Jackie our girl Condalisa

herfacechair's Avatar
This just in, MT Pockets STILL continues to get destroyed in debate, and he STILL doesn't realize this. Also, Luke_Wyatt is STILL a phony war veteran who is STILL on vacation.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What a douchebag!

What a douchebag!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Coming from a gloryhole guru like YOU, that's gotta really hurt assup !
How many different names does MT Brain Bucket have now ? Oh well carry on Originally Posted by gary5912
Mt Fluffer and LUBE'S White Knight (WK ) from me ! And he earns them everyday ! Oh, he tries to deflect his faggotry and tranny trolling like LUBE did, but " the truth will out " !!!
This is fun. Coming here, first thing in the day is like Christmas morning when I was a kid... Looking forward to seeing the aftermath with regards to reactions to my posts, as well as reactions to other posts here. I could picture MT Cranial Cavity yelling and screaming at his computer, spittle flying all over the keyboard and monitor, veins getting thicker on his head, face getting beat red, over reading my replies. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Add all that to his rage and heart break over his hero getting a " self-inflicted " vacation after crowing about all those he was going to get banned, and MT Fluffer is foaming at the mouth ( in addition to the foam he gets from working the dark corners of the HEB parking lots ! ) and ready to chew through rail-road ties !
lustylad's Avatar
What a douchebag!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

He's hammering you good, and your reactions show that he got under your skin real good. It's like how Rey Lengua keeps talking about you and your gloryholes, and keeps hammering you with the same insults... He knows that it's getting under your skin, and he gets a kick out of your reactions.

You show us it is easy to get under your skin, oinkboy. I see you continuously disintegrating, pigfag.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What a douchebag!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yep. Douchebag!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

MT Pockets's Avatar
This is fun. Coming here, first thing in the day is like Christmas morning when I was a kid... Looking forward to seeing the aftermath with regards to reactions to my posts, as well as reactions to other posts here. I could picture MT Cranial Cavity yelling and screaming at his computer, spittle flying all over the keyboard and monitor, veins getting thicker on his head, face getting beat red, over reading my replies. Originally Posted by herfacechair
I would imagine this is what someone like you would find more exciting than Christmas. Then again with a haggard old mom and no dad in site, I bet Xmas was not all that fun. Beside the escorts you lure over to you Cesspool of a " hovel". I bet this is the best part of your day. Where else can you you run your mouth nearly uncensored and wile away the day dreaming of all the accolades that come with being the king of homophobic bunk. I have a feeling you are on fixed income so your entertainment budget may have a few limitations. Hell you had to bum a ride from a hooker not too long ago.
herfacechair's Avatar
Assup Gayridden: What a douchebag!

Says the guy that, if he were any dumber, he would start photosynthesizing. My allies here destroyed you so bad in the other threads, and here, that you are like yesterday's coffee, seriously weak in the been.

When you jump on here, and all you have to say is that, you essentially tell us that you have no argument and that you are left with nothing but playground strategies. However, your jumping on here gives me an opportunity to address your lack of understanding of how our Constitution and nation works.

Assup Gayridden: FACT: Twitler LOST the popular vote by 2.86 MILLION votes!

FACT: the national popular vote is meaningless when it comes to determining the presidency. The United States Constitution tasks each state to electing the president, via a set of electors. Consequently, the presidential election, in this country, is not a single contest for president. The presidential elections are contests, that take place in each state and in the District of Columbia. They are separate contests.

The popular vote, that does matter, is what is contained within each state. It is here that each state's electors are chosen. It is the electors that vote for president, on behalf of the state that they represent.

It is the states, not the people, the elect the president. Your 2.86 million surplus, for Spillage Shrillery, can come from any single metropolitan area. Not exactly representative of the United States. The last thing we need are a bunch of morons living in Democrat-controlled population centers determining the fate of the country. People like these urban regressives are part of the reason why our founding fathers initially had the state legislators voting for both President (via electors) and Senators.

That meaningless fact, that you have in your signature, is that, meaningless. It is an attempt, by a criminally biased media, to delegitimize someone who won the presidency the way the Constitution intended it to be won.

The national popular vote would matter if we were an empire, and if each state were an imperial province. But, we are a republic that was constructed with the intention of keeping the bulk of the power among the people within each state, and the states.
herfacechair's Avatar
MT Cranial Cavity: I would imagine this is what someone like you would find more exciting than Christmas.

What I actually said:

"Coming here, first thing in the day
is like Christmas morning when I was a kid..." -- herfacechair

I compared my coming here, first thing the next day, to Christmas when I was a kid. I didn't say that this was more exciting. I made a comparison indicating an equivalent value. As I argued earlier in this thread, I take sadistic pleasure in hammering the opposition. I say certain things knowing full well that the opposition is going to react a certain way. I enjoy doing that, destroying their arguments, as well as seeing their reactions to my posts.

MT Cranial Cavity: Then again with a haggard old mom and no dad in site,

Unfortunately, my mother never made it to 40. She was in her mid-30s. It was my Vietnam Veteran dad that raised me. This, followed by the fact that I spent the majority of my adult life in the military, is a part of the reason to why I hammered you guys here the way I did.

MT Cranial Cavity: I bet Xmas was not all that fun.

Not true. I had a great time during Christmas when I was growing up. I have experienced Christmas both in the United States, and overseas. It was more about interacting with people that it was about sending and receiving gifts. My family, and friends, knew how to celebrate Christmas, to include celebrating it "Fiesta style", not just North American style.

MT Cranial Cavity: Beside the escorts you lure over to you Cesspool of a " hovel".

First, I go for an escort's incall location.

Second, a new construction, single unit, multilevel condo is not what you would call a "hovel". I live in an upper middle-class neighborhood.

I wasn't joking you when I said that if you were to go into my neighborhood, the comparison between your vehicle and the vehicles that you would see in our neighborhood would be enough for you to feel drastically inadequate. You would be embarrassed, of how you think we would see you, if you were to drive into our neighborhood. Best case scenario, you might be mistaken as one of the laborers involved in the ongoing construction in our neighborhood. Worst case scenario, someone might report you to the police.

MT Cranial Cavity: I bet this is the best part of your day.

No not the best part of my day, but one of the entertaining parts of my day. Engaging in arguments like this is a hobby of mine.

MT Cranial Cavity: Where else can you you run your mouth nearly uncensored

You seem to have a problem with that, don't you? Like the other liberals that I have destroyed in debate, the desire to "censor" me is strong. It probably pains you that the rules, of this forum, practically makes this forum a "flame pit" or a "kill zone", where the moderators/administrators would not restrain us from hammering you guys at will.

You forget that you are able to run your mouth, without being censored, saying many of the same things here that will get you sanctioned in the other forums.

MT Cranial Cavity: and wile away the day dreaming of all the accolades that come with being the king of homophobic bunk.

Nope, no day dreaming of anything involved. It's like what I said, I take sadistic pleasure in destroying your arguments, in formulating your psychological profile based on your responses, and in using that psychological profile to get you to react a certain way. Everything is contained within this forum, no need to fantasize about any kind of accolade. The fun is getting you guys to become more unhinged as the argument progresses.

Again, you're describing something as "homophobic bunk" that you haven't proved as such. That's all you're left with, dismissing my posts as something other than what they are. Despite your attempts to distance yourself from "homophobic bunk" you engage in "homophobic bunk".

MT Cranial Cavity: I have a feeling you are on fixed income

As usual, you're wrong. I'm not operating on a fixed income, but I do manage my money wisely. I have funds available for fun as well as for more important things.. Unlike you, and your piss poor judgment here. Like I said, this poor judgment extends outside of this message board, to include negatively impacting your "career track" and negatively impacting your financial decisions.

MT Cranial Cavity: so your entertainment budget may have a few limitations.

False. If I wanted to, I could hit the road and drive to Texas to visit my cousin in the near future without coming close to breaking the bank. This is with my spending nights in hotels along the way. But, unlike you, I'm wise with my money. I would stop at the military installations between where I am at now, and where my cousin is at, and stay at the different military lodging.

If I did that, this would be an opportunity for Luke_Wyatt to meet me inside Lackland Air Force Base. He will get this chance after I complete my doctorate degree. I could also fly overseas to my summer vacation home without breaking the bank.

MT Cranial Cavity: Hell you had to bum a ride from a hooker not too long ago.

No I didn't. Don't mistake me as being like you guys, with Luke_Wyatt, your gloryhole operation boss, giving you guys rides to the HEB parking lot so that you guys could do your thing.

Piece of advice. Everybody that assumed negative about me assumed wrong. If what you said about me were anything like your marksmanship skills, I'd hate to be the person standing directly behind you as you attempted to shoot the target directly in front of you. That would be suicide.

But again, unlike me and my use of facts, reason, and analytical abilities regarding your psychological profile, you speak from an emotional standpoint. This is one of the many reasons you are consistently wrong.
MT Pockets's Avatar
[b]MT Cranial Cavity:

What I actually said:

"Coming here, first thing in the day
is like Christmas morning when I was a kid..." -- herfacechair

I compared my coming here, first thing the next day, to Christmas when I was a kid. I didn't say that this was more exciting. I made a comparison indicating an equivalent value. As I argued earlier in this thread, I take sadistic pleasure in hammering the opposition. I say certain things knowing full well that the opposition is going to react a certain way. I enjoy doing that, destroying their arguments, as well as seeing their reactions to my posts.

So you compare coming here to Xmas morning. As in just like people here think you are a waste of space, so did your parents?
MT Cranial Cavity:
Unfortunately, my mother never made it to 40. Did your dad off her while having a flashback? She was in her mid-30s. It was my Vietnam Veteran dad that raised me. So he was the one sitting on you. Did he say incoming! Then act like he was protecting you from a grenade? This, followed by the fact that I spent the majority of my adult life in the military, is a part of the reason to why I hammered you guys here the way I did.
Now I see why you act like you do. You know Gomer Pyle spent most of his adult life in the military.

Not true. I had a great time during Christmas when I was growing up. I have experienced Christmas both in the United States, and overseas. It was more about interacting with people that it was about sending and receiving gifts. My family, and friends, knew how to celebrate Christmas, to include celebrating it "Fiesta style", not just North American style.
I find that hard to believe. If you had been exposed to other cultures you would not be that asshole you have become. Unless of course they treated you with indifference because of your holier than thou attitude.

First, I go for an escort's incall location.
Why are you ashamed of your digs?
Second, a new construction, single unit, multilevel condo is not what you would call a "hovel". I live in an upper middle-class neighborhood. By the way section 8 housing is in all the neighborhoods. I also would like to know what you mean by single unit. It can not be a single unit and a condo. I can be a single family unit or a single level unit . That Hyperbola keeps tripping you up.
I wasn't joking you when I said that if you were to go into my neighborhood, the comparison between your vehicle and the vehicles that you would see in our neighborhood would be enough for you to feel drastically inadequate. You would be embarrassed, of how you think we would see you, if you were to drive into our neighborhood. Best case scenario, you might be mistaken as one of the laborers involved in the ongoing construction in our neighborhood. Worst case scenario, someone might report you to the police.

So now you know what I drive? How would you know which car I would be in? If you have followed me all that close you would know what industry I am in LOL! I bet you have Uber on speed dial. Remember you had to bum a ride not long ago. As for the Police do you think that someone of my stature would only be in your hood to buy drugs or something? That is what happens when a Cracker like me shows up. Why else would I be slumming.

No not the best part of my day, but one of the entertaining parts of my day. Engaging in arguments like this is a hobby of mine.
I guess when life gave you lemons...
MT Cranial Cavity:

You seem to have a problem with that, don't you? Like the other liberals that I have destroyed in debate, the desire to "censor" me is strong. It probably pains you that the rules, of this forum, practically makes this forum a "flame pit" or a "kill zone", where the moderators/administrators would not restrain us from hammering you guys at will.
If I had a problem I would have not posted here.
You forget that you are able to run your mouth, without being censored, saying many of the same things here that will get you sanctioned in the other forums.

I have not forgotten, as you can tell by my posting.

Nope, no day dreaming of anything involved. It's like what I said, I take sadistic pleasure in destroying your arguments, in formulating your psychological profile based on your responses, and in using that psychological profile to get you to react a certain way. Everything is contained within this forum, no need to fantasize about any kind of accolade. The fun is getting you guys to become more unhinged as the argument progresses.

Again, you're describing something as "homophobic bunk" that you haven't proved as such. That's all you're left with, dismissing my posts as something other than what they are. Despite your attempts to distance yourself from "homophobic bunk" you engage in "homophobic bunk".

Your reindeer game of you deciding the outcome of everything is something a child would concoct. Dream on big man.

As usual, you're wrong. I'm not operating on a fixed income, but I do manage my money wisely. I have funds available for fun as well as for more important things.. Unlike you, and your piss poor judgment here. Like I said, this poor judgment extends outside of this message board, to include negatively impacting your "career track" and negatively impacting your financial decisions.
You do not work and you are on VA benefits I bet. You are right. they were fixed under Obama, but now they are about to be " modified" most likely.

False. If I wanted to, I could hit the road and drive to Texas to visit my cousin in the near future without coming close to breaking the bank. This is with my spending nights in hotels along the way. But, unlike you, I'm wise with my money. I would stop at the military installations between where I am at now, and where my cousin is at, and stay at the different military lodging.
Of course you could take advantage of your relatives and stay at cheap motels. I bet you would take the Mega bus LOL!
If I did that, this would be an opportunity for Luke_Wyatt to meet me inside Lackland Air Force Base. He will get this chance after I complete my doctorate degree. I could also fly overseas to my summer vacation home without breaking the bank.

OMG! now you have a summer home! I bet you have a swimming pool with an Aircrqft carrier in it that you land your &$& on. LOL! Tell you what, Come on down to Texas and I will meet you there. I will by you a juice box or a Shirley Temple.

No I didn't. Don't mistake me as being like you guys, with Luke_Wyatt, your gloryhole operation boss, giving you guys rides to the HEB parking lot so that you guys could do your thing.
Actually you admitted to needing a ride so were you lying then?
Piece of advice. Everybody that assumed negative about me assumed wrong. If what you said about me were anything like your marksmanship skills, I'd hate to be the person standing directly behind you as you attempted to shoot the target directly in front of you. That would be suicide.
I am not assuming. I am just stating my opinion from what you have displayed. You are a braggart and try to run mind games on people. beyond that I have no idea if you are a man , woman or child. And while I am not a sniper I rarely miss my mark when shooting.

But again, unlike me and my use of facts, reason, and analytical abilities regarding your psychological profile, you speak from an emotional standpoint. This is one of the many reasons you are consistently wrong. Originally Posted by herfacechair
How can I be wrong, I base my opinion from all the bragging and made up stories you expel.
herfacechair's Avatar
Coming from a gloryhole guru like YOU, that's gotta really hurt assup !
The way these regressives behave here, and in the media, against conservatives, is not the way to get people on their side. In fact, if you look at the conduct of the people here, that we are arguing against, you can see, in their psychological profile, the tendency to pull a tantrum, like what you would see in the violent demonstrations that happened in the aftermath of the presidential election.
herfacechair's Avatar
Mt Fluffer and LUBE'S White Knight (WK ) from me ! And he earns them everyday ! Oh, he tries to deflect his faggotry and tranny trolling like LUBE did, but " the truth will out " !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
From me, he gets Cockhold Toilet Slave, Toilet Slave, MT Cranial Cavity, SCAT Boy, Turd Chugger, Turd Swallower, Turd Nugget Eater, etc.
herfacechair's Avatar
Add all that to his rage and heart break over his hero getting a " self-inflicted " vacation after crowing about all those he was going to get banned, and MT Fluffer is foaming at the mouth ( in addition to the foam he gets from working the dark corners of the HEB parking lots ! ) and ready to chew through rail-road ties ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
BWAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAHAAAA! Yes, definitely foaming at the mouth, overflowing with man mayo mixed with normal foaming at the mouth. When I celebrated that fact, and wished his puppet master, or sock puppet, bon voyage, and stated that we were still here, MT Pockets replied with a post that showed extreme aggravation. Yes, Lube's WK is definitely a well-earned nickname for him, it's as if someone is defending themselves. That is the intensity I see in his WKing for Luke_Wyatt.