Flynn reverses guilty plea!

bambino's Avatar
So first you day Flynn will withdraw his guilty plea and now you are trying to say he would withdraw his guilty plea but it will cost him too much money to defend his innocence!


Did you read the riot act the judge read Flynn? He damn sure didn't think Flynn is a choir boy! Originally Posted by WTF
Did you read the judge walking about his comments about treason? Oh yeah, Meuller team told the judge he was wrong. Flynn’s name is trashed already and he’s spent most of his money. He copped the plea to save his son from going thru this bullshit. He just wants it over. I’d do the same thing.
bambino's Avatar
Let me get this straight Bambi, You are a life time military man who is accused of being a traitor and you plead guilty because its a waste of your time and money to defend your reputation? Is that what you are saying?

I was wrong. He doesn't lose his pension. Originally Posted by themystic
He wasn’t accused of being a traitor. He was accused of lying to the FBI. Even though the FBI agents who interviewed him didn’t believed he lied. Yes, those bastions of virtue, McCabe and Strozk. Those are the facts. Is that straight enough for you? Probably not. But you did admit you were wrong about his pension. As they say “a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step”. Keep trying, you may get the whole story right someday. BTW, my handle is Bambino. You might want to get that straight before you hear from WU.
themystic's Avatar
He wasn’t accused of being a traitor. He was accused of lying to the FBI. Even though the FBI agents who interviewed him didn’t believed he lied. Yes, those bastions of virtue, McCabe and Strozk. Those are the facts. Is that straight enough for you? Probably not. But you did admit you were wrong about his pension. As they say “a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step”. Keep trying, you may get the whole story right someday. BTW, my handle is Bambino. You might want to get that straight before you hear from WU. Originally Posted by bambino
Yes he was accused of being a traitor. He may not have been charged with being a traitor but he was goddamned sure accused of it. The reason was because he sold out his country. He should be in fucking jail right now. For the record, You are defending a convicted liar. Next time I see my grandkids Ill ask them, " Should Grandpa defend a convicted Liar or defend someone accused of selling out their country"? Ill let you know what they say
bambino's Avatar
Yes he was accused of being a traitor. He may not have been charged with being a traitor but he was goddamned sure accused of it. The reason was because he sold out his country. He should be in fucking jail right now. For the record, You are defending a convicted liar. Next time I see my grandkids Ill ask them, " Should Grandpa defend a convicted Liar or defend someone accused of selling out their country"? Ill let you know what they say Originally Posted by themystic
Provide links where he was legally accused of being a traitor, liberal blogs don’t count. It’s you that is lying.......again. Bo Bergdahl was accused of being a traitor, or deserter. Maybe you have your wires crossed. By all accounts, Flynn had a distinguished military career. But he made the mistake of working for Obama, who became to despise him because Flynn disagreed with him. So Obama sicked his dogs on him. You really don’t know your stuff. Educate yourself:
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-09-2019, 09:42 PM
Did you read the judge walking about his comments about treason? Oh yeah, Meuller team told the judge he was wrong. Flynn’s name is trashed already and he’s spent most of his money. He copped the plea to save his son from going thru this bullshit. He just wants it over. I’d do the same thing. Originally Posted by bambino
Hopefully you wouldn't be dumb enough to put yourself in that position.

And Flynn's son was spreading lies about a pizza parlor in DC ...that lil sob should be in jail too.

Also we weren't a war with Turkey so technically Flynn isn't a traitor. Technically.
themystic's Avatar
Provide links where he was legally accused of being a traitor, liberal blogs don’t count. It’s you that is lying.......again. Bo Bergdahl was accused of being a traitor, or deserter. Maybe you have your wires crossed. By all accounts, Flynn had a distinguished military career. But he made the mistake of working for Obama, who became to despise him because Flynn disagreed with him. So Obama sicked his dogs on him. You really don’t know your stuff. Educate yourself: Originally Posted by bambino
I know that my Grandpa taught me not to defend Traitors and people who sell out their country. Benedict Arnold was a hero to some. Flynn has a similar following. Are you one of them?
themystic's Avatar
I know that my Grandpa taught me not to defend Traitors and people who sell out their country. Benedict Arnold was a hero to some. Flynn has a similar following. Are you one of them? Originally Posted by themystic
Flynn Right Wing Hero
bambino's Avatar
Hopefully you wouldn't be dumb enough to put yourself in that position.

And Flynn's son was spreading lies about a pizza parlor in DC ...that lil sob should be in jail too.

Also we weren't a war with Turkey so technically Flynn isn't a traitor. Technically. Originally Posted by WTF
Hillary Clinton is aTraitor.
themystic's Avatar
Hillary Clinton is aTraitor. Originally Posted by bambino
The New Republicans Hero
bambino's Avatar
I know that my Grandpa taught me not to defend Traitors and people who sell out their country. Benedict Arnold was a hero to some. Flynn has a similar following. Are you one of them? Originally Posted by themystic
It seems your Grandpa didn’t teach you the difference between right and wrong.
themystic's Avatar
It seems your Grandpa didn’t teach you the difference between right and wrong. Originally Posted by bambino
He taught me the difference between a traitor and a non traitor. I wish you could have been there
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2019, 10:34 AM
Hillary Clinton is aTraitor. Originally Posted by bambino
I didn't vote for that bitch...
bambino's Avatar
I didn't vote for that bitch... Originally Posted by WTF
I didn’t say you did. But people are throwing the traitor label around. The Clintons profited immensely from the Uranium One deal. And then there’s the matter of her unsecured server during her term as SOS. I’m sure our adversaries had a field day with that.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2019, 02:19 PM
I didn’t say you did. But people are throwing the traitor label around. The Clintons profited immensely from the Uranium One deal. And then there’s the matter of her unsecured server during her term as SOS. I’m sure our adversaries had a field day with that. Originally Posted by bambino
Just like they had a field day on Trumps unsecured phone.

The reason I didn't vote for Clinton is the same reason I'd never vote for Trump....they are both crooked as fuck.

Btw...both Trump and Clinton have sold out their country and I for one have never voted for either. Can you say the same?
bambino's Avatar
Just like they had a field day on Trumps unsecured phone.

The reason I didn't vote for Clinton is the same reason I'd never vote for Trump....they are both crooked as fuck.

Btw...both Trump and Clinton have sold out their country and I for one have never voted for either. Can you say the same? Originally Posted by WTF
How did Trump sell out his country? Facts not your opinion.