NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

boardman's Avatar
Yes, Hopefully Mallet can beat out Hoyer. Hoyer is a Fritz without the Snatch Face!!!

Hopefully Mallet wins the job so the QB can actually see the TE's and determine if they are open or not? Little Fitzsnatchface couldn't see over the O Line!! Hoyer probably can't either.

None of our TE's strike fear into the opponents D. Not like Julius Thomas will. Swearinger or any other guy trying to run with Julius won't be pretty.

McClains latest mock draft had us taking Bud Dupree, and didn't have WR Green Beckham going in the first round. McNuttless would probably never draft a weed man like Beckham so no telling who we will draft at WR. Probably another Keyshwan Martin or Devier Posey!! Originally Posted by Daddio
The really good TEs in the league obviously have the size to block DEs or LBs on the run but must be accounted for downfield. It keeps the strong safety honest on all downs. Guys like that are few and far between.

Fiedorowicz has good size and speed for the position. I'm not saying he's Gronk but the physical measurables are comparable. He only played in a couple of games last year. Graham is a little smaller and probably doesn't strike fear in opposing safeties the way Fiedorowicz would if he got in the secondary. Not as quick as Thomas but he's still got enough quickness to provide a mismatch against most LBs in the league in man coverage.

Beckham is more of a Dez Bryant than a Josh Gordon. He stayed out of trouble last year after transferring, knowing this was his way out. Now the Texans still may not take the chance on him but this would be a good environment for him to thrive.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 04-16-2015, 11:20 PM
The draft is coming up in 2 weeks. We pick #16. Who shall it be?
The draft is coming up in 2 weeks. We pick #16. Who shall it be? Originally Posted by Satin
Good question! Other than QB, the Texans most glaring need is a WR but if there is not one available at 16, I believe they will go with the best available (pass rushing) DE/OLB. If I were guessing, I would say either DeVante Parker or Shane Ray will be the Texans first pick at 16.

There is also an outside chance BoB might go with one of the two elite running backs (Gordon or Gurley) at 16. I say this because the Texans are still suspect at QB and a reliable threat out of the backfield would take a lot of pressure off of the QB position. Yes, we still have Foster but he has been anything but reliable these past few seasons.

If I were picking between the two, I would take Gordon over Gurley. If for no other reason than Gurley had a serious knee injury last season and has not fully recovered.
Double post
boardman's Avatar
No way to know.
The Texans have worked themselves into a position where they don't "have" to take any position. Sure there are needs but none are glaring in my opinion. Who they take will be very much dependent on the previous 15 picks. They will take the best player available at any position. This draft is considered deep at edge rusher, WR, DT, CB and LB. So I think it will be one of those positions.

I'm not sure we need another edge rusher, we need to better utilize what we have. Listening to the guys on 610 talk about O-line depth we may not be in as bad of shape as I thought. The Texans hid out some guys from last year's draft on IR that should be ready to fill in this year in backup roles. Apparently those guys did pretty well during the 2014 preseason. At least well enough to get hidden.

TE is weak in this draft. I think we've got the right guys tho at TE. We just need to utilize them better. That should open up for several reasons.

Even though the NFL doesn't put as much value on running backs I'd be surprised if Gordon is still there at 16. Gordon looks like a faster AF to me. He's a one cut and go type back. So many teams are using some form of zone run blocking that fits that style. Gurley is definitely a gamble and probably wouldn't even be ready to play til mid season. If he can come back fully he's gonna be a horse.

Day 2 is going to be critical. Special teams needs some speed. Lechler out kicked his coverage way too many times last year.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 04-17-2015, 10:14 AM
Excellent post BT. The question I have is how do they feel about their needs of needing a WR now that they have signed both Shorts AND Washington? Combine that with the fact they have an elite WR in Hopkins, I'm not sure it's a big need at all anymore. (Remember we still have Posey and Martin too)

I would love to get a good RB. I think this is BabyMaker's last year. OL, DL, and LB are all areas that need to be addressed. QB of course, is the biggest weakness, but I think we're screwed on that one.

I'm thinking Smith will go "best available" player when we get to #16. He does a good job scouting and with selecting first rounders, not so good in the later rounds.
Wakeup's Avatar
Whoever they pick first round, everyone in Houston is going to be going, "Huh"? It's a Houston tradition that goes all the way back to our first pick.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 04-17-2015, 01:35 PM
I agree. I have to admit, I said exactly that a few years back when they drafted a player by the name of Justin James Watt. My thought was "who in the fuck is that"?
Wakeup's Avatar
Sayings about blind squirrels and broken clocks comes to mind as well.
Excellent post BT. The question I have is how do they feel about their needs of needing a WR now that they have signed both Shorts AND Washington? Combine that with the fact they have an elite WR in Hopkins, I'm not sure it's a big need at all anymore. (Remember we still have Posey and Martin too)

I would love to get a good RB. I think this is BabyMaker's last year. OL, DL, and LB are all areas that need to be addressed. QB of course, is the biggest weakness, but I think we're screwed on that one.

I'm thinking Smith will go "best available" player when we get to #16. He does a good job scouting and with selecting first rounders, not so good in the later rounds. Originally Posted by Satin
I don't believe BoB looks at either Shorts or Washington as a long term WR fix for the Texans. I have to believe that will be the direction they go but I agree with Boardman, they will not reach for a WR or any other position. Especially with their first selection!

I also agree that AF is toward the end of his career so now is a good opportunity for them to get his successor. Gordon is a beast and I believe he would do very well in the Texans system. From a here and now perspective, he is probably one of the best options for the Texans in this years draft. And I believe there is an excellent chance that either Gordon (1) or Gurley (2) will be on the board when the Texans make their first selection.

Assuming Winston and Mariotta will both be gone long before the Texans first pick, I would like to see them take a QB with either their 2nd, 3rd or 4th pick. Once again, I do not believe they will reach but if BoB sees one who he feels might blend into his system, I believe he will grab him.
BigLouie's Avatar
He Is Risen! Tim Tebow signs with Eagles. Word is that he worked with a QB coach who completely reworked his mechanics.
BigLouie's Avatar
I don't see them taking a QB in any round this year. They took Tom Savage last year and if they take another in the first 4 rounds this year they might as well admit Tom Savage was a mistake. I think they will go with the 3 they have for at least one year.
boardman's Avatar
Agreed BL. Doubtful they take a QB. They have three that all fit the same mold which will add some consistency in practices, game plans and even play calling if the starter goes out. I don't think we'll be hearing about BoB having to dumb down the system for any of the three if the starter gets hurt this year. They should all have a grasp of the full offense by the time the season rolls around. Better yet, they don't have to worry about having a limited play package outside the regular offense like they did with Keenum.
Outside of having a star QB the next best option, IMO, is having capable, strong armed, plug and play guys that understand the system. I think the only thing up in the air is who will start.
Would have absolutely loved to seen the look on Mark Sanchez's face when it was announced the Iggles had just signed Tebow to a contract yesterday......out of the 32 franchises, how could he possibly land on the same team as him again? Chip works in mysterious ways, doesn't he?

Scattershooting: for almost a decade now, Cowboy fans have been slapped about the head with every joke in the known universe about Tony Romo and his shortcomings, etc, etc.....but (that said) ya gotta admit the carnival that's taking place in the City of Brotherly Love is pretty darned funny (if not perplexing). QB's go four deep now: Bradford, Sanchez, Barkley and now Tebow. Hell Fire....maybe Chip signs Ron Jawarski to a contract next week......

By chance does any one of those four interest Houston fans? Lol.....yeah, I didn't think so.....
TheDon's Avatar
I got the texans going 10-6...

Also have them starting off 2-3 though