Flynn reverses guilty plea!

bambino's Avatar
Just like they had a field day on Trumps unsecured phone.

The reason I didn't vote for Clinton is the same reason I'd never vote for Trump....they are both crooked as fuck.

Btw...both Trump and Clinton have sold out their country and I for one have never voted for either. Can you say the same? Originally Posted by WTF
How did Trump sell out his country? Facts not your opinion.
themystic's Avatar
How did Trump sell out his country? Facts not your opinion. Originally Posted by bambino
If the Mueller reports shows that he colluded with the Russians will you denounce him? Or will you take the prepaved Giuliani response, " Even if he did collusion isn't a crime". Or maybe you have a different view

Btw this a Federal Judge "throwing it out there that he sold out his country". He got to read parts we didnt
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-12-2019, 08:03 AM
Did you read the judge walking about his comments about treason? Oh yeah, Meuller team told the judge he was wrong. Flynn’s name is trashed already and he’s spent most of his money. He copped the plea to save his son from going thru this bullshit. He just wants it over. I’d do the same thing. Originally Posted by bambino
You started this thread saying Flynn had reversed his guilty plea...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-12-2019, 08:09 AM
Actually, the "issue" for Flynn is, and will be, if the statement he made was inconsistent with a recording that was captured by an illegal interception of a communication in which Flynn is supposed to have said or done the "thing" he is accused of lying about.

If the underlying activity or statement was illegally obtained it is suppressible pursuant to Federal Criminal Rules applying the 4th amendment principles .... and therefore the Government lacks sufficient evidence to bring a complaint against him. His plea, if based on evidence obtained in violation of the 4th amendment, may be withdrawn and the suppression of the evidence will result in the Government's case being dismissed for "lack of evidence"!

The new Judge on the case was reminding the Government of the Government's CONTINUING obligation to provide to Flynn's attorney all evidence of "exculpatory" matters, which the documentation supporting the search warrant application to the FISA COURT would be such information to review to determine if there was fraud that induced the Judge to sign the interception order.

Of course Munchie and WTF won't have a legitimate response to that proposition, so they will resort to grade school playground antics. NAME CALLING! Originally Posted by LexusLover
How did this prediction of yours work out LL?
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  • WTF
  • 01-12-2019, 08:14 AM

Somewhere along that process the FISA application and order will become public domain and available for all to see. The cases against him can be dismissed to avoid public disclosure of a royal FBI fuck up! See Las Vegas rancher case! It's a bitter pill for Anti-Trumpers, but ....!

.. having an affirmative finding that the FBI/DOJ violated Federal law with perjury as icing would not be a pretty sight, particularly if it is confirmed that Obaminable was aware of the activities and took no action! And believe it or not, I don't think Trump would do that. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Let's see...Flynn did not change his plea and nothing you supposed came to fruition.

Why is that do you think? You legal bias? Inability to see the linear facts? Why were you and IB so wrong in your legal analysis?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Let's see...Flynn did not change his plea and nothing you supposed came to fruition.

Why is that do you think? You legal bias? Inability to see the linear facts? Why were you and IB so wrong in your legal analysis?
Originally Posted by WTF
Why are you so wrong in claiming what I said. I said Flynn would be exonerated. It ain't over until the fat lady sings.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-12-2019, 09:28 AM
Why are you so wrong in claiming what I said. I said Flynn would be exonerated. It ain't over until the fat lady sings. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You need to take out your earplugs and open your eyes...the lady is singing and she is big as a cow!

Every single one of you implied that this judges order meant that Flynn would walk. Nothing was further from the truth...
I B Hankering's Avatar
You need to take out your earplugs and open your eyes...the lady is singing and she is big as a cow!

Every single one of you implied that this judges order meant that Flynn would walk. Nothing was further from the truth...
Originally Posted by WTF
The only thing the fat lady is doing is suggesting she'll run again in 2020. Rosenstein will soon be gone, and with the new AG in place Odumbo's weaponization of U.S. intelligence agencies will be revealed and Flynn will be exonerated.
bambino's Avatar
The only thing the fat lady is doing is suggesting she'll run again in 2020. Rosenstein will soon be gone, and with the new AG in place Odumbo's weaponization of U.S. intelligence agencies will be revealed and Flynn will be exonerated. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It’s pathetic to see some so called Libertarians in this forum rooting with glee to see the government ruin people’s lives. Comey admitted he set up Flynn. Even though the agents didn’t think he lied. They have Manafort in solitary confinement for tax evasion for crissakes. Fuckin guy is going crazy. WTF should be appalled by what’s going on. But he’s not a Libertarian. Just a vindictive Liberal.
themystic's Avatar
It’s pathetic to see some so called Libertarians in this forum rooting with glee to see the government ruin people’s lives. Comey admitted he set up Flynn. Even though the agents didn’t think he lied. They have Manafort in solitary confinement for tax evasion for crissakes. Fuckin guy is going crazy. WTF should be appalled by what’s going on. But he’s not a Libertarian. Just a vindictive Liberal. Originally Posted by bambino
Bambino you, IB and LL were wrong. Cant you just admit it and move on? You pressed me about Flynn not losing his pension. I saw that you were right, publicly admitted it and moved on. Why cant you do the same?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It’s pathetic to see some so called Libertarians in this forum rooting with glee to see the government ruin people’s lives. Comey admitted he set up Flynn. Even though the agents didn’t think he lied. They have Manafort in solitary confinement for tax evasion for crissakes. Fuckin guy is going crazy. WTF should be appalled by what’s going on. But he’s not a Libertarian. Just a vindictive Liberal. Originally Posted by bambino

why is he in solitary confinement? he's not a threat to the prison population.
themystic's Avatar
why is he in solitary confinement? he's not a threat to the prison population. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
There are rumors the Russian mob has a contract on him. But who really knows. He was also accused of witness tampering
bambino's Avatar
why is he in solitary confinement? he's not a threat to the prison population. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Because Meuller sent him there. They do that shit in communist countries.
bambino's Avatar
Bambino you, IB and LL were wrong. Cant you just admit it and move on? You pressed me about Flynn not losing his pension. I saw that you were right, publicly admitted it and moved on. Why cant you do the same? Originally Posted by themystic
Who’s wrong? This fiasco isn’t over yet. Why would Flynn waste more time and money trying to defend himself. Meuller suggested no jail time. Flynn’s just cutting his losses. Meuller too.
themystic's Avatar
Who’s wrong? This fiasco isn’t over yet. Why would Flynn waste more time and money trying to defend himself. Meuller suggested no jail time. Flynn’s just cutting his losses. Meuller too. Originally Posted by bambino
A life long innocent military man accused of being a sellout wont defend himself. LMAO!!!! Hes a guilty fuck Bambino. He might go to jail anyway. In fact if he would have plead guilty that last court appearance, he would have gone to jail. Fuck Flynn. Hes a traitor