Pistolpete is a meanie..........I feel better now. Originally Posted by dearhunterDon't go pissing off Pisstol Pete - he might decide this thread has run its course!
Pistolpete is a meanie..........I feel better now. Originally Posted by dearhunterDon't go pissing off Pisstol Pete - he might decide this thread has run its course!
Some of my bestest chaps are assless. Originally Posted by Penis_Leerie
PistolPete, is that you? Originally Posted by dearhunter
Look mod,
You can take your pist and stalero it. When you read something like this about someone you care about, you first vomit on your shoes, second break your computer screen, and then you think, why does this stuff exist. So the mod stuff can stay in your pants cause I will be damned if I am going to read that and sit on my hands. Originally Posted by helloandwhoareyou