Odds on Trump's Impeachment

Who's got odds on whether he resigns or is the first to be impeached and removed if the investigation turns that way? Originally Posted by grean
I don't think his ego would let him resign. That might in some way be an admission of guilt or failure or wrong-doing. I think he would ride it out and whatever punishment came from it, he would just chalk it up to being a witch hunt, fake evidence or persecution
It appears that you can bet on this if you're inclined.
• 33% chance - contract 'will DJT be impeached in 2017' on Predictit
•4-6 is the bet against DJT surviving the whole term at Paddy Power
txexetoo's Avatar
I don't think his ego would let him resign. That might in some way be an admission of guilt or failure or wrong-doing. I think he would ride it out and whatever punishment came from it, he would just chalk it up to being a witch hunt, fake evidence or persecution Originally Posted by Dilbertgolf
I agree. And he won't be impeached either at least not on anything brought up so far.
goodolboy's Avatar
Its been going down for years. The Mexicans I know would rather be in Mexico than in the USA. The amount coming and the amount leaving is actually at net 0. At least thats whats happening within my industry

"Trump’s immigration enforcement helps slow illegal border crossings by 76%"

I feel like Im winning. America is so much Greater!. Thanks DJT Originally Posted by themystic
(" The Mexicans I know would rather be in Mexico than in the USA.")

. Many send much of their income back to Mexico and purchase land and cattle down there with the intention of moving back to Mexico. In fact about $25 billion a year flows back into Mexico from the US. So much in fact that Mexico brings in more money in cash from America than they make on oil export, which is pretty impressive as they are the 12th largest exporter of oil in the world.. Can you imagine if that $25 billion stayed in our economy instead?

"Essentially, Mexico's most lucrative natural resources are the people who leave home. "
goodolboy's Avatar
Mueller. Mueller......

Well. Who thinks the odds have gone up now?

Holy cow if they impeached Clinton for lying about a blowjob....

Nixon destroyed evidence of a freaking burglary.

However if Mueller says there's no wrong doing, just stupidity and carelessness, I'll shut up about it. Hilary haters if they continue must admit they're just hypocrites though because there guy is just as bad. Originally Posted by grean
This investigation could be really interesting, be careful what you wish for.

In regards to this Comey "memo" that is being reported on, it's interesting that some claim that Trump asked Comey to drop the investigation on Flynn in a meeting in February. Yet in May Comey testified under oath that he has never been asked to drop a investigation for political reasons.

Comey's testimony and these memos going all the way back to the Clinton investigation should be interesting.

Link to video. https://youtu.be/-RNYyws4VwU
Twit head will resign and blame the fake news before the whole truth comes out. He is being more mistreated then anybody in history. He just needs to line his pockets before he files for another bankruptcy. The GOP has really got to be fed up by now with what the stupid Americans elected to represent them as commander in chief. He now has no access to classified info or thank god the nuclear buttons. He is still entertaining though just really really stupid.

Clinton got a nut...twit head is a nut. Comey was running a lengthy investigation and got fired. Wtf is next lol? More entertainment for sure. Who needs a president when we have twit head smh
goodolboy's Avatar
Twit head will resign and blame the fake news before the whole truth comes out. He is being more mistreated then anybody in history. He just needs to line his pockets before he files for another bankruptcy. The GOP has really got to be fed up by now with what the stupid Americans elected to represent them as commander in chief. He now has no access to classified info or thank god the nuclear buttons. He is still entertaining though just really really stupid.

Clinton got a nut...twit head is a nut. Comey was running a lengthy investigation and got fired. Wtf is next lol? More entertainment for sure. Who needs a president when we have twit head smh Originally Posted by Tsmokies
("He just needs to line his pockets before he files for another bankruptcy. ")

Well, if he does leave office it appears there is good money in the Wall street speech circuit for ex politicians.

"Obama’s $400K speech makes him Wall Street’s new ‘fat cat’"

"His speaking fee will be $400,000, which is nearly twice as much as Hillary Clinton, his secretary of state, and the 2016 Democratic Party candidate, charged private businesses for such events."
We can only hope lol. Will miss twit head's entertainment.

Btw, Obama and the clintons were smart people. Wonder why bush jr didn't get paid big bucks for speeches
("He just needs to line his pockets before he files for another bankruptcy. ")

Well, if he does leave office it appears there is good money in the Wall street speech circuit for ex politicians.

"Obama’s $400K speech makes him Wall Street’s new ‘fat cat’"

"His speaking fee will be $400,000, which is nearly twice as much as Hillary Clinton, his secretary of state, and the 2016 Democratic Party candidate, charged private businesses for such events." Originally Posted by goodolboy
goodolboy's Avatar
We can only hope lol. Will miss twit head's entertainment.

Btw, Obama and the clintons were smart people. Wonder why bush jr didn't get paid big bucks for speeches Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Connections maybe?

Why do you think someone would pay $400K for a speech from a retired politician? Pay back?

Those Wall street guys are smart, I'm sure they got a good return on their investment.

"As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million."

"And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock."

goodolboy's Avatar
We can only hope lol. Will miss twit head's entertainment.

Btw, Obama and the clintons were smart people. Wonder why bush jr didn't get paid big bucks for speeches Originally Posted by Tsmokies

It is interesting to note that the "smart" Clintons main defense from prosecution for mishandling classified material, destroying public documents and destroying evidence that was under a Federal subpoena,was that despite being a attorney, with 8 years as first lady and 4 years as SOS with mandatory training on classified material, she was simply to stupid to know she had broken the law.

How ironic.

  • grean
  • 05-19-2017, 06:33 AM
This investigation could be really interesting, be careful what you wish for. Originally Posted by goodolboy
If the investigation turns up something on hilary then so be it. She made her bed as it is said...She been around too long and should know better.

Please don't take me as a blind supporter of anyone. If Mueller turns up evidence on her, I would want it to be acted on.

The same goes for Trump.

I simply think Trump has no business in the WH regardless. Teachers should be able to, without thought, tell children to look up to the president. It should be a no brainer.

Trump makes that impossible.

Does anyone know if Mueller has the authority to make Trump submit to a competency exam?
goodolboy's Avatar
If the investigation turns up something on hilary then so be it. She made her bed as it is said...She been around too long and should know better.

Please don't take me as a blind supporter of anyone. If Mueller turns up evidence on her, I would want it to be acted on.

The same goes for Trump.

I simply think Trump has no business in the WH regardless. Teachers should be able to, without thought, tell children to look up to the president. It should be a no brainer.

Trump makes that impossible.

Does anyone know if Mueller has the authority to make Trump submit to a competency exam? Originally Posted by grean
Well, I guess that disqualifies Bill Clinton then. A president best known for fucking his young intern in the oval office with a cigar. https://youtu.be/ClfpG2-1Bv4
If the investigation turns up something on hilary then so be it. She made her bed as it is said...She been around too long and should know better.

Please don't take me as a blind supporter of anyone. If Mueller turns up evidence on her, I would want it to be acted on.

The same goes for Trump.

I simply think Trump has no business in the WH regardless. Teachers should be able to, without thought, tell children to look up to the president. It should be a no brainer.

Trump makes that impossible.

Does anyone know if Mueller has the authority to make Trump submit to a competency exam? Originally Posted by grean
There is section 4 of the 25th amendment. While not Mueller, others (Vice Prez and majority of cabinet members, congress etc) can deem him unfit or unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.
  • grean
  • 05-19-2017, 07:08 AM
this level of incompetence exhibited might make 25 come up. Originally Posted by grean

As posted previously.