trump the traitor

The ‘Did Trump’s Campaign Collude’ Debate Is Over. The Only Question Now Is How Much.

Democrat Plans To Impeach Trump Advance On Many Fronts.

These Emails Are Very Explosive.

The Trump Administration Has Forfeited the Right to be Trusted on Russia.

Oh,and here's a little nugget...

Fox corrects story suggesting Comey released ‘top’ secrets.'-secrets.

Trump is DONE.
I'm not arguing that Trump is guilty. I'm just pointing out that the two situations are different. And that these aren't minor things that have occurred.. I mean it comes out that there are EMAILS that Jr was told that Russia was trying to help his dad win. So that's minor? Getting that info and not telling the authorities. On top of that going out daily pretending that he never had contact with Russians.. Or meetings that he could recall. This isn't minor stuff. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Trump Jr. released all the emails, as opposed to Hillary who deleted hers and then destroyed her phones. He did nothing illegal as all the legal experts are saying. It's fun watching the Dems and the media make fools of themselves once again.
nuglet's Avatar
with todays revelations , I think the end is near.. Finally!!
Trump Jr. released all the emails, as opposed to Hillary who deleted hers and then destroyed her phones. He did nothing illegal as all the legal experts are saying. It's fun watching the Dems and the media make fools of themselves once again. Originally Posted by centexguy
Trump administration: There's no evidence of collusion. 12 legal experts: Yes, there is.

We Now Have ‘Smoking Gun’ To Nail Trump Jr. on a Crime, Harvard Law Prof Says.

Trump’s Biggest Political Asset Is Supporters Who Believe Any Negative News Is Fake.
"A message of total disdain for media reporting is certainly falling on receptive ears. As a survey from Pew Research records, among self-identified Republicans the approval/disapproval ratio for “national news media” is 10/85."

10 percent!! Can you imagine looking at all the Pulitzer-prize winning national publications and the historically well-regarded global publications like they were all scummier than the National Enquirer? This level of ignorance and misguided rationale is stunning.

"I love the poorly educated."
~ Donald J. Trump - February, 2016
with todays revelations , I think the end is near.. Finally!! Originally Posted by nuglet
Trump hasn't made a public appearance in two days...
Trump Jr. released all the emails, as opposed to Hillary who deleted hers and then destroyed her phones. He did nothing illegal as all the legal experts are saying. It's fun watching the Dems and the media make fools of themselves once again. Originally Posted by centexguy
Did he release all the emails? We don't know. And actually legal experts have also said that he did things that could be prosecuted possibly. He didn't do anything illegal as for as treason. The person who made a fool out of himself is Jr. The emails show that he was told that Russia was trying to help his father win. And he went out after this and denied that. And the emails also show that he knew who he meeting. A Russian government lawyer. Yeah the fool is the guy named Donald.
Did he release all the emails? We don't know. And actually legal experts have also said that he did things that could be prosecuted possibly. He didn't do anything illegal as for as treason. The person who made a fool out of himself is Jr. The emails show that he was told that Russia was trying to help his father win. And he went out after this and denied that. And the emails also show that he knew who he meeting. A Russian government lawyer. Yeah the fool is the guy named Donald. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
"And the emails also show that he knew who he meeting. A Russian government lawyer."

The meeting took place on the 25th floor of Trump Tower.
ONE(1) floor below Sr's office on the 26th floor.
Kushner,DonDouche Jr. and Manafort attended.
Think about that.
Sr. KNEW that meeting was going on(prolly recorded it).
gfejunkie's Avatar
Just the latest in a long line of "nothingburgers".
Just the latest in a long line of "nothingburgers". Originally Posted by gfejunkie
This Trump Jr. situation is a 'nothing BUT burger", i.e, a burger sandwiched between two other burgers.

This nothing burger is starting to taste a lot like a Jr. Whopper!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ya know, Donaldt Jr. ree-leasin' them emails sayin' he was a-hankerin' ta meet a Rooskie lawyer wif info on Killery kinda reminds meh o' tha time thet a feller calledt 9-1-1 cuz sumbuddy stole 'is wacky tabacky!
"And the emails also show that he knew who he meeting. A Russian government lawyer."

The meeting took place on the 25th floor of Trump Tower.
ONE(1) floor below Sr's office on the 26th floor.
Kushner,DonDouche Jr. and Manafort attended.
Think about that.
Sr. KNEW that meeting was going on(prolly recorded it). Originally Posted by Observing
And all the talking heads are saying the it wasn't illegal to do so. They said they have info about Hillary, he agreed to the meeting, but nothing important happened in the meeeting. The person that set up the meeting was seen a few days later with Democrats at some public meetings DC so the Obama administration already knew about these people.

Like I said earlier, every time the media brings up the Russians it boomerangs back to the Democrats. Comedy gold!
And all the talking heads are saying the it wasn't illegal to do so. They said they have info about Hillary, he agreed to the meeting, but nothing important happened in the meeeting. The person that set up the meeting was seen a few days later with Democrats at some public meetings DC so the Obama administration already knew about these people.

Like I said earlier, every time the media brings up the Russians it boomerangs back to the Democrats. Comedy gold! Originally Posted by centexguy

Yea this totally boomerangs back to the Democrats. Get out of here with that bullshit. The comedy gold is seeing the constant moving of the goal posts and the shifting of the narrative by Trump people. This guy went on TV and lied about Russia interference, saying it wasn't true. All the while he knew that they were doing it to help his father because they told him last summer. How does that boomerang to the Dems? And again, I've seen some lawyers say it's not something to be prosecuted and I've seen some say it's something that could be prosecuted via campaign finance laws. Laws can be interrupted many ways.

Just look at this narrative jump. First it was no collusion. Now it's well if there was collusion, that's not illegal. First it was Russia didn't interfere and if they did it wasn't to help Trump. Now we know they told his son they were looking to help. So now it's well Jr. wouldn't tell his dad. And so what, everyone looks for oppo-research. They were just rookies running a campaign. Nothing wrong there. Yet if nothing was wrong why did Kushner live that part off. And if you say he forgot about it, how did he all of a sudden remember that meeting when it came to there attention that the NYT was doing a story? And why didn't Jr. talk about this meeting all the times he was out denying Russian interfere. He released his email because he was told that the NYT was dropping the story that day and he wanted to beat them to it so he looked transparent. This guy is sleazy as hell.
gfejunkie's Avatar
And all the talking heads are saying the it wasn't illegal to do so. Originally Posted by centexguy
The only way it would have been illegal is if there was money involved.

There wasn't any.

Well since it's now legal perhaps the Dems should partner with the Chinese to steal RNC information and make it public. I'm sure the Republicans have a lot of emails they don't want us to see but since it's fair game to share and receive data from an American organization that was stolen by a foreign power the Republicans shouldn't complain.
gfejunkie's Avatar
perhaps the Dems should partner with the Chinese Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Why not? They've partnered with Ukraine before...