TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I’m sure Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I’m sure any member ... Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

Orange Man Good
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump pulled of a master chess move with the Democratic Governors. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And yet his approval ratings continue to fall.

If you actually took the time to read the article, it wasn't complimentary towards Trump. First he lies that he has the power to reopen the country. Then he admits what everyone knew, that he does not have that power and the governors do. Stroke of genius or an idiot at work covering up his mistake?

I watched Friday's press briefing on the coronavirus. 20% dedicated to the coronavirus. The other 80% was a political campaign speech. If Trump wasn't POTUS we'd be at war with North Korea. THe media is not fair to him. The economy was the greatest in history in this country. It needlessly went on and on. And yet his approval ratings continue to fall.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I don't have solid data to back up my feeling on Michigan. I just have a feeling based on what's happening up there right now. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You supposedly worked in the corporate world. Would you present a proposal to management besed on "I just have a feeling based on what is happening. . ." while all information available points in the other direction?

No you do not have to back up your feelings. Anyone can make stupid predictions. Some are predicting a Trump landslide without a clue as to what a landslide is in presidential elections.

A few hundered people protested against the GOVERNOR of Michigan. Not exactly sure how that correlates to Trump beating Biden in the presidential election in the state. Gretchen Whitmer's approval rating is up 24% since the start of the coronavirus outbreak.

Coronavirus Latest: Trump's Fight With Governors Is One He Can't Win

The episodes highlight a real disadvantage Trump has not just with Cuomo, but with many of the other governors across the country: They're far more popular than he is.

Trump has seen a rally-around-the-flag bump that's smaller than other presidents have in times of national crisis. His average approval rating, according to RealClearPolitics, is just 46%, with 51% disapproving.

Compare that to Cuomo. The latest Siena College Research poll shows 87% of New Yorkers approve of the job he's doing in handling the coronavirus, despite the large number of cases New York has had. Just 41% of New Yorkers approve of Trump's handling of the pandemic.

It's a similar story in the rest of the country, FiveThirtyEight found. Governors have a 69% approval for their handling of coronavirus, while Trump is at 44%, according to an average of the national polls FiveThirtyEight uses.

What's more, the governors who have shown the most improvement in their approval ratings from before the pandemic to after are many of the Democratic governors he's picked fights with and Republicans who have been most aggressive with stay-at-home orders. DeSantis, who was slow to close down, has seen a decline:

Gretchen Whitmer, D-Mich.: 66% (+24)
I do it in Vegas. It's called a "hunch." As in I have a "hunch" number 45 is going to hit. See what I did there?

You supposedly worked in the corporate world. Would you present a proposal to management besed on "I just have a feeling based on what is happening. . ." while all information available points in the other direction?

No you do not have to back up your feelings. Anyone can make stupid predictions. Some are predicting a Trump landslide without a clue as to what a landslide is in presidential elections.

A few hundered people protested against the GOVERNOR of Michigan. Not exactly sure how that correlates to Trump beating Biden in the presidential election in the state. Gretchen Whitmer's approval rating is up 24% since the start of the coronavirus outbreak.

Coronavirus Latest: Trump's Fight With Governors Is One He Can't Win

The episodes highlight a real disadvantage Trump has not just with Cuomo, but with many of the other governors across the country: They're far more popular than he is.

Trump has seen a rally-around-the-flag bump that's smaller than other presidents have in times of national crisis. His average approval rating, according to RealClearPolitics, is just 46%, with 51% disapproving.

Compare that to Cuomo. The latest Siena College Research poll shows 87% of New Yorkers approve of the job he's doing in handling the coronavirus, despite the large number of cases New York has had. Just 41% of New Yorkers approve of Trump's handling of the pandemic.

It's a similar story in the rest of the country, FiveThirtyEight found. Governors have a 69% approval for their handling of coronavirus, while Trump is at 44%, according to an average of the national polls FiveThirtyEight uses.

What's more, the governors who have shown the most improvement in their approval ratings from before the pandemic to after are many of the Democratic governors he's picked fights with and Republicans who have been most aggressive with stay-at-home orders. DeSantis, who was slow to close down, has seen a decline:

Gretchen Whitmer, D-Mich.: 66% (+24)
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Be that as it may - I don't think it will be relevant when it comes time to vote. Alot of things will happen between now and November. The key one is Biden will have to talk more and that is not a good thing. It's gonna be bad.

And yet his approval ratings continue to fall.

If you actually took the time to read the article, it wasn't complimentary towards Trump. First he lies that he has the power to reopen the country. Then he admits what everyone knew, that he does not have that power and the governors do. Stroke of genius or an idiot at work covering up his mistake?

I watched Friday's press briefing on the coronavirus. 20% dedicated to the coronavirus. The other 80% was a political campaign speech. If Trump wasn't POTUS we'd be at war with North Korea. THe media is not fair to him. The economy was the greatest in history in this country. It needlessly went on and on. And yet his approval ratings continue to fall. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Little Monster's Avatar
Not sure, maybe the NY Times thinks this is photo shopped...

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
This pic is an insult to my favorite actor (Sylvester Stallone). What exactly is Trump the champion of?? Getting his ass beat!?!?
Little Monster's Avatar
Good news for America is that Biden is still leading Trump. Latest has him ahead by only 7%, hopefully that will grow. What's more important is that Biden has a sizeable lead among women, young people, African Americans, Latinos, the educated. Anyone wanna take a guess as to which is the only demographic Trump leads in?? Which is fine he can have the uneducated white guy vote.
Trump will win not because he has any redeeming qualities as a human being. He has None!

He will win because the Dems haven't come up with one charismatic candidate who the masses feel they can trust with the economy.

Biden's a nicer guy but even many Dems don't like him.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I do it in Vegas. It's called a "hunch." As in I have a "hunch" number 45 is going to hit. See what I did there? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And how often do your "hunches" win in Vegas. Odds are 37-1 against you in roulette.

And did you ever play a hunch with management during your business career with odds of 37-1 against you?

Very doubtful. And even more doubtful that management would take favor to such a "hunch" with nothing factual to support it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Be that as it may - I don't think it will be relevant when it comes time to vote. Alot of things will happen between now and November. The key one is Biden will have to talk more and that is not a good thing. It's gonna be bad. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Did you listen to any of the Democratic debates? Biden started out slowly in the first 2 but came on strong in the following ones. Easily held his own. If you've ever watched debates, and I'm sure you have, the questions that are asked can be prepared for. Very few, if any, are unexpected.

Meanwhile Trump will be playing defense in any debates, trying to defend his policies. No healthcare plan and failure to overturn Obmacare. Pitiful immigration policies that are xenophobic. Building "the wall" by diverting money from Congress approved military projects. Tax reform that benefited the rich over the middle class. Poor approval on race relations. And with the economy about to become the worst since the Great Depression, all Trump can do is promise that it will return to greatness at some point in time.

And his tariffs continue to weigh upon the finances of the people in this country. And Trump lies about it by saying how much China is paying the U.S. in tariffs. Tariffs are placed on goods imported from China. Companies that purchase the products pay the tariffs to the U.S., not China. And then the companies pass along the cost of the tariffs to the connsumers. Trump brags about how much money China is paying to the U.S. but it is the U.S. consumers who are paying for the tariffs. How did Trump graduate from Wharton School of Finance?

Keep the faith. No matter how bad it looks for Trump I'm sure you believe he will win by a landslide in November.
Precious_b's Avatar
And how often do your "hunches" win in Vegas. Odds are 37-1 against you in roulette. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Long run house always wins. I ain't saying the Demo house.
Precious_b's Avatar
Speed, you forgot to mention that Mexico is paying for the Wall
Grace Preston's Avatar
Some perspective from someone who actually lives in one of the swing states-- if not, THE swing state.

Ohio was one of only two states that, prior to COVID, had a net job LOSS over the course of Trump's time in office so far. We have steadily been bleeding manufacturing jobs-- including the loss of a couple of major plants, one of which Trump brushed off as "Not even a big deal". Except... to those who live here, its a very big deal.

Ohioans switch back and forth-- and one thing that never goes over well is when a President makes promises to curry the favor of the manufacturing rust state votes-- and then doesn't deliver. And right now-- that's where we sit. Many states can blame it all on COVID-- but Ohio was in trouble before the pandemic.

Now, you may sit back and say-- but Ohio is just one state. And you'd be correct-- but Ohio has been the swing state with the most statistical accuracy when it comes to predicting the winner. The last time Ohio got it wrong-- was Kennedy.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Side note-- I am NOT a fan of Biden, not even slightly but...

He is a horrible public speaker. Always has been. But-- you want to know what he's good at? I mean REALLY good at?


He absolutely wiped the floor with Ryan during the VP debate last time around. Just obliterated him. He wasn't as quick in the group debates for the primaries-- but once he got started, he was in his element.

I don't think his chances are great. He has the John Kerry syndrome. Zero charisma. But-- I do think he's going to be fun to watch when it comes to 1 on 1 debates with Trump.