Young girls with LOW prices?

earlier it was 400 and you were done for the night, hmmmmmmmmmm
InTheCountry's Avatar
Now let me make sure I've got this strait. Charge MORE, offer LESS and, anyone who doesn't agree with YOU? Is an ASSHOLE or, a DICK...That's YOUR idea of GOOD BUSINESS? LMFAO!!!!!
diveguy6's Avatar
Time for more taint. Talk about beating a dead horse...geez
Yes you have, sweetie. Because I have confirmed the phone number of your old handle(s) with some of the ladies that have seen you under your current handle. Same number. Not that I actually care, but I was curious whether my suspicions were correct. I won't say who they are, but I will say that I am 100% positive.

I'm doing my best to have a positive evening, so you can continue on arguing... with yourself. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Can't possibly be correct, for many reasons. I use a different number with each provider, so I'm not sure who your informants are, but they are gravely mistaken. Nice try though. For someone who is insignificant to you, you spend an inordinate amount of time on little old me.

Also, we both know who the person is that could have confirmed such information. And I also know you're on the outs. Again, if you're going to try and bluff, get your ducks in a row first.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Now let me make sure I've got this strait. Charge MORE, offer LESS and, anyone who doesn't agree with YOU? Is an ASSHOLE or, a DICK...That's YOUR idea of GOOD BUSINESS? LMFAO!!!!! Originally Posted by In the Country
Um excuse me? I never was once rude to anyone one this thread was all these dicks who came at me like a ragging bull because I said I would get the girls who charge less together and make them wise up and charge more...and that started a war guys have showed your TRUE colors...I could care
Less if someone agrees with me. This thread wasn't made for that, you guys are the ones mad and calling people names and talking shit first...I'll just be the one to finish carry on you high school bullies
No bullying here whatsoever, no name calling, just a simple statement of fact. No business of any kind, whether the prices are deemed low or deemed high in respect to the services offered, will ever see a dollar from me if that establishment is openly and blatantly disdainful of the customers handing them their cash. And it does not matter in the least what that business is selling. My cash will get spent at businesses that at least pretend that they appreciate and have some respect for me as a customer. They teach that the first day of Business 101.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Exactly why my regulars keep me in business and the new ones I see from time to time....when pussy is the one way we can make money then your cash would matter, but it's not. My next profession will not involve selling any pussy but yall still will be handing me your cash and more of it...
Exactly why my regulars keep me in business and the new ones I see from time to time....when pussy is the one way we can make money then your cash would matter, but it's not. My next profession will not involve selling any pussy but yall still will be handing me your cash and more of it... Originally Posted by BabyDallass
Divorce Attorney?
InTheCountry's Avatar
Baby D...I'm not mad nor was it my intent to anger you or anyone else. I saw a lively debate taking place and, jumped in with my worthless opinion as well. I try not to take any of this shit too seriously. To me it's just entertainment...If my comments made you or anyone else feel bullied believe me that was not my intention....
Um excuse me? I never was once rude to anyone one this thread was all these dicks who came at me like a ragging bull because I said I would get the girls who charge less together and make them wise up and charge more...and that started a war guys have showed your TRUE colors...I could care
Less if someone agrees with me. This thread wasn't made for that, you guys are the ones mad and calling people names and talking shit first...I'll just be the one to finish carry on you high school bullies Originally Posted by BabyDallass
What exactly WAS this thread made for? You come in here screaming about getting young hotties to charge MORE money, what did you THINK the reaction was going to be to that sentiment? This again comes back to your intelligence. You have shown your true colors. You're too stupid to realize it, but you are losing business with every post you make. You have no control over your temper, so you won't stop, you'll just continue to dig the hole and make it worse. You obviously care since you continue to post in this thread. Show us all how much you despise us and never post again. I'd like to see that.
No bullying here whatsoever, no name calling, just a simple statement of fact. No business of any kind, whether the prices are deemed low or deemed high in respect to the services offered, will ever see a dollar from me if that establishment is openly and blatantly disdainful of the customers handing them their cash. And it does not matter in the least what that business is selling. My cash will get spent at businesses that at least pretend that they appreciate and have some respect for me as a customer. They teach that the first day of Business 101. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
And there it is. Well said, rigged. This simple point continues to elude her. I would love to see the look on her face the day that her looks stop being an advantage.
hello my name is 300.00 thank you
And that simple truth sailed right over her head. I hope she approaches customers in whatever her new career will be with a better attitude than she approaches them with here. If the advantage of having a for rent kitty is gone in her new career, things might just get a lot more difficult.
  • MrGiz
  • 11-03-2015, 01:09 PM
Exactly why my regulars keep me in business and the new ones I see from time to time....when pussy is the one way we can make money then your cash would matter, but it's not. My next profession will not involve selling any pussy but yall still will be handing me your cash and more of it... Originally Posted by BabyDallass
Ya wanna bet on that?
Get back with me in a year after sucking your last latex covered cock, and/or turning your head from an attempted $300 kiss.
If decent pussy is all you've got , you ain't got much!
InTheCountry's Avatar
I could be wrong in doing so but, I just assume that everyone on here has pretty thick skin. After all this is an adult sex site. Personally I enjoy threads like this. Much more entertaining than a lot of the moronic shit I see here...Although if Baby D was able to accomplish the task of Pussy Price Fixing...I for one would be truly impressed. Take it from a man with three ex-wives, two daughters and, four grand daughters. You Just Can't Herd Cats...Believe me I've tried...lmfao