Young girls with LOW prices?

Baby Dallas and ginger and Mary beth have just retired me...tired of playing with whores and and I have seen two of the three of y'all...just turned my account off....we choose the hole we put our dick take what we give
..and you three have turned this into an us against them....its not the playground it used to be... Originally Posted by hogfan2222
You have never so much as inquired with me, & I have never interacted with you on any level… Not even so much as a private message. So I'm not really sure how you can feel justified in saying that I'm even partially to blame for your hobby departure.

I have noticed that throughout your post history, you have taken nearly every opportunity you had to be a negative person... and post negativity not only in regards to what you know, but also concerning what & whom you clearly know nothing about. You come across as a very miserable person.

Your hobby departure is insignificant to me, since I would have declined a meeting with you due to your board persona, anyway. Even at my higher than average rate (the direct opposite of young girls with low prices) I firmly believe that not all money is good money... No amount of money is going to make being in the same room with a perpetually negative person sound appealing.
Ba ha why don't you go back to being inactive? We didn't need your comment...Pussy still runs the world...when it comes to everything. Men do everything for the pussy! That is why women have websites and have always been selling this thing for will never stop buying pussy and at the price that WE ask....pussy is the only thing that will never go broke, we can go to any city and make thousands. When your dick can go and do that, then I'll listen to you... Originally Posted by BabyDallass
Pussy doesn't run the world. Cash does.

C.R.E.A.M. - Cash Rules Everything Around Me

Wu-Tang. You don't know nuttin' about that there.
You have never so much as inquired with me, & I have never interacted with you on any level… Not even so much as a private message. So I'm not really sure how you can feel justified in saying that I'm even partially to blame for your hobby departure.

I have noticed that throughout your post history, you have taken nearly every opportunity you had to be a negative person... and post negativity not only in regards to what you know, but also concerning what & whom you clearly know nothing about. You come across as a very miserable person.

Your hobby departure is insignificant to me, since I would have declined a meeting with you due to your board persona, anyway. Even at my higher than average rate (the direct opposite of young girls with low prices) I firmly believe that not all money is good money... No amount of money is going to make being in the same room with a perpetually negative person sound appealing. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
So now negative people are out. Pretty soon you won't have anyone left...

You've never interacted with him, but you've taken notice of his post history? You won't see people based on board persona? Guess what, that shit goes both ways. Is it that difficult to figure out? You come across as a lot of things, most of them negative, but I don't feel like getting gigged again today. Maybe tomorrow.
So now negative people are out. Pretty soon you won't have anyone left... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Negative people have always been "out…" That's why I wouldn't see you four handles ago.

Thankfully, there are a lot of happy people in the hobby, and those are the guys that I choose to spend my time with. I made a conscious decision to avoid toxic people a long time ago, both personally and professionally. My well-being and mood are just as important to me as any envelope.

I may be just a whore to you, but I have strong convictions and I'm true to myself. With me, you will either get a good fucking or a fuck off. There is no in between.
Hogfan69's Avatar
Well, the good thing is I won't have to worry about getting confused with hogfan2222 anymore.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Well, the good thing is I won't have to worry about getting confused with hogfan2222 anymore. Originally Posted by Hogfan69
There's a bright side to everything
There's a bright side to everything Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
Negative people have always been "out…" That's why I wouldn't see you four handles ago.

Thankfully, there are a lot of happy people in the hobby, and those are the guys that I choose to spend my time with. I made a conscious decision to avoid toxic people a long time ago, both personally and professionally. My well-being and mood are just as important to me as any envelope.

I may be just a whore to you, but I have strong convictions and I'm true to myself. With me, you will either get a good fucking or a fuck off. There is no in between. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Hilarious. Holding true to ill-conceived convictions is just as bad as having none at all. I've never inquired about seeing you, not sure what you're referring to. I would never.
Hilarious. Holding true to ill-conceived convictions is just as bad as having none at all. I've never inquired about seeing you, not sure what you're referring to. I would never. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yes you have, sweetie. Because I have confirmed the phone number of your old handle(s) with some of the ladies that have seen you under your current handle. Same number. Not that I actually care, but I was curious whether my suspicions were correct. I won't say who they are, but I will say that I am 100% positive.

I'm doing my best to have a positive evening, so you can continue on arguing... with yourself.
I spent $600 on dinner tonight. Why ? The food was spectacular , the wine was outstanding and the cause is important to me. but I could have spent that on two or three hours of playtime A new toy, hell,lots of things. It is all relative . Enjoyment is at the discretions or those who choose to spend as they wish. She enjoyed her time without performing any activities. She knows when the time comes a reasonable rate is expected ,time is money and ever person deserves to be compensated for ones time.
That being said, Cash is king, although pussy does inhibit where cash goes from time to time . Money does not follow all pussy, especially pussy that does not appreciate where it comes from.
You have to have cash to decide where you wish to dispose of it, whether you work 8 to 5 or make several hundred an hour. So spend wisely and hopefully all parties are compensated accordingly and both parties leave happy.
I do not say this to boost, only to describe a scenario in which relates to how one chooses to spend ones hard earned monies. I know and appreciate the value of a dollar and expect a return on any investment I make. If not, I am the fool.
guys with cash see the world focused on that.
ladies with well packaged pussy see the world focused on that.

i'll just squeeze in between there from time to time.
catch a whiff of a lovely flower in bloom and be glad.
then go walk my dog. she knows true joy
InTheCountry's Avatar
Wow...BD your just one contradiction after another aren't you? If all that's true then why are you so upset about younger, better looking and, better performing girls making it hard for you to make a dollar...It's obvious you just don't like competition. Your not fooling anyone with your bullshit concerns about how terrible it is that young pretty girls charge less than you. If you can't compete perhaps you should consider another line of work. As for my opinion it's worth just as much as yours...which isn't much but, at least I have sense enough to know that...If you don't like it maybe YOU should confine your bitching to the girls page.......
BabyDallass's Avatar
Lol who's mad??? Seems like yall are the ones more mad about this than me...mad because I would teach these girls their worth and they would charge more to see you ass oles....
BabyDallass's Avatar
I made $800 tonight off 2 clients....nobody is hurting for anything over it's called good business. Go find you some and stop being a bunch of dicks...
I made $800 tonight off 2 clients.... hurting for... business. ... a bunch of dicks...
You really do have contempt for your clients.