing a manufactured “false dilemma” longer than most may be willing to accept.

“False Dilemma” – the fallacy of false choice, or the fallacy of the false alternative, is a type of informal fallacy involving a situation in which only limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option.

In essence, presidential candidate Ted Cruz has been presented, by those who gain leverage in the presentation, as an option – to the previous “establishment candidates“.

Under this assumption, the intent of the option (Cruz) is to block the observer (electorate / us) from considering any additional alternative which remains outside the control of the presenting entity (the DC power brokers, GOPe, Wall Street donor class).

In order to recognize the fallacy of false choice, the audience must engage the new information while reevaluating their prior assumption, positions and options.

That said, Team Cruz has shown new evidence of being much further aligned with the GOPe than most political observers, and high-information voters, might be willing to accept.

Here’s why:

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Cruz has been endorsed by Neil Bush, Jeb and W's brother. He is married to an exec from Goldman Sachs. Tell me again about how he is an "outsider". He's an Establishment puppet just like the rest of them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar