Odds on Trump's Impeachment

  • grean
  • 05-16-2017, 01:34 PM
this level of incompetence exhibited might make 25 come up.
goodolboy's Avatar
this level of incompetence exhibited might make 25 come up. Originally Posted by grean
("Overall, 56 percent disapprove of FBI Director James Comey's recommendation not to charge Clinton, while just 35 percent approve. Similarly, 57 percent say the incident makes them worried about how Clinton might act as president if she is elected")

**slap slap** come out of it!!
The issue that you are arguing was resolved at the polls in November. The world and country have moved on to a TRUMP PRESIDENCY. Continuing to argue against Clinton is like dems arguing against Kerry or Dole, not interesting or relevant.

C'mon man, its time to govern, right?
goodolboy's Avatar
**slap slap** come out of it!!
The issue that you are arguing was resolved at the polls in November. The world and country have moved on to a TRUMP PRESIDENCY. Continuing to argue against Clinton is like dems arguing against Kerry or Dole, not interesting or relevant.

C'mon man, its time to govern, right? Originally Posted by futbolhead
Your right, I got drawn in, but I still stand by what I posted.
themystic's Avatar
Business Conflicts or Russian Collusion

Anyone wanna predict how long till he is impeached and removed from office?

I say within 2nd year if that.

Anyone think he will be impeached but remain in office? Originally Posted by grean
Damn Grean. Your original post

My guess, Russian Collusion & Business Conflicts. As slow as things move, hes out sometime next year hes gone

I think he quits and says, " I tried but it was everyone's fault but me"

Trump is a SCUM BAG

Thats sad that I think our President is a SCUM BAG
  • grean
  • 05-16-2017, 09:20 PM
Damn Grean. Your original post

My guess, Russian Collusion & Business Conflicts. As slow as things move, hes out sometime next year hes gone

I think he quits and says, " I tried but it was everyone's fault but me"

Trump is a SCUM BAG

Thats sad that I think our President is a SCUM BAG Originally Posted by themystic
Perhaps Obstruction of Justice.

Evidently he asked Comey to drop the Flynn investigation....

We shall see.

The Republican congress seems uninterested in his business conflicts.

Hopefully his exhibition of his inability to not leak classified info and the comey memos will be enough.
themystic's Avatar
Trump Will retire . I predict he cant take heat/responsibility, Even Private construction is 4 times more than the amount of Mexicans needed 2 to 3 years ago. The Mexican tradesmen are going home. More leaving are leaving than commimg We are currently understaffed and are massive training takes 2 yrs to complete that step. We cant hire white or black guys, dont want the job. The jobs pay very weil. A man can support his family.Just to fit them in our system. We are currenty advertising 5 states and approximatley 18 -25, cities including Mexico

That had been heat( deporting Mexicans) started by "Mr I Make America Great Fucface". Obama had been sending the hardcore criminals back for the last 4 years Hes a stupid cum drinking fucker with a coulple of golf balls up his fat ass. Hes a Fucking Disater

Trump you lyeing scumbag WHY dont you google how many mexixans he has at his golf resorts he visists every week. The answer in miniminal if any. He preferes to import from Romania, Poloand Germany, etc. They look better than the " dirty" mexicans

One last suggestion. Buy a Golf Resort , Cantaina and Casino in Costa Rica Lots of fishing to You can grap all thr pussy you want. I00s at a time in the better clubs; PS the Nigiragans are border crossing steeling jobs. Itwill be the same job as POTUS with out all the rules. Just build them a big beautifl wall( BTW they disbanded thier militaty). You can run on the same platform. And will spend all your own money on you campain. Just like you "were" going to go hear-scumbag

Hi Big Beutiful Fence is an absolute comedy, Maybe Trump will ask the Russians to tear down the 300-400 'wall, you know a hacking attact

Healtcare-Tax break to rich. 25 million poor loose coverage. People do Did Asshole
Tax Reform- From a Man who wont show his own tax returns

Supply Side Eccomics Fair to Failure I havent seen it work. Look what happen When W"gave back the surplus Clintom saved?, giant checks to his cromies and no tax money to spend Lets not forget the 2 wars we are still in today. Rececked the Economy, General Motors was Broke, Businesses closing everwhere and what was their answer? Bail out Wall AStreet, AIG, Citi Bank Goldman Sachs. Not one of those Wall Street crooksassholes went to jailAll while throwing peanuts at the little guys

Trump got Rich- Fuck you up your Pizza FaceFat Ass. While you grabbing that pussy in Costa Rica AS ITS OWN LEADER, ( Remember you wont have to play by any rules: its alot smaller country and I thing you can manage. They do have free health and Medical. No Military Budget, A cum bucket like you would change that

Dont worry about Millinea, Shes been getting a steadty diet of big black cum every day. All over her 3 times a day. Of course you knew that

The Twit Head Sons are a fucking Joke. Theres always at least a handful kids dumb as a box of rocks. They did luck into riding daddys coattails all the way to Russian and China

Fuck You GPS-Ivvanka and Fuck you up the ass Mr Smarty Pants Jarred have the snap to do something but the are precieved as innocent, inexperienced and crooks. Arent those purses shes selling to The Chinese cute

Donald- Fuck You in YourMouth so you Shut Up

Millinea-Fuck You in YourMouth so you quit tellin lies about speeches

Dip Shits Eric and Donald Junior- May you be attacted by Elephants and Lions in the Wild

Georgre Washing warned what would happen whe you got aq bunch od coc sucking family members in the White House

The 10 year old off the hook
Trump Will retire . I predict he cant take heat/responsibility, Even Private construction is 4 times more than the amount of Mexicans needed 2 to 3 years ago. The Mexican tradesmen are going home. More leaving are leaving than commimg We are currently understaffed and are massive training takes 2 yrs to complete that step. We cant hire white or black guys, dont want the job. The jobs pay very weil. A man can support his family.Just to fit them in our system. We are currenty advertising 5 states and approximatley 18 -25, cities including Mexico

That had been heat( deporting Mexicans) started by "Mr I Make America Great Fucface". Obama had been sending the hardcore criminals back for the last 4 years Hes a stupid cum drinking fucker with a coulple of golf balls up his fat ass. Hes a Fucking Disater

Trump you lyeing scumbag WHY dont you google how many mexixans he has at his golf resorts he visists every week. The answer in miniminal if any. He preferes to import from Romania, Poloand Germany, etc. They look better than the " dirty" mexicans

One last suggestion. Buy a Golf Resort , Cantaina and Casino in Costa Rica Lots of fishing to You can grap all thr pussy you want. I00s at a time in the better clubs; PS the Nigiragans are border crossing steeling jobs. Itwill be the same job as POTUS with out all the rules. Just build them a big beautifl wall( BTW they disbanded thier militaty). You can run on the same platform. And will spend all your own money on you campain. Just like you "were" going to go hear-scumbag

Hi Big Beutiful Fence is an absolute comedy, Maybe Trump will ask the Russians to tear down the 300-400 'wall, you know a hacking attact

Healtcare-Tax break to rich. 25 million poor loose coverage. People do Did Asshole
Tax Reform- From a Man who wont show his own tax returns

Supply Side Eccomics Fair to Failure I havent seen it work. Look what happen When W"gave back the surplus Clintom saved?, giant checks to his cromies and no tax money to spend Lets not forget the 2 wars we are still in today. Rececked the Economy, General Motors was Broke, Businesses closing everwhere and what was their answer? Bail out Wall AStreet, AIG, Citi Bank Goldman Sachs. Not one of those Wall Street crooksassholes went to jailAll while throwing peanuts at the little guys

Trump got Rich- Fuck you up your Pizza FaceFat Ass. While you grabbing that pussy in Costa Rica AS ITS OWN LEADER, ( Remember you wont have to play by any rules: its alot smaller country and I thing you can manage. They do have free health and Medical. No Military Budget, A cum bucket like you would change that

Dont worry about Millinea, Shes been getting a steadty diet of big black cum every day. All over her 3 times a day. Of course you knew that

The Twit Head Sons are a fucking Joke. Theres always at least a handful kids dumb as a box of rocks. They did luck into riding daddys coattails all the way to Russian and China

Fuck You GPS-Ivvanka and Fuck you up the ass Mr Smarty Pants Jarred have the snap to do something but the are precieved as innocent, inexperienced and crooks. Arent those purses shes selling to The Chinese cute

Donald- Fuck You in YourMouth so you Shut Up

Millinea-Fuck You in YourMouth so you quit tellin lies about speeches

Dip Shits Eric and Donald Junior- May you be attacted by Elephants and Lions in the Wild

Georgre Washing warned what would happen whe you got aq bunch od coc sucking family members in the White House

The 10 year old off the hook Originally Posted by themystic
Mystic- I typically like what you have to say. You seem like a great guy. So, no offense when I say this. That was one difficult read brother. I don't know if you where a few glasses into some good bourbon, or maybe the Ambien had kicked in
goodolboy's Avatar
As I recall when Clinton was impeached for obstruction of justice and perjury, nothing really changed afterwards, he finished his term.

("We cant hire white or black guys, dont want the job. The jobs pay very weil. A man can support his family.")

So what do you think has gone wrong with our system that you need illegal labor to stay in business?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Politics " ARE OUTA CONTROL" Media = "OUTA CONTROL" In my simple opinion , if the libtarts wanted a president Billary wasn't it EVER , What happened to the good candidates Cruz etc ( back to my tin hat)
themystic's Avatar
Mystic- I typically like what you have to say. You seem like a great guy. So, no offense when I say this. That was one difficult read brother. I don't know if you where a few glasses into some good bourbon, or maybe the Ambien had kicked in Originally Posted by Dilbertgolf

Ambeien, Whiskey and Anger. Thanks for calling me out. I dont know why this guy pisses me off so bad. I should quit this thread. No excuse for blaming my anger on Trump. No one should let me get to that point. This is on me. Thanks Dilbert
Mystic- I typically like what you have to say. You seem like a great guy. So, no offense when I say this. That was one difficult read brother. I don't know if you where a few glasses into some good bourbon, or maybe the Ambien had kicked in Originally Posted by Dilbertgolf

Tsk, tsk, tsk...hoo boy! How does one even begin to dissect that 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW "napalming"? (Btw, I agree, dilbert...very hard read indeed. Being a total stickler for good grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc no matter what the messenger is attempting to convey, I found that extremely difficult to fight through, to say the least). Anyways, that said....

That final line of said rant: (ie: The t** year old off the hook). Thank God you said it that way, mystic (and didn't give the kid the same "treatment" as Ma and Pa Trump)....anything directed toward a minor in a sexually oriented manner on Eccie is strictly prohibited. Would hate to see you get Banned, buddy....you truly are throught-provoking if not, entertaining.

Next....I'm completely in favor of "importing more Romanians" (females, of course). Romanian girls are very, very sexy and love to f*ck and s*ck....at least that's been my experience. And I love those accents, as well.

As far as "grabbing p*ssy in Costa Rica"...well, I've been told those girls can be an awful lotta fun, too. Bring 'em on!

Lastly, for you history buffs: While Geo Washington may have said (what mystic wrote) about family members, etc....it was John Adams who was the first president to move into the White House.

We look forward to your next napalm blast....uhhh, "post", Mystic. Next time, don't hold back, k? Would love to hear more about the upcoming Impeachment Proceedings.
themystic's Avatar
Tsk, tsk, tsk...hoo boy! How does one even begin to dissect that 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW "napalming"? (Btw, I agree, dilbert...very hard read indeed. Being a total stickler for good grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc no matter what the messenger is attempting to convey, I found that extremely difficult to fight through, to say the least). Anyways, that said....

That final line of said rant: (ie: The t** year old off the hook). Thank God you said it that way, mystic (and didn't give the kid the same "treatment" as Ma and Pa Trump)....anything directed toward a minor in a sexually oriented manner on Eccie is strictly prohibited. Would hate to see you get Banned, buddy....you truly are throught-provoking if not, entertaining.

Next....I'm completely in favor of "importing more Romanians" (females, of course). Romanian girls are very, very sexy and love to f*ck and s*ck....at least that's been my experience. And I love those accents, as well.

As far as "grabbing p*ssy in Costa Rica"...well, I've been told those girls can be an awful lotta fun, too. Bring 'em on!

Lastly, for you history buffs: While Geo Washington may have said (what mystic wrote) about family members, etc....it was John Adams who was the first president to move into the White House.

We look forward to your next napalm blast....uhhh, "post", Mystic. Next time, don't hold back, k? Would love to hear more about the upcoming Impeachment Proceedings. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Your right about everything CB. I was way out of bounds. I was wrong to trash the whole group including DJT. It's well known that I don't like him/ them but this was hateful bs on my part. Apologies to the trumps and eccie
goodolboy's Avatar
Politics " ARE OUTA CONTROL" Media = "OUTA CONTROL" In my simple opinion , if the libtarts wanted a president Billary wasn't it EVER , What happened to the good candidates Cruz etc ( back to my tin hat) Originally Posted by rexdutchman

Media bias is a myth....

Ambeien, Whiskey and Anger. Thanks for calling me out. I dont know why this guy pisses me off so bad. I should quit this thread. No excuse for blaming my anger on Trump. No one should let me get to that point. This is on me. Thanks Dilbert Originally Posted by themystic
Nooo. I wasn't calling you out. Just tying to interject some humor. You're a good egg.