NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

oilfieldscum's Avatar
That was the odd thing I saw in the quotes when BoB said he could throw it as far as you wanted. That's all fine and good but he has to have time for the receivers to get downfield. Originally Posted by boardman
Me thincks the short ex cougar quarterback they cut this year could throw pretty far too. How did that work out for them/him?
boardman's Avatar
So we're 10 days away from Mallett's first ever start in the NFL.

The guy has some upside in that he's 26 years old. Still young enough to play but apparently he's matured in his time in NE. Belichick wouldn't have kept him around as long as he did if he was the same guy that he was when he came into the NFL. He's had 3+ years to learn how to be a pro under some of the best pro's in the business. He's healthy and his body doesn't have any wear and tear. He's had the benefit of NFL training, nutrition etc. to improve on that. He claims he has a football IQ higher than most give him credit for so he's got confidence. We know he has an arm.

He has seven games to convince you he is either the QB of the future for the Texans or just another guy. That's what it really comes down to. He either makes it big here or he continues holding a clipboard on his second NFL contract. It's do or die for Mallett and the Texans.

What does it take to convince you he is the guy?
Winning games?
Touchdowns thrown?
Passing percentage?
QB rating?
Some intangible? What might that be?

For me, it's the intangibles. He has to show leadership on the field, be decisive and have command of the offense. I need to see him lead the team down the field on an opening drive and score. I need to see him lead the team from behind late for a go ahead score. I need to see him bounce back from a bad game.

Will you be satisfied if he just performs better than Fitz?

I'd like to see a 3:1 TD to INT ratio and say 15:5 and 2100 yards. Yeah that's setting a pretty damned high bar. He either does that or he makes plays when it counts enough for me to say "What in the hell was that dumbass Belichick thinking by letting him go?"

As I've said before, my biggest fear is he comes in and plays well enough to win a couple of games putting us in the middle of the draft order where there will be no sure things and the debate begins. No other FA's look any better than him so we sign him to a contract. He turns out to be just another mediocre QB and we're looking to see who might be available in the 2016 draft.

What do you think? Is he the next Steve Young/Tom Brady?
jstone420's Avatar
Without a running game that shit will not work
boardman's Avatar
Without a running game that shit will not work Originally Posted by jstone420
What will not work?
Hey, Houston!......just a quick mention of something many if not all of you "well seasoned" sports fans in that part of the world might be interested in (especially this being a bye week).

Btw, should you have sons (or daughters, of course, if they're so inclined) you may want to encourage them to watch along your side. I feel anyone watching will see some plenty of footage that (from NFL Films, of course) that's pretty special stuff:

The NFL Network next airing of "A Football Life" documentary (tomorrow evening, 9PM EST) will chronicle one of my favorite collegiate and professional football players of all-time: Earl Christian Campbell.

Those of you who watched him do "his thing" back in the day don't need any introduction; you already know what #34 meant to the Houston Oilers and their fans If you were too young to have caught the Tyler Rose devastate opposing NFL defenders, you'll definitely want to be by the tube.

During his time at UT (when I was a student there) I was totally mesmerized by what I saw each Saturday on the gridiron. I thought there'd be no way the Longhorns would be able to replace the great Roosevelt Leaks and yet.....a young man from East Texas quickly redefined what I thought a running back was. With every hand-off he punished SWC defenses (rushing for 4,444 career yds and winning the Heisman in '77). In 1978, as the first pick in the draft that May (a pick the Oilers received from the Tampa Bay Bucs....huh?) he took that same bone-jarring style of running / blocking to the professional level.

I never saw Earl take a play off....ever. He played with grit, heart and a passion I'd seen in few players prior (okay...I'll give you Jim Brown, of course). In a strange way, he reminded me somewhat of Nolan Ryan (ie: you never knew what was going to happen once the ball was in his hand). Ask the Miami Dolphins one particular Monday Night Football evening, right?

Anyway, I encourage everyone to tune in and watch this if you're able to do so (film maker, Ross Greenburg, took on this task and I feel confident he'll make this a worthwhile investment of time).
boardman's Avatar
Hey, Houston!......just a quick mention of something many if not all of you "well seasoned" sports fans in that part of the world might be interested in (especially this being a bye week).

Btw, should you have sons (or daughters, of course, if they're so inclined) you may want to encourage them to watch along your side. I feel anyone watching will see some plenty of footage that (from NFL Films, of course) that's pretty special stuff:

The NFL Network next airing of "A Football Life" documentary (tomorrow evening, 9PM EST) will chronicle one of my favorite collegiate and professional football players of all-time: Earl Christian Campbell.

Those of you who watched him do "his thing" back in the day don't need any introduction; you already know what #34 meant to the Houston Oilers and their fans If you were too young to have caught the Tyler Rose devastate opposing NFL defenders, you'll definitely want to be by the tube.

During his time at UT (when I was a student there) I was totally mesmerized by what I saw each Saturday on the gridiron. I thought there'd be no way the Longhorns would be able to replace the great Roosevelt Leaks and yet.....a young man from East Texas quickly redefined what I thought a running back was. With every hand-off he punished SWC defenses (rushing for 4,444 career yds and winning the Heisman in '77). In 1978, as the first pick in the draft that May (a pick the Oilers received from the Tampa Bay Bucs....huh?) he took that same bone-jarring style of running / blocking to the professional level.

I never saw Earl take a play off....ever. He played with grit, heart and a passion I'd seen in few players prior (okay...I'll give you Jim Brown, of course). In a strange way, he reminded me somewhat of Nolan Ryan (ie: you never knew what was going to happen once the ball was in his hand). Ask the Miami Dolphins one particular Monday Night Football evening, right?

Anyway, I encourage everyone to tune in and watch this if you're able to do so (film maker, Ross Greenburg, took on this task and I feel confident he'll make this a worthwhile investment of time). Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

Thanks for the reminder. I saw previews of that show in the last week or two.
I loved watching EC play. Sweetness had that kind of heart too.
Funny thing is when EC would finally go down he was always slow to get back up and back to the huddle. Hell, you'd swear he was hurt the way he took his time. Then, next play he'd be running over someone's ass again.
Mallett has to win games. His job is going to be very difficult behind the "Ole Oline". This team has some talent. Babymaker was playing his ass off before he pulled his dick muscle. Andre Johnson needs to shut the fuck up and make some plays!!! Hopkins is going to have to play his ass off too for Mallet. And a Tight End is going to have to been found somewhere with a catch or some RB's out of the backfield. I still think we probably beat the Titans again, and probably split with the Jags. Other than that I don't see too many W's on the slate.

This teams needs a lot
1. New OLine
2. TE
3. Somebody with Speed on D, LB's and DB's
4. QB
5. Probably a new WR as we only have one for the future(Hopkins0

Has the trade deadline past? I would love to see them kick Andre Johnson the fuck out of town. One bad apple can spoil the whole cart.

I am disappointed in B'OB. I thought he would be tougher on the pussies on Kirby. But he has pussied out like the rest of the Texans. The Country Club atmosphere is still there, I don't think any of the players fear B'OB, they fucking need too!! WE need him to be more Parcels like instead of Bellechikian.

And Rick Fucking Smith needs to GOOOOOOOO!!!

1. The Clown
2. Su a Flio can't even start on this shitty OLine
3. Fiedorkowizz does he even play?? 2 catches for the season?
4. Louis Nix
4. Tom Savage
6. Jeffrey Pagen - Backup production
6. Alfred Blue - Backup production
7. Andre Hal - Backup production
7. Lonnie Ballentine

Basically no production whatsoever out of any of our draft picks on a season we needed it the most. GET RICK FUCKING SMITH OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!! This shitty draft will set us back years!!!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-06-2014, 09:01 PM
BM, man you bring up some good points on Mallett. Honestly, I don't know, anything about him. He's thrown like what, 4 passes in 4 years? Who knows what he can do. The way I will judge him is on wins, stats and how he leads the team.

Daddio, I agree with you on everything except for Blue. I like him a lot. He's not as good as BabyMaker (yet) but I think he could still be the starter next year, due to the cap hit BabyMaker has, plus other things like constant injuries and general weirdness.

I didn't expect much from the College Coach. He's a smart guy but I don't think he's the right coach for this team. Between hiring him and drafting The Clown, I've soured quite a bit on the team. If Mallett plays well and BabyMaker can get healthy, they can still end up respectful. But that's a big "if".

They have to make a lot of decisions: Kareem, Posey, Cushing and even Dre. Even McNair has to make some changes, including fixing that shitty ass field. I can't believe he's still allowing that to cause issues. Yep, the team is a train wreck. I will keep praying to Baby Tebow....
I like Blue also but he doesn't appear to be a game breaker. Or a big time playmaker. He is serviceable but doesn't appear to elusive.

Kareem -Cut
Posey- Cut
Cushing - Cut
Andre - Cunt. I think Parcels would call him a woman, like he did that WR.
What about JJo? Is he a free agent.

Spend the money on other players.
kerwil62's Avatar
Even with this bye week I don't think the Texans will be ready for the Browns.

The Browns are muthafuckin' 6-3!! Can you believe that shit??? They put a hurtin' on the Bengals tonight in Cincy 24-3!

I'm predicting another L........
jstone420's Avatar
That team has serious issues
BigLouie's Avatar
Fit all those who thought the Browns would be a win after the beating on the Bengals it now looks like a loss
The NFL is very strange. A team that looks like a world beater(Browns) can play like shit the next week. However, the push the Browns Oline was getting was impressive. The Texan OLine gets pushed the opposite direction. Better QB play from by the Browns is all but a certainty. I agree it looks like a L to me. My prediction for the line will be Browns -8.

Now everybody repeat after me, FIRE RICK SMITH, FIRE RICK SMITH, FIRE RICK SMITH!!!!!!
My email to the Texans!!

Dear Mr. McNair,

I am getting fed up with our very poor drafts year after year after year. It’s time for Rick Smith to GO!!! This year’s draft was a total failure. With the exception of decent back up play from Alfred Blue this draft was horrific!!!

A GM is paid to make decisions about a players heart and ability, our GM clearly fumbled when assessing Clowney. Clearly another failure with Su a filo, if he can’t even break through to start on our very pour offensive line that is a wasted 2nd round pick. The TE hasn’t shown much either. Nix was clearly a bust with bad wheels. Savage is unknown to a bust at this time. Pagen and Hal and Prosch have been backups with some production. Add this year’s draft debacle along with the countless other wasted picks, like Breenan Williams, Trevardo Williams, Posey, Keshawn Martin, Brooks Reed, Sam Montgomery and it’s easy to see why we have limited talent. Can’t believe I would rather have Charlie Casserly than the bozo we currently have. Good ownership is critical, and it’s his job to find the right people to run the ship, as of now we are all on the Texans Titanic.

jstone420's Avatar
Yeah man i agree the GM is a joke